Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Season's Greetings!

Wishing you all the best this holiday season!

Rubric for STEM Education Effectiveness

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, in connection with the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University, the Golden LEAF Foundation and others, have collaborated to create a rubric to determine the effectiveness of STEM education components in schools.  The rubric and components, including integrated project-based learning,  connection with in and out-of-school programs, use of integrated technology, community involvement, and post-secondary connections, among others, can be downloaded at https://www.ncstem.org/stem-strategy/attributes-rubric.html .

STEMConnector Site Posts California STEM Report Card

A new website designed to be a "one-stop shop" for STEM education was unveiled on 30 November.  "America's STEMconnector" http://www.stemconnector.org/ contains profiles of STEM-related organizations, information, resources, and connections.  Among the items posted is a 2011 state report card for California related to STEM education and careers:  http://www.stemconnector.org/sites/default/files/sbs/ASTRA%20STEMEd%20California%202011.pdf.  The figures show that California will have in excess of 1 million STEM-related jobs to fill by 2018, with higher than average earning potential for those obtaining the positions.  The ethnicity gap for those filling STEM positions appears to be narrowing, while the gender gap remains heavily in favor of males.  Approximately 61% of the jobs require some post-secondary training, however, the trend indicates 68% will require bachelor's degrees in the future.  As noted in previous posts, California students' math scores still fall below national averages, as do STEM degrees conferred, while AP course-taking statistics exceed the national average.

January NAPE Webinar Addresses Gender Stereotypes in Career Choices

NAPE will be sponsoring a discussion group webinar on the effects of gender stereotypes on emerging career choices.  Participants are to view a 48-minute YouTube video presented by Shelley Correll of Stanford University at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwviTwO8M8Q and then register to participate in a discussion group facilitated by Freda Walker during one of the following time slots: 
  • Discussion A: Monday, January 23, 2012, 11 AM PST
  • Discussion B: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 12PM PST
  • Discussion C: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 10AM PST
  • Discussion D: Thursday, January 26, 2012, 9 AM PST
Registration is limited to 15 participants at each time slot.  To register, visit http://www.stemequitypipeline.org/registration/WebinarRegistration.aspx 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cal Poly Pomona SHSE Students Visit Discovery Elementary

Approximately 50 Cal Poly Pomona engineering students visited Discovery Elementary School in Lancaster on 13 December 2011 to coordinate "SHSE Day" (Society of Hispanics in Science and Engineering) for the students.  Project-based learning was the order of the day, with grade-appropriate activities for each student, led by the engineering ambassadors; examples were using dry ice, reflecting laser pointers, and aluminum foil boat building.  Several students and CSU staff members also presented in several sessions for parents, including "College Making it Happen," informing them how to support their children in preparing for post-secondary education, and how SHSE junior chapters will work with 6th through 12th grade students.  NASA also presented several sessions.  TimeWarner covered the story, which can be seen at http://youtu.be/9hGg5Be3Kn4.
Alexis Harry of NASA presents to Discovery students.

Discovery students move from general assembly to activity areas.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Free Teacher Workshop 1/26/12: "Let's Get Physical: The Basics of Energy"

The High Desert Power Project and MEEC are hosting a free teacher workshop on 26 January 2012 from 3:45 to 6:30pm PST on "Let's Get Physical:  The Basics of Energy."  The workshop will focus on the physics of how energy is generated and stored.  "Participants will receive resource tools and activities to help students in grades K-12 learn about their relationship with energy and investigating the environmental issues related to energy’s role in society" as well as a private tour of the Power Project facility at the Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville and dinner.  Reserve your spot today! Deadline to Register: January 19, 2012 Call Christie Robinson, MEEC Program Specialist at: (760) 245-1661 x 6101 or email at: christier@mdaqmd.ca.gov

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Riverside COE and Discovery Science Center Offer Teacher Session on Engineering 1/9/12

The Discovery Science Center and Riverside County Office of  Education are offering free professional development sessions for elementary and middle school teachers, including the next one on 9 January 2012 on the topic of engineering (other science sessions monthly February through April).  The session will be from 4:00 to 6:00pm (light refreshments provided) at the Riverside COE Conference Center located at 3958 Twelfth St. in Riverside.  Online registration (enrollment is limited) is available at http://rcoe.k12oms.org/ .  For additional information, contact:  Yamileth Shimojyo, Coordinator, Riverside County Offi ce of Education, (951) 826-6304 or Paul Pooler, Director of Education, Off Site Programs, Discovery Science Center, (714) 263-3837.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Food Engineering Essay Contest Entries Due 3/1/12

The National Academy of Engineering and Lockheed Martin are sponsoring the 2012 Food Engineering Essay Contest for 3rd through 12th grade students.  Students will write an essay (of varying length and complexity based on grade level) regarding production of listed foods.  Prizes ranging from $100 for third place to $500 for first place in each category, plus honorable mentions which will also be published on the Engineer Girl! website, are available.  Essays are due by no later than 1 March 2012.  For further details about eligibility, requirements, and how to enter, visit http://www.engineergirl.org/CMS/Contest/food2012.aspx

CDE Calls for Math Teachers to Participate in 2013 Framework Revision; Applications Due 1/5/12

The California Department of Education has requested that math teachers participate in focus groups related to the 2013 math framework revision arising out of the Common Core State Standards.  Current educators may apply for "four focus groups across California. Each focus group will include between 10 and 15 invitees, who will be selected to ensure balanced representation of regions, types of schools, and grade-level experience." 

Focus group meetings are currently planned for afternoons at the following dates and locations:
  • February 23, 2012             San Bernardino County Office of Education
  • February 28, 2012             California Department of Education, Sacramento
  • March 1, 2012                   San Diego County Office of Education
  • March 6, 2012                   San Mateo County Office of Education
For more information regarding the on-line application process (applications are due by no later than 5 January 2012), visit http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ma/cf/focusgrpltrtoeducators.asp.

STEM Activities Highlighted at Joe Walker Super Science Saturday

PHS Health Careers Academy students and teachers ready their demo display at Joe Walker SSS

QHHS Pre-Engineering teacher and student speak with students at Joe Walker SSS event.
Among pre-engineering, robotics, rocketry, and other STEM-related activities from Highland, Lancaster and Quartz Hill High Schools, as well as Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Edwards AFB, NASA, Lockheed Martin, SWE, AIAA, and others, students and teachers from Palmdale High School's Health Careers Academy hosted a demonstration table for middle school students from the Westside and Lancaster School Districts at Super Science Saturday on 10 December 2011 at Joe Walker Middle School.


Los Angeles Math Scores Increase

While NAEP reading scores have remained largely flat for the last several years, students in urban settings in general, including those in Los Angeles, among others, have seen significant gains in their math scores over the last eight years, outpacing the national average (3 points versus 1 point).  Other encouraging news includes the fact that the gap between both reading and math scores for 4th and 8th graders is narrowing between students in large cities and the nation as a whole.  Six factors, including stable reform-minded leadership and rigorous curriculum expectations, were cited as key to the increases announced as part of the Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) report.  http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Education/2011/1207/Students-in-big-city-schools-show-gains-in-latest-NAEP-report-card

Friday, December 9, 2011

Lunar Eclipse Viewing at SAGE Planetarium Early Morning 12/10/11

The SAGE Planetarium at Avenue "R" and 20th Street East in Palmdale will be offering telescope positions to view the total lunar eclipse early on Saturday morning, 10 December 2011.  From 0330 to 0640, telescopes will be set up in the parking lot.  The moon will be visible in the northwest sky, with a partial eclipse beginning at 0445, total eclipse (moon will appear to turn a red-orange color) at 0606 (no telescope is needed with a clear field of view of the moon), great eclipse at 0631, and end of the eclipse at 0657.  For more information about lunar eclipses, visit http://shadowandsubstance.com/ or http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2011.html#LE2011Dec10T.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Experts Believe Arts Should Be Added to STEM

As recently reported in Education Week, a number of experts opine that instruction in the arts not only engages and motivates students, but also sparks creativity and innovation; as a result, they believe that the "A" for art should be added into the STEM acronym to make STEAM.  The National Science Foundation and Department of Education have offered grants and conferences related to an art-science-design curriculum framework similar to that seen at a number of universities in recent years, marrying fine arts/design or business with engineering coursework.  Rhode Island Congressman James Langevin recently introduced a House resolution to highlight the relationship between the arts and STEM.  The article notes that the idea is not new, as pointed up by a 2008 study showing Nobel Laureates' proclivity for involvement in the arts.  http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2011/12/01/13steam_ep.h31.html?qs=STEAM (registration required to read the full article)  Numerous examples of the intersection of art and science in school programs are given in the article.

In the Antelope Valley Union High School District, the marriage of art and STEM is shown through the existence of such programs as the Digital Design & Engineering Academy at Knight High School and the FAST (Falcon Academy of Sustainable Technologies) Academy at Palmdale High School, and multimedia programs at many school sites; the AVUHSD is also a participant in the AV Chambers' ArtSTEM Fair held twice per year at the Van Dam Pavilion at the AV Fairgrounds (next event scheduled for Sunday, 6 May).

Second AV STEMPosium Session Held at AVC

The second in a series of STEMPosium sessions was held at Antelope Valley College from 4:00 to 7:30pm on Friday, 2 December, as part of a grant received by the community college.  Approximately 50 instructors, administrators and staff attended the event, which focused on current and future local STEM initiatives, brainstorming on current and needed resources and professional development, and how to continue to improve STEM education for all students in the greater Antelope Valley.  Attendees will be encouraged to participate in future efforts.  Watch for upcoming announcements.

LEGO Education Advisory Panel Applications Due by 12/8/11

LEGO Education is seeking applications from educators who use/d LEGO products with their students to participate in an advisory panel.  The short on-line application is due by 8 December 2011.  http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22DWRZU7YNA

Friday, December 2, 2011

Siemens "We Can Change the World Challenge" Applications Open

Siemens Corporation sponsors the "We Can Change the World Challenge" for grades K-12, featuring project-based learning regarding environmental sustainability issues.  Challenges are available for the K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 grade bands.  Applications for the 2012 challenge are now available; prizes, including student scholarships and more, are awarded to the national winners.  Webinars and other resources are posted for competitors and their advisors.  For more information and to register, visit http://www.wecanchange.com/

"The Art of the Future" by Jim Brazell

In "The Art of the Future," well-know futurist Jim Brazell has undertaken a new "web-text-book-blog-thing," as he calls it (or an example of "eXtreme writing" on-line) regarding the future, innovation, STEM, the arts, and often touching on education reform for the 21st Century. 

As stated in his 7 November 2011 keynote address in Austin, Texas, his view of the current student incorporates career-technical education and high academic rigor.  Brazell feels that the "fundamental question for the 21st Century is how do we organize for and produce innovation and innovators?" and he sets out to provide thought-provoking clues related to digital convergence and "technopolis" public-private partnerships.  http://theartofthefuture.squarespace.com/  Upon closer reading, one can find many similarities to the environments/locales that he uses as examples, and that of the greater Antelope Valley region.

Barstow Community College Opens Training Center; Partners with Excelsior Charter School

Barstow Community College has opened a new technical training center on State Street offering classes in "automotive and heavy equipment diesel mechanics, all levels of welding, landscaping, electrical and solar technology. By January the college hopes to start teaching construction and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning classes."  The college is also offering daytime sections accessible solely by students at the Barstow Excelsior Charter School campus; students can obtain a career/vocational certificate at the same time as their high school diploma through participation in the programs.  http://www.desertdispatch.com/news/opens-12045-training-vocational.html

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"My Next Move" Provides Information on Professional, Scientific and Technical Careers

 My Next Move, a new federal website, provides information on a variety of career pathways, including those in the professional, scientific, and technical areas.  http://www.mynextmove.org/find/browse?c=54

New Links Posted

A number of new links have gone up recently in the "Helpful STEM Links" section.  If you haven't visited recently, you might want to scroll through to see the changes.

NSF Grants Awarded to Transform STEM Learning

The National Science Foundation recently awarded seven grants totaling approximately $5 million for the purpose of "transforming STEM learning."  The awards include approximately $500k to the American Association for the Advancement of Science to use "green" school buildings to transform middle school science and math curriculum, nearly $500k to the Education Development Center for its iPuzzle project, $500k to Loyola University of Chicago for a blended instructional model involving family and community in sustainable resource projects, $500k to the NY Hall of Science for the creation and testing of two innovative science games, $2m to the Research Triangle Institute to study the re-design of ten SC high schools to determine the effect of environment on learning, and $1m to TERC, Inc. for two projects including a digital gaming environment known as Arcadia and for an integrated science and art learning approach focusing on water use.  A second round of grants will be released in 2012.  http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2011/11/nsf_aims_to_transform_stem_lea.html?cmp=ENL-EU-NEWS2

Super Science Saturday at Joe Walker MS on 12/10/11

The next Super Science Saturday for the Antelope Valley's Westside and Lancaster School Districts will be held on Saturday, 10 December 2011, from 8:00am to noon at Joe Walker Middle School in Quartz Hill.  Exhibitors will be present and activities will take place, including straw bridge-building, egg drop, rocketry, robotics, green-eco, crimebusters, and more.  Student pre-registration will take place through the schools; contact your child's teacher in those districts for further information.

Congressman Honda Introduces STEM Education Innovation Legislation

Congressman Michael Honda (D-CA) introduced the STEM Education Innovation Act of 2011 recently, proposing a new Office of STEM Education in the US Department of Education, a State Consortium on STEM best practices, and establishing the Education Innovation Project to "promote the development of transformational technologies for the classroom by providing grant funding to outside entities."  Congressman Honda, who represents the 15th District in the Silicon Valley area, is a former science teacher, school principal, educational researcher, and school board member, among other posts.  http://honda.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1136&Itemid=110

Congressional Hearing on Transferring STEM Knowledge from Industry to the Classroom

The House Subcommittee on Research and Science Education held a session on 3 November on transferring STEM knowledge from the workplace to the classroom.  Under review was the issue of alternative licensure for teaching by STEM professionals, and the benefits the professionals bring in relevance and practical application of core principles.  Witnesses from both high-tech industry and teacher preparation institutions testified.  http://science.house.gov/hearing/research-and-science-education-subcommittee-hearing

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ACTE Convention in St. Louis A Hit!

The 2011 national convention for the Association of Career and Technical Education in St. Louis from 17-19 November was a great success.  Featuring keynotes by Sir Ken Robinson, Ray McNulty of the International Center for Leadership in Education, Brenda Dann-Messier of the US Dept. of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education, and Eric Chester, literally hundreds of sessions were offered on a variety of subjects and strands, including STEM, Common Core State Standards and the upcoming Common Career Technical Core, Green Technology, Career Academies, Agriculture, Business/Marketing, Administration/Leadership, Certifications, Student Organizations, and many, many more.  Materials from the sessions are in the process of being posted at http://www.acteonline.org/conventionsessions11.aspx and a Schooltube video channel is also available at http://www.schooltube.com/channel/dgoble/.  I've brought back many great ideas to pass along to colleagues, however, it has also reinforced my belief that the AV is already doing outstanding things for our students that need to be replicated.

Michelle Webb accepts 2011 Business Advocate of the Year  Award for Northrop from Mark Pelesh of the CTE Foundation
Our own Michelle Webb, Corporate Responsibility and Business Conduct Officer for Northrop Grumman's Palmdale facility, accepted the 2011 Business Advocate of the Year Award from CTE Foundation Board Chair Mark Pelesh of Corinthian Colleges on behalf of Northrop Grumman. Here's a picture of Michelle on-stage during the award presentation.

Prior to the ACTE Convention, LEGO Education and National Instruments sponsored a STEM Summit at the America's Center in St. Louis.  Delays at the airport (but nothing compared to Michelle's!!) meant that I was only able to attend one afternoon breakout session on incorporating 21st Century Skills into the classroom; a common theme is the use of technology to inspire and engage students to become creative, collaborative critical thinkers and problem solvers which will make them college and career ready.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Disney Planet Challenge Grant Applications Due by 12/1/11

Disney's Planet Challenge is reviewing applications for grants of up to $650 in materials for 3rd through 8th grade classroom projects that benefit the environment, such as class/school gardens.  For those who sign up for the Disney Planet Challenge, additional funding may be available.  Proposals are due by no later than 1 December 2011 for notification of funding in December.  To submit a request, use your teacher's "DonorsChoose.org" account and include information on the hands-on environmental project for materials up to $650.  For more information on the Disney Planet Challenge, visit http://dpcproject.com/RegTrack.aspx.

NASA "Improving Earthquake Monitoring" Class 12/5/11

A class on new web-based curriculum "Improving Earthquake Monitoring" will be held by NASA/Dryden Flight Research Center on 5 December 2011 from 4:00 to 6:00pm PST (1600-1800) at the AERO Institute in Palmdale.  While the material is targeted for 5th through 9th graders, it is adaptable to different grade levels.  Space is limited.  For more information and to register, e-mail your name, phone number, and school name to Cheryl Craft at cheryl.a.craft@nasa.gov.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

WEPAN Knowledge Center Orientation Webinar 11/18/11

WEPAN (Women in Engineering ProActive Network) will be hosting a free webinar tour of their Knowledge Center http://www.wepanknowledgecenter.org/home, including professional interest communities, research, resources, etc., on Friday, 18 November 2011, from noon to 1:00pm PST.  To register, visit https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/478969545 .

STEM Summit Hosted in St. Louis 11/16/11

LEGO Education and National Instruments are sponsoring a STEM Summit at the America's Center in St. Louis on 16 November 2011.  A keynote will be provided by NASA's Associate Administrator for Education, Leland Melvin, and panelists include educators and industry leaders.  Sessions will be held on Preparing Today's Student for Tomorrow's Career, Using Robotics as a STEM Instructional Tool, Getting Kids Excited About STEM, Working as a 21st Century Educator, and more.

Expect a report back on the Summit, as well as the ACTE Convention, sometime next week!

Tehachapi Super Science Saturday Held 11/12/11

A science and engineering exposition was held on Saturday, 12 November 2011, at Tehachapi High School.  Features included a morning LEGO League tournament for high desert robotics teams, with the afternoon dedicated to speakers, activities, and demonstrations.  There were give-aways from local industry and goodie bags provided to younger students.  Sessions scheduled were on unmanned aerial vehicles by Tim Bourgeois and Daniel Loehrer, bird-like flight and interplanetary space travel by Albion Bowers of NASA, rockets and rocket planes by Geoff Licciardello and Jeremy Voigt of XCOR, and fun with chemistry, among others.  (Courtesy of Cecilia Cordova, NASA Dryden, and Danielle Evansic, THS)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

LACTMA Hosting "Getting to the Core" Fall Conference in December

The LA City Teachers' Math Association is hosting its annual Regional Fall Conference for 2011 regarding the Common Core standards on 3 December 2011 in South Pasadena, and on 10 December 2011 in Northridge.  The sessions run from 8:30 am to noon, with different grade level breakouts; registration costs $8 for the first person, and $4 for the second, with additional attendees in a group free of charge.  For more information and to register, visit http://www.lactma-math.org/ .

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

AV Math Council "Meet and Greet" 11/16/11

The Antelope Valley Math Council will be holding a "meet and greet" mixer at Vince's Pizza and Pasta on Avenue L in Lancaster (near 30th St. West) on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 from 4-6pm (1600-1800).  All math teachers and others interested are welcome. . . first-come, first-served for free pizza until it is gone.

Also, find out more about the second annual AVMC Symposium which will be held on 12 April 2012, with the theme of the Common Core Standards of Mathematical Practice - more details to follow.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

US News STEM Summit in Dallas 6/27-6/29/12

The US News, in conjunction with co-sponsors AT&T, CSC, Ingersoll Rand, Intel, Lockheed Martin, and Monster, will hold a STEM Summit for policymakers and the public from 27-29 June 2012 in Dallas, TX.  The summit is billed as an opportunity to focus on the development of a STEM workforce by "exploring solutions and successes in science, technology, engineering and math education as the pathways to jobs."  http://usnewsstemsummit.com/

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

2011 NAEP Math Test Scores Revealed

The National Assessment of Educational Progress math scores for the US were released on 1 November 2011; nationwide, a modest gain of 1 point at both the 4th and 8th grade levels over 2009 scores were posted.  Proficiency rates at both grade levels were also higher for 2011 than in previous years.  Scores in 4th grade were 28 points higher than in 1990, and in 8th grade were 21 points higher than those in 1990.  California scores showed no significant change at either grade level since the 2009 test administration.  http://nationsreportcard.gov/math_2011/

Dean Kamen Says Fear of Failure Inhibits Innovation

Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway personal vehicle and founder of FIRST Robotics, opines in the STEM Education column of US News and World Report that the fear of failure and lack of innovation in America are inhibiting US advancement in the flattening world.  He exhorts teachers to have students work on big problems (which may or may not have existing answers), which will result in failure and loss, but also to encourage and re-energize the students to keep going afterwards.  Additionally, Kamen states that government regulations stifle creativity; rather than focusing on job creation per se, there must be a focus on innovation.  "I don't think Sergei [Brin] and Larry [Page] set out to create a job for themselves. I don't think Alexander Bell or the Wright Brothers were looking to create a job. They were looking to change the world."  http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/stem-education/2011/11/02/segway-inventor-fear-of-failure-kills-us-innovation

Free iPad App Assists Chemistry Students

The "Lewis Dots" free app for iPads allows students to build and manipulate chemical bonds, using the touch-screen to add atoms and match electrons, simplifying computations.  The app was developed by scientists at New York University-Polytechnic.  http://www.ny1.com/content/news_beats/education/149141/new-ipad-app-lets-brooklyn-students-learn-chemistry-with-greater-ease

National Teacher of the Year Advocates for STEM Diversity

The 2011 National Teacher of the Year, Michelle Shearer, a math/science teacher from Maryland, states in a recent interview that, "[c]hildren are born scientists.  All children. . . . And I really believe that because science is everywhere and chemistry is everywhere, that really it’s for every student."  On encouraging young women in STEM, Ms. Shearer states that she works to be a good role model, noting that if she can be a scientist, a mother, plus enjoy sports and music, other females feel they can do the same.  She is explicit with her students about the relevance of chemistry in daily life, and explains that "STEM is not just four subject areas. It’s a set of skills, habits of mind. It’s problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, communication—all these skills that are going to apply to any number of careers."  http://www.edweek.org/tsb/articles/2011/10/13/01shearer.h05.html?tkn=YMYF0WN4pXtUR2iqi%2FgeCdXiFi01LjSdB%2Ftt&cmp=clp-sb-ascd

New Female CEO of Big Blue

IBM has named Virginia Rometty as its new Chief Executive Officer; Ms. Rometty began her career at Big Blue in 1981 as a systems engineer, with a degree in computer science and electrical engineering from Northwestern University.  She is being elevated to the CEO position from her current role as Senior VP of Sales, Marketing and Strategy.  Ms. Rometty speaks about the role of women as part of a recent New York Times article regarding her rise and women in business.  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/28/business/for-incoming-ibm-chief-self-confidence-rewarded.html?_r=2&nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha25

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Article Posits "A Better Rationale for Science Literacy"

Bruce Wightman, a biology professor at Muhlenberg College, posts in The Chronicle Review that the best rationale for "science literacy" is not necessarily that it is required for vocational reasons, but rather that not only should all citizens be educated to decide issues of science-related policy, but also that the study of science is transcendent, and "frames the 21st century consciousness."  http://chronicle.com/article/A-Better-Rationale-for-Science/129541/?sid=cr&utm_source=cr&utm_medium=en

WEPAN Sponsoring Webinar on Stemming the Tide of Departing Women Engineers on 11/10/11

Dr. Nadya Fouad and Dr. Romila Singh will be presenting a webinar on what employers and educators can do to stem the tide of women engineers leaving the profession, based upon their March 2011 study results from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  The session, sponsored by Women in Engineering Pro-Active Network, will be held on 10 November 2011 from 1000 to 1100 PST.  To register, see https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/563764881.

NAPE Professional Development on "Access, Equity, and Diversity" 4/16-4/19/12

The National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity is soliciting proposals for the 2012 annual Professional Development Institute to be held 16-19 April 2012 in Arlington, Virginia.  The theme of the conference is "Access, Equity, and Diversity - We've Got an App for That!"  The deadline to submit a proposal related to workforce development, including underrepresented populations in STEM careers, is 16 December 2011.  For more information, see http://www.napequity.org/files/NAPE%202012%20PDI%20Request%20for%20Presenters.pdf.

To register for the conference, including a STEM Leadership Institute, visit http://beta.napequity.org/2012-professional-development-institute/.

Webinar on PLC's - Connecting Faculty Development to Student Outcomes - Offered 11/3/11

The STEM Equity Pipeline is sponsoring a free webinar on the impact of faculty professional learning communities on student outcomes on Thursday, 3 November 2011, at 0900 PDT.  Dr. Tara Eisenhauer Ebersole will present on the elements of a successful professional learning community and the steps to implement, as well as how to assess its results on student learning.  To register, visit https://www106.livemeeting.com/lrs/8001043798/Registration.aspx?pageName=kvh1zv00r67gq4jv.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

California Envirothon Teams Sought by 12/15/11

MEEC is a proud sponsor of the California Envirothon, an "environmental decathlon" of sorts for high school students, which will be held 25-27 April 2012 at the Wonder Valley Resort in Central California. "In an outdoor setting, students are challenged to work as a team while participating in hands-on training and testing focusing on environmental issues in the fields of aquatics, wildlife, soils, forestry, and a changing current issue.  The current (2012) competition topic is 'NonPoint Source Pollution/Low Impact Development.'"  Winners of the California competition will compete in the Canon National Envirothon in Pennsylvania.  http://www.envirothon.org/current-competition/231.html

MEEC will sponsor one team from the Antelope Valley area and one from the Victor Valley/Barstow/Morongo area.  Team sponsorship includes registration fees (including meals and lodging).  Applications/registration forms are due to MEEC by 12/15/11.  http://kerineal.com/caenvirothon.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/final2012.pdf

For more information, contact Christie Robinson at MEEC, (760) 245-1661 x 6101, or christier@mdaqmd.ca.gov .

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Team America Rocketry Challenge Applications Due by 11/30/11

The Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) is open to the first 1,000 teams of 3-10 students currently enrolled in grades 7-12 in US schools which submit a completed application and $105 registration fee by no later than 30 November 2011.  No more than 5 teams from any one school may be entered.   http://rocketcontest.org/pdf/application_2012.pdf  Competitors in TARC, sponsored by the Aerospace Industries Association, " design, build and fly a model rocket that reaches a specific altitude and duration determined by a set of rules developed each year. . . .The top 100 teams, based on local qualification flights, are invited to Washington, DC in May for the national finals. Prizes include $60,000 in cash and scholarships split between the top 10 finishers. NASA invites top teams to participate in their Student Launch Initiative, an advanced rocketry program. AIA member companies, such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, have sponsored additional prizes such as scholarship money and a trip to an international air show."   http://www.rocketcontest.org/tarc_background.cfm

DIME and WING Proposals Due by 11/1/11

Dropping In a Microgravity Environment (DIME) for high school students and What If No Gravity (WING) for students in grades 5-8 is accepting proposals from teams to design, construct and test a microgravity experiment; top-ranked proposals will be selected and their experiments will be sent to NASA Glenn Research Center, and checked for safety before being dropped from the 2.2 Second Drop Tower, with data being returned to the student team for analysis.  Proposals are due from teams by 1 November 2011.  For full information, see http://spaceflightsystems.grc.nasa.gov/DIME.html

NASA Undergraduate Reduced Gravity Experiment Proposals Due 10/26/11

NASA is accepting proposals from college undergraduate teams to "propose, design, fabricate, fly and evaluate a reduced gravity experiment of their choice."  The flight week is currently scheduled for June 2012.  Detailed information on types of proposals, applicant qualifications, and how and when to submit can be found at http://microgravityuniversity.jsc.nasa.gov/.  Proposals are due by no later than 26 October 2011, and selectees will be notified in December 2011.

Webinar on Mentoring Millennial Women Engineers to Success 10/25/11

Dr. David Porush of MentorNet will be presenting in a free webinar on 25 October 2011 at 10:00am PDT regarding how to mentor millennial students, particularly women and underrepresented minorities, to success in the engineering fields.  The webinar will be moderated by Diane Matt, Executive Director of WEPAN.  To register, visit https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/265774969 .

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Applications for Pallantir Scholarship for College Women and Minorities in Computer Science Due 12/31/11

Palantir Technologies is offering a scholarship to eligible college (undergraduate or graduate study) women and minority students in computer science or applied math or symbolic systems fields.  A one-time $10,000 grant is available for the 2012 academic year.  For more details on requirements and the application process, visit http://www.palantir.com/scholarship.

A Sightseer's Guide to Engineering

The National Society of Professional Engineers and National Engineers Week sponsors the website "A Sightseer's Guide to Engineering," which lists locations around the US where engineering feats or sights can be seen.  Locally, the Twenty Mule Team Museum in Boron, CA, is one of the featured sites.  http://www.engineeringsights.org/

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Hosts Conference in Anaheim 10/26-30/11

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers will hold its annual conference at the Anaheim Convention Center on 26-30 October 2011.  Sessions covering many levels, from pre-college, undergraduate, to graduate, and career and professional, will be held; it will also feature the STAR Awards acknowledging Hispanics in several categories and a Distinguished Lecture series.  http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/7/prweb8652050.htm  SHPE has junior chapters available for pre-college members.  http://www.shpefoundation.org/pre-college/shpejr/

Microsoft STEM Survey Reveals Parent and Student Opinions

Microsoft Corporation revealed results in early September of a survey of college STEM students and parents.  Among the key findings were that only half of those parents who believed that STEM should be a US priority felt that it actually was; more felt that the priority was important for global competitiveness than for higher wages or job fulfillment for their children; only 24% were extremely willing to spend extra money to ensure their children's success in math and science classes. 

Of college students pursuing STEM degrees, 20% made the decision in middle school or earlier, while 78% made it in high school; somewhat more females than males were led to the decision by a teacher.  Only 1/5 of students felt adequately prepared by high school courses, and the less-prepared students felt that more STEM offerings in high school would have been helpful.  Approximately two-thirds of the students chose STEM fields for job security or wages or intellectual challenge, rather than at parent urging.  While males generally chose the field because of enjoyment of STEM subjects, most females chose the pathway because they wanted to make a difference.  http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/press/2011/sep11/09-07MSSTEMSurveyPR.mspx

Background information with the survey results also outlines Microsoft's initiatives supporting STEM education.

Many New STEM Schools Target Students from Underrepresented Groups

According to a recent article in Education Week, many of the current crop of STEM schools are focusing more on students from underrepresented groups, including ethnic minorities and females, than their traditional counterparts which sought solely high-performing math and science students.  With no clear definition of "STEM school," some are intensifying studies of math and science, while others are providing interdisciplinary projects in STEM-related themes, such as the Grand Challenges of Engineering from the National Academy of Engineering.  http://www.engineeringchallenges.org/cms/8996/9221.aspx  [Grand Challenges Contest entries due between 20 Sept. 2011 and 30 March 2012 for the USA Scienc & Engineering Festival in April 2012.]  While there is no definitive data on the success of STEM schools as a whole in raising student test scores, early returns are promising.  http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2011/09/14/03stem_ep.h31.html?tkn=WOCCRf%2FVSK9%2FFpTBXVLPsvN8femsPBXNSN0l&cmp=clp-sb-ascd

Gamers Impacting STEM Education

In two recent articles, the impact of video games on education and science was highlighted.  MSNBC noted the contributions of online gamers using the Foldit game platform to reach a solution on the molecular structure of a complex "monkey-virus" retroviral protease which had been eluding scientists for more than a decade.  Through crowdsourcing, a solution was found in ten days.  http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/09/18/7802623-gamers-solve-molecular-puzzle-that-baffled-scientists

Michael Gallagher, CEO of the Entertainment Software Association, recently testified before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology regarding the impact of gaming as an effective teaching tool in STEM education through the engagement of students and enhancement of technology skills required in the current workforce.  http://www.theesa.com/newsroom/release_detail.asp?releaseID=153

Thursday, September 29, 2011

US Dept. of Labor Awards Grants to National STEM Consortium for Community College Certificates

On Monday, 9/26/11, the US Department of Labor awarded nearly $20 million in grant funding to 10 community colleges in Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, Tennessee, and Washington state, as part of a National STEM Consortium, to develop and implement one-year certificate programs in cybersecurity and other STEM fields.  The certificate programs are to be replicable at other community colleges nation-wide.  This is part of a $500 million grant package for training and workforce development along with the American Jobs Act.  http://www.hometownannapolis.com/news/sch/2011/09/28-11/AACC-to-lead-20M-tech-jobs-project.html

Teacher/Counselor Tour at Rio Tinto Mining 10/19/11

Antelope Valley teachers, counselors, administrators, and board members are invited to attend a tour of Rio Tinto Mining in Boron sponsored by the AVCPC/MSET and EKERN on Wednesday, 19 October 2011, to garner career preparation information for their industry; the three-hour tour will begin promptly at 9:00am from the Rio Tinto Visitor Center (approximately 45 minute drive from Lancaster).  Participants should wear pants and sturdy walking shoes (steel-toed, if possible).  Hard hats, eye protection, water, and lunch will be provided.

Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis, with a deadline of no later than 10 October 2011.  Please provide your first and last name and school affiliation to Bob Johnstone at either bjohnstone@cityoflancasterca.org or 661.723.6103.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Free Wind Energy Science & Engineering Workshop 10/13/11

The State Center Consortium is hosting a free Wind Energy Science & Engineering workshop for science and CTE teachers of 6th to 12th grade students in Clovis on Thursday, 13 October 2011.  Participants will learn the basic principles of wind energy and how to teach it in the classroom, plus receive free wind turbine kits.  Registration is open until 10 October 2011 at http://goo.gl/fNe4m.

New Policy to Promote Career-Life Balance for Scientists

On 26 September 2011, the White House Council on Women and Girls Executive Director Tina Tchen, joined by Office of Science and Technology Policy Director John P. Holdren and NSF Director Subra Suresh, announced the NSF ten-year "NSF Career-Life Balance" initiative to support research scientists and their families.  Included among the policy proposal for targeted flexibility is to allow grant funding to be delayed for up to a year for a new child or other family obligations.  First Lady Michelle Obama supports the initiative as a way to clear hurdles for women to enter and stay in STEM careers.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/helping-women-reach-their-economic-potential/2011/09/25/gIQA1dODxK_story.html

*CANCELED* - NASA/AERO Institute Offers Earth Science Workshop 10/3/11

DUE TO LOW RESPONSE - THIS WORKSHOP WAS CANCELED ON 9/29.  PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THE HYDROPONICS WORKSHOP ON 11/8.  The Educator Resource Center at the Palmdale NASA/AERO Institute is hosting a workshop on earth science for teachers of grades 2-8 on Monday, 3 October 2011, from 4:30 to 6:00pm.  Participants will receive a free earth science educator's kit, along with a variety of techniques to use in classrooms.  Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis; to register, go to http://www.aeroinstitute.org/ under the "enroll" tab.  For more information, contact Sara Cutts at sara.cutts@nasa.gov .

YELC Application Deadline 11/30/11

The Antelope Valley region Youth Environmental Leadership Conference (YELC), hosted by the Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC), for AV student teams in grades 3 through 12, will be held on Saturday, 21 January 2012 at Mariposa Elementary in Lancaster (Victor Valley region event on 4 February 2012), from 9:00am to 3:00pm.  The keynote presenter will be Joel Greene, host of the national television program, "Curiosity Quest."  Applications and additional information about the event are available at http://www.meeconline.com/students/yelc/.  Applications are due to Cindi Wray by no later than 30 November 2011.

Tech Trek Nominations Due 12/2/11

Science and math teachers of 7th grade young women in Antelope Valley public schools have the opportunity to nominate them to attend Tech Trek camps during the summer of 2012.  At camp, the girls attend STEM classes, go on field trips, meet professional female role models, and more, all on a college campus.  The American Association of University Women's AV Chapter selects students from nominees based upon the nomination, an application essay, and an interview.  Each school may nominate up to three students.  Nominations are due by 2 December 2011 to avtechtrek@gmail.com.  For more information, contact AV Tech Trek Coordinator Connie Harney at the above e-mail or at 661-943-4231 or 661-400-1787.

"Understanding Gender Equity in STEM Education" On-line Course Available Beginning 10/5/11

The New Hampshire e-Learning for Educators Project and the STEM Equity Pipeline are partnering to offer a graduate-level on-line course entitled "Understanding Gender Equity in STEM Education" beginning 5 October 2011 and continuing through 22 November 2011.  The course costs $130, with graduate credit available for an additional $520 fee.  To obtain further information and to register, go to http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=996020 (Course BP-16; other offerings are available).

Free Webinar on Retaining Underrepresented Genders/Ethnicities in Undergraduate Engineering Programs on 10/6/11

STEM Equity Pipeline is sponsoring a free webinar to publish the results of a PACE study on recruiting and retaining more female and minority undergraduate engineering students on Thursday, 6 October 2011, from 9:00 to 10:00am PST, with Dr. Elizabeth Litzler from the University of Washington.  "Join the webinar to learn about student experiences in engineering, understand how experiences could impact educational outcomes, and hear about some targeted interventions that can help retain underrepresented women. "  To register for the webinar, go to https://www106.livemeeting.com/lrs/8001043798/Registration.aspx?pageName=gbh1bw8wd25sqgwv 

STEM Service Learning Workshop on 10/11 or 10/25/11

The Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC), with generous sponsorship from Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, is hosting its first-ever, free STEM Service Learning Workshop for teachers in grades 3-12 from 4:30 to 7:30pm on 11 October 2011 (RSVP by 5 October) at Mariposa Elementary in Lancaster and 25 October 2011 (RSVP by 17 October) at the MDAQMD in Victorville.  Attendees will be provided with tips and tools to organizing service learning projects to engage and extend the learning of their students, as well as environmental education curriculum, the opportunity to obtain a grant for their project, and free dinner!  Participants will also be prepared to attend the Youth Environmental Leadership Conference in spring, with keynote Joel Greene of Curiosity Quest.  A refundable $10 deposit is required to attend, along with the application.  http://www.meeconline.com/science-technology-engineering-mathematics/.  For additional info, contact Cindi Wray at MEEC (760) 245-1661.

As an example of such a project, consider the 2011 California K-12 Schools Recycling Challenge running between 17 October and 12 November 2011, sponsored by "Keep California Beautiful."  For more information on this project, contact Christine Flowers at 916-368-9301.  Register at http://greencaschools.org/ .

Science Fair Expo Hosted by RCOE on 10/29/11

The Riverside County Office of Education will host a Science Fair Expo for Riverside and San Bernardino County teachers and students on Saturday, 29 October 2011, from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the RCOE Conference Center, 3958 Twelfth St., Riverside.  There will be several breakout sessions related to such topics as how to run a science fair, judging, good science projects, and preparing for the interview.  Consultations with scientists will be available during the entire session.  Parking space will be limited.  For more information, contact Yamileth Shimojyo, Coordinator, Riverside County Office of Education, (951) 826-6304 or Rick Hall, Coordinator, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, (909) 386-2611.

NASA Hydroponics Workshop to be Held 11/8/11

NASA/AERO Institute will be holding a teacher workshop on hydroponics - growing plants without soil - covering a variety of disciplines.  It will target grades 2-12, and will be held on 8 November 2011 from 4:30 to 6:00pm at the Educator Resource Center in Palmdale.  For more information, contact Sara Cutts at sara.cutts@nasa.gov or at 661-276-3992.

Vernier/NSTA Technology Award Applications Due 11/30/11

The Vernier/National Science Teacher Association Technology Awards will provide seven (7) K-college science teachers $3,000 for the innovative use of data-collection technology using a graphing calculator, computer, or other handheld device in the science classroom.  The award consists of $1,000 cash, $1,000 in Vernier products, and $1,000 towards expenses to attend the NSTA annual convention.  Applications are due by 30 November 2011, and can be found with further details at http://www.vernier.com/grants/nsta/

Applied Technology Center HS Opens in Montebello

Montebello Unified School District opened a new $30 million Applied Technology Center high school for the 2011-2012 academic year; it features five academies: engineering; construction trades; health and human services; law and government; and hospitality and tourism.  The principal of the new school is Trish Lockhart, formerly of Antelope Valley High School.  http://www.whittierdailynews.com/news/ci_18838197

For a follow-up article on the community partnerships in place at the site, visit http://www.whittierdailynews.com/news/ci_18974538

MEEC Desert Studies Workshop Scholarship Application Due 9/30/11

MEEC, through the generous sponsorship of Boeing, is holding its two-day Desert Studies Workshop in Joshua Tree National Park and Morongo Preserve on 22-23 October 2011.  Fifteen (15) teacher scholarships are available to cover meals, lodging, transportation, curriculum, and an autographed book by the presenter, David Lamfrom.  Applications are due by 30 September 2011.  For more details and to obtain the application, visit http://www.meeconline.com/announcementapplication-for-2011-joshua-tree-desert-studies-scholarship/

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Engaging Students in Engineering Classrooms Webinar Set for 9/14/11

ENGAGE Project, ASEE, and NSF are sponsoring a free webinar on Wednesday, 14 September 2011, from 11:00 to 12:00 noon PDT, entitled "Engaging Students Using Everyday Engineering Examples in the Classroom."  The session will be presented by Eann Peterson, Ph.D., among others.  Participants will receive a complimentary .pdf with examples.  To register, visit https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/581628881.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

NASDCTEc To Host GEF Webinar on Green Building Curriculum Project on 9/27/11

The Green Education Foundation will be holding a free webinar at 11:00 am PDT on 27 September 2011 regarding their new curriculum pilot projects for career-technical education, including a one-semester Green Building Course; the project targets 11th and 12th graders to learn about green building attributes and benefits, providing resources on how to improve the environmental efficiency of their own school buildings.  "Topics covered include: sustainable sites, energy sources and conservation, water efficiency and indoor environmental quality as related to building construction, operation and maintenance."  There will also be information provided on a new professional development resource for K-12 teachers on "Sustainability Education Concepts and Teaching Methods."  http://blog.careertech.org/

To access the webinar, go to  http://nasdcte.adobeconnect.com/r37lcw2zvl5/; no advance registration is required.

Friday, September 2, 2011

MEEC Student Essay Contest Submissions Due 9/29/11

The first MEEC student essay competition, sponsored by Southern California Gas, deals with the theme “Powered by Natural Gas: Power for our Future?”.  Students must, in 250 words or less, tell how they are currently using natural gas in their homes or businesses, and how it might be used in the future to reduce energy costs and pollution.  Winners will receive gift cards for first, second, or third place.  Kindergarten students may draw a picture with 2-3 sentences for their entry.  Submissions are due to MEEC by no later than 5:00pm on 29 September 2011

Each essay MUST contain the author’s grade, school, and phone number to be considered.  Submissions may be mailed or delivered to:   MEEC, 14306 Park Ave., Victorville, CA 92392.  Winners will be notified by phone & invited to attend the So. California Gas Company Essay Contest Presentation October 12, 2011 at the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District Office at 14306 Park Ave., Victorville.

For further information, please call Christie Robinson at: (760) 245-1661 ext 6101.   All submissions become the property of MEEC and Southern California Gas Company.

"Science Buddies" Webinar Tour Offered On 9/14/11

The "Science Buddies" website will offer a webinar on Wednesday, 14 September 2011, from 3:30 to 4:30pm PDT.  The session will provide a comprehensive guided tour of the resources and show how they and ideas can be used with your students.  "We will also introduce a new set of video and computer game design resources, developed with support from the AMD Foundation, for classroom instruction and student exploration at home."  All participants who complete a survey at the end of the session will be entered in a drawing to win one of three external hard drives.  For more details and to register, visit https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/227047702

"Science Budddies" is listed in this blog's "Helpful STEM Links" section.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

ITEST Webinar on Bioscience Careers 9/20/11

ITEST STEM Learning Exchange is offering a public webinar on 20 September 2011 from noon to 1:00pm Pacific time on bioscience careers designed to provide guidance counselors and educators information to promote STEM career awareness.  "The series features STEM professionals speaking about their fields of expertise, how they became interested in this career, and how their work contributes positively to society. The session will include recommendations for transferring these learnings to increase students’ engagement and motivation in STEM learning."   For additional information and to register, visit http://learningtimesevents.org/itest/

NSF Studying If Women STEM Professors at Community Colleges Happier

An NSF study is focusing on the hypothesis that women professors in STEM fields are happier than their counterparts at four-year institutions of higher education.  Initial findings revealed at the American Sociological Association's annual meeting in Las Vegas support the research question, citing parity in pay and despite heavier teaching loads.  http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2011/08/23/study_finds_high_satisfaction_by_women_in_science_at_community_colleges

Different Math for Different Careers

Sol Garfunkel and David Mumford wrote in a recent op-ed for the New York Times that there is no one set of mathematical skills which will prepare all students for 21st Century careers.  Rather, an applications-based, practical math curriculum would better serve the needs of all, while still providing valuable knowledge of abstract concepts and quantitative reasoning.  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/25/opinion/how-to-fix-our-math-education.html?_r=1

HR378 Seeks Stronger Science Content in NCLB

Congress Members Biggert and Holt have introduced the House Resolution on Science Accountability (HR378  http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.RES.378: ) seeking strong consideration of science achievement in the re-authorization of "No Child Left Behind."  The STEM Education Coalition is also asking for letters to members seeking support for the resolution.  http://www.congressweb.com/cweb2/index.cfm/siteid/stemedcoalition/action/TakeAction.Contact/lettergroupid/6

LEGO (r) Smart Creativity Contest Period Open Until 10/14/11

LEGO (r) Education is sponsoring a contest to showcase how you use LEGOs to foster creativity, innovation, and hands-on learning.  Entries must be 150 seconds or less,and on-line registration must occur by 14 October 2011.  The first 8,000 entrants will receive a free Smart Kit and challenge card. For more information, visit http://aux.legoeducation.us/Forms/LEGOSmartContest.aspx.

Environmental Education Mini-Grant Applications Due by 11/15/11

MEEC is now offering teachers in the High Desert area of Southern California environmental education classroom mini-grants of approximately $100 to $500.  "Interested teachers should submit a letter describing the proposed project and/or desired materials, the project/materials’ environmental component and how the project will address educational standards in one to two pages maximum.   Letter must also contain a timeline for project implementation and a budget or cost breakout based on the applicant’s research of actual material costs, including shipping and handling, if applicable.  Labor costs are not eligible for funding.  Projects must be implemented/materials must be used in classrooms located in the High Desert portion of San Bernardino County, the Antelope Valley or the Palo Verde Valley of Riverside County.  Applicants must also teach within these same jurisdictions.

"The application deadline is 15 November  2011.  Proposals may be mailed to MEEC/EE School Mini-Grants, 14306 Park Ave, Victorville, CA 92392 , e-mailed to vroberts@mdaqmd.ca.gov or faxed to (760) 241-6271.  For questions, contact MEEC Executive Board Chair Violette Roberts at (760) 245-1661 ext. 6104."

EnviroBus Bucks Grants Now Available Through MEEC

High Desert Teachers - do you have a field trip that you would like to implement for your students, but lack some funding to do so?  If it has an environmental education focus, you may be eligible to receive "EnviroBusBucks" from the Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC).  Transportation grants are available beginning 29 August 2011, and applications must be received by no later than 31 October 2011.  For more information, visit http://www.meeconline.com/teachers/busbuck/.

MEEC Plans Teacher Workshops on Clean Air and Running on Renewables

The Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC) is planning two teacher workshops - one on "Clean Air Classrooms," and the second on "Running on Renewables."  Each is limited to 25 teacher participants.  "Clean Air Classroom" will be offered 22 September 2011 from 4-7:00pm at the Antelope Valley AQMD on Division Street in Lancaster, and "Running on Renewables" will be held on 13 October 2011, also from 4-7:00pm at the AVAQMD.  Dinner will be provided.

A registration fee of $10 (refunded upon participation) must be paid in advance.  To Register for a workshop or more information, please contact Christie Robinson, MEEC Program & STEM SL Specialist at (760) 245-1661 x 6101 or by email at: christier@mdaqmd.ca.gov         Please mail your check to: MEEC, 14306 Park Ave, Victorville, CA 92392  (your check must be received prior to the workshop date to hold your registration)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

STEM Equity Pipeline Webinars Archived for Easy Access

The STEM Equity Pipeline, under the auspices of the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Education Foundation, has archived many webinars for public access, including a number regarding the five-step program improvement process series, Generating Expectations for Student Achievement (GESA), Effective Program Assessments, Cognitive Beliefs and Cultural Variables in STEM, How to Market your CTE STEM Program, and many others.  http://www.stemequitypipeline.org/ProfessionalDevelopment/ArchivedWebinars.aspx

NASA Endeavour Science Teaching Certificate and Fellowship Program Application Due by 10/15/11

The NASA Endeavour Teaching Certificate and Fellowship Program cohort 4, beginning January 2012, is accepting applications through 15 October 2011.  Up to 50 current and prospective K-12 formal educators of STEM subjects receive one-year fellowships to study on-line graduate courses "to apply research-based pedagogical strategies and cutting-edge STEM content to their classroom contexts while becoming a part of a special network of like-minded educators across the Nation."  School districts may also sponsor teachers to participate alongside the NASA Fellows.  The program is administered by U.S. Satellite Laboratory, Inc.

To obtain more information about the program, the courses offered, and application details, visit http://www.us-satellite.net/endeavor/index.cfm

SFTE Science and Technology Education Resource (STERO) Classroom Grant Applications Due by 9/30/11

The Antelope Valley chapter of the Society of Flight Test Engineers has announced the availability of $200 grants for classroom projects of AV K-8 educators.  Special consideration will be given to projects related to aviation or aerospace, although that is not a requirement.  Applications must be received by 30 September 2011, and selectees will be notified in late October.

For the STERO application and more information, please contact Carmen Prater at carmenpratersfte@gmail.com..

NITARP Teacher Applications Due by 9/23/11

"NITARP, the NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program, gets teachers involved in authentic astronomical research, by partnering small groups of educators with a mentor professional astronomer for an *original*
research project. The educators incorporate the experience into their classrooms and share their experience with other teachers. The program runs January through January. Applications are available *now* and due by 23 September 2011.

"The kinds of educators we are looking for are those [formal and informal educators of students grades 8-13] who already know the basics of astronomy, are interested in learning  exactly how astronomy research is conducted, and are willing to share  their experiences with colleagues and students in their environment. Three all-reasonable-expenses-paid trips are integral to the program!"

For more information and application details, visit http://nitarp.ipac.caltech.edu/.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lancaster Summer of Innovation Program Completed

Students at Lancaster School District SOI Week Participate in Model Rocket Launch
One hundred twelve middle school students participated in a week-long Summer of Innovation STEM camp held by the Lancaster School District.  The week culminated on Friday, 12 August 2011, with a series of model rocket launches by students, cheered on by parents and siblings. 

New SMAP Class Offered at AV and Quartz Hill High Schools

On August 8, 2011, the Antelope Valley Union High School District and Antelope Valley College started a pilot program called “Senior Mathematics Acceleration and Preparation” (SMAP) at Antelope Valley and Quartz Hill high schools. The goals of this program include helping students be prepared for college-level math and reducing the number of students who must take remedial math courses at AVC. Additionally, students will receive AVC credit through articulation for the highest math class completed during SMAP, and will be exempt from the AVC placement exam. Currently there are two sections at AVHS, taught by Scott Nevison, and two sections at QHHS, taught by Lorena Benavides. The pilot program is funded in part by the National Defense Education Program (NDEP) and the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), under an education partnership agreement between AFRL and AVUSHD.

(Thanks to Cindy Hendrix, AVUHSD Math & Science Curriculum Coordinator for this posting)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Office of Personnel Management "Pathways Program" to Replace Federal Career Intern Program

According to the Federal Times, the federal Office of Personnel Management has proposed rules and regulations for a new "Pathways Program," for student internships and hiring, which is designed to replace the now-defunct Federal Career Intern Program.  "Pathways consists of: an Internship Program for current high school, college, and certain home-schooled students; a Recent Graduates Program for people who have received a degree in the last two years, and the existing Presidential Management Fellows Program."  http://www.federaltimes.com/article/20110804/PERSONNEL02/108040306/

To review the entire set of proposed rules and regulations, visit http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-05/pdf/2011-19623.pdf.

Student Spaceflight Experiment Program to International Space Station - Proposals Due by 9/15/11

Students in grades 5 through 12 are able to participate in a unique opportunity to create an experiment which could be chosen to fly on the International Space Station.  This is a follow-up to competitions held with over 30,000 students participating allowing 27 experiments to fly aboard the late missions of the Space Shuttle.  Community proposals regarding participation are due by no later than 15 September 2011.  For more details and requirements, see : http://goo.gl/gVCCIContact ssep@ncesse.org or call at: 301-395-0770 for further information and with questions.

NASA "Mass vs. Weight" Workshop Offered on 9/13/11

NASA's AERO Institute in Palmdale is offering a workshop on "Mass vs. Weight" for formal and informal educators for grades 5 through 9 on 13 September 2011, from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. 

"Do your students struggle with understanding mass vs. weight? If so, this is the workshop for you! We often confuse the terms "mass" and "weight" and use them interchangeably even though they have very different meanings. While using video and hands-on activities your students will be able to understand those terms along with career exploration and the operation of the International Space Station (ISS)."

To register, contact Sara Cutts at at sara.cutts@nasa.gov or (661) 276-3992.

US-Russian Collaborative Science Effort Proposals Sought by 8/31/11

The State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is seeking proposals from public and private 501(c)(3) organizations using connective technology to increase scientific collaboration between US and Russian secondary schools.  The "US-Russia Virtual Science Challenge for Youth" should incorporate private and public partnerships and existing networks.  Proposals are due by 31 August 2011.  For more details, visit http://exchanges.state.gov/grants/open2.html .

Friday, August 5, 2011

Universities Promote Engineering "Soft Skills"

Universities such as U of Houston, Rice, and Missouri U of Science and Technology are all teaching classes in and coaching their engineering students in soft skills, such as meal etiquette, handshaking and other social skills, and presentation.  Program directors have noted a deficiency in these areas in their students, resulting in a more difficult time landing internships or jobs.  Students, according to the recent story in the Houston Chronicle Archives, tend to rely more on their grades and technical skills, which most employers already presume exist.  http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=2011_5067150