Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

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Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Friday, December 5, 2014

Call for SOFIA Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors - Applications Due by 12/22/14

Thanks to Sondra Geddes of NASA for this information:

SOFIA Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors Program

The SOFIA program is now accepting applications for the Cycle 3 Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors program, placing educators on SOFIA research flights during 2015. This call for applications will end December 22, 2014. Information regarding application procedures, eligibility, and selection criteria can be found SOFIA Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors .

The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) mission is responsible to NASA for conducting an Education and Public Outreach program that exploits the unique attributes of airborne astronomy to contribute to national goals for the reform of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, and to the elevation of public scientific and technical literacy.

SOFIA’s Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors (AAA) effort is a professional development program aspiring to improve teaching, inspire students, and inform the community. It builds upon the legacy of NASA’s highly successful FOSTER (Flight Opportunities for Science Teacher EnRicment) program that flew educators aboard the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) from 1990 – 1995.

SOFIA’s AAA program now enters its Cycle 2 phase: 12 AAA educator teams representing educators from 10 states were selected.

For the Cycle 1 phase of SOFIA’s AAA program, 13 AAA educator teams plus alternates were selected in a highly competitive application process. Selected educators came from a variety of backgrounds, and their institutions included a school for the deaf, an alternative education site (developmentally challenged), highly underserved student populations, rural schools, and a Native American school site.

The Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors “Pilot” program for educator professional development successfully flew six teachers on the observatory during the summer of 2011, representing California, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Virginia (Washington DC). Evaluation confirmed the program’s positive impact on the teacher participants, on their students, and in their communities. Teachers not only incorporated content knowledge and specific components of their experience into their curricula, they also have also given dozens of presentations and implemented teacher professional development workshops.  Their efforts to date have impacted thousands of students and teachers.

As part of preparation and training for their flight experience, AAA program participants complete a graduate-level Astronomy for Teachers on-line course administered by Montana State University and National Teacher Enhancement Network. Teams are paired with an astronomer with observatory time, and they work with this astronomer throughout the research, from preparation to data analysis. AAAs optimally fly aboard the observatory twice, will implement classroom lessons based on their experiences, and will complete an outreach plan.

Selection into this prestigious program is truly an honor for the educators and their school, planetarium, or observatory.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Loss of a STEM Pioneer

Antelope Valley STEM Education has lost a pioneer with the passing of Bob Johnstone on Saturday, 8 November 2014.  A retired engineer from Edwards AFB, Director of The Aerospace Office at the City of Lancaster, and Chairman of the AV Math Science Engineering and Technology  Consortium, among many other positions and accomplishments, Bob was one of the leaders of the "homegrown engineer" effort for his beloved Aerospace Valley, which helped bring Project Lead the Way pathways to many schools in the area, as well as facilitating degree completion programs with AVC and CSULB-AV.  One of his most recent efforts was to help coordinate the move to create and grow the AV East Kern STEM Learning Network.  Bob will be sincerely missed by his many colleagues and friends.  Services will be held Friday, 14 November 2014, at 10:00am PST, at the Joshua Memorial Park in Lancaster.  In lieu of flowers, the family has requested donations to DELTA Rescue, PO Box 9, Glendale, CA 91209.

Friday, November 7, 2014

CSLN STEM Summit Scheduled for 3/16-17/2015 in Los Angeles

The California STEM Learning Network will be hosting its fifth annual STEM Summit at the Westin Bonaventure in Los Angeles on 16-17 March 2015, with a theme of "Unleashing Curiosity Through STEM."  Featured speakers are scheduled to include California Assembly Member Susan Bonilla, Dr. Dennis Bartels of the Exploratorium, and Chris Roe, CEO of CSLN.  A variety of breakout sessions are planned.  Spaces are limited, and early registration is encouraged.  Visit CSLN STEM Summit for additional detail and to register.

Cubes in Space Competition Seeks Middle and High School Experiments; Register by 1/12/15

"Cubes in Space," a collaboration among NASA's Science Mission Directorate, the Colorado Space Grant Consortium, and idoodlelearning.com, is providing students around the world aged 11-14 years old to design, prepare and compete at no cost to have their experiments launched into space via a Terrier-Orion sounding rocket launched from Wallop Island, Virginia next June.  Registration for the sponsored teams is now open, with a deadline to register by 12 January 2015; materials regarding the competition are available for download.

A second opportunity is available for US students aged 11-18 years old to have their experiment launched from a high-altitude balloon at the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Fort Sumner, New Mexico in September 2015.

For further information and to register, visit Cubes in Space Competition .
(If you attended the STEMPosium and heard Christy Papadopolous from XCOR, this should inspire you to have your experiments "leave this rock"!)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Third Annual STEMPosium Event Features Mike Melvill and Nathalie Gossett

The Antelope Valley's third annual STEMPosium, held on 5 November 2014 at the Larry Chimbole Cultural Center in Palmdale, hosted over 200 local business, industry, government, and education stakeholders on hand to learn more about the state of STEM in the region.  Three panel discussions featured education partners from AVC's STEM Grant (Christos Valiotis, Project Director), Cal State University Long Beach's Antelope Valley Engineering Program (Dr. Ken Santarelli, Director), Antelope Valley Union High School District (Greg Nehen, Asst. Sup. of Ed. Services), AVC Palmdale Center (Sharon Dalmage, Director), and AVC SB1070/Career Pathways Trust Grant (Dr. Tom O'Neil, Project Director) who discussed progress in each segment, as well as Young Industry Professionals (Stefan and Eileen from BAE Systems, Christy from XCOR, and Justin from AFRL) regarding their experiences, and current industry leaders, Dianne Knippel (Edison), Al Bowers (NASA Armstrong), and Richard Caulkins (LA County Sanitation Districts) on how best to prepare students for the STEM workforce.

Nathalie Gosset, futurist and Senior Director of Marketing and Technology Innovation Evaluation from the Alfred E. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering at USC, provided a thought-provoking presentation on gender-specific education customization in STEM fields based upon brain research.

On the tenth anniversary of SpaceShip One, keynote speaker Mike Melvill, the first civilian astronaut and long-time test pilot, gave a retrospective of the development and preparation process in Mojave leading up the  historical spaceflights which won the Ansari X Prize.

Local middle schools including Hillview, Joe Walker, and TPAA had displays, as did the Society of Women Engineers and the Falcon Academy of Sustainable Technology  Solar Car Project.  Video presentations of AVC's STEM Club and Knight High School's Outback Challenge team, as well as "A Perfect Fuel for the Rewards of Risk" rounded out the day.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Knight HS "Spirit of Niles" Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Teams Return Home With Awards

Traveling from Palmdale, CA, 6 students from Knight High School participated in the UAV Challenge in Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia from 22-24 September 2014.  The first-ever non- Australian high school to compete in the event, three young women and three young men formed two teams in the Airborne Delivery Challenge.  After presenting their technical report, strategy, and goals on the first day, as well as undergoing static and flying scrutineering by local judges, the "Spirit of Niles II" team (young men flying a DJI Evo 800 hexcopter) was in 9th place, and the "Spirit of Niles I" team (young women flying a Phanton quadcopter) was in 12th place out of 16 teams [the teams are named in memory of Niles Nilo, a Lockheed Martin engineer mentor who originally suggested having an Antelope Valley team participate in the Northrop Grumman sponsored event].  Unfortunately, during its scrutineering flight, the Spirit of Niles II remotely-piloted aircraft suffered a hard landing and flipped, breaking 4 of its propeller blades (this, after its battery charger also burned out the night before).  Students and advisors from other teams immediately jumped in to help, providing a battery charger, and calling around Australia to try and find replacement parts (the closest being a 4-hour drive away back in Brisbane).  When time looked to be an issue, a teacher and a community member brought out their MakerBots, took measurements, and began to fabricate new propeller blades.

Mike Nicholls works on UAV prop blade with MakerBot

Unfortunately, with time being short, insufficient numbers of the blades could be completed in time, so the students converted the hexcopter into a quadcopter and underwent scrutineering again, receiving approval to compete.  Due to an additional issue with the remote, the Spirit of Niles II was unable to deliver the Mars bars to Outback Joe, finishing with a score of 44.7 points, enough for an 11th place finish.

Spirit of Niles II readies for second flight attempt
The Spirit of Niles I had successful runs in the Airborne Delivery Challenge, dropping 3 Mars bars to Outback Joe, one within 0-2 meters (hitting his hat), one within 2-4 meters, and one within 4-6 meters.  They finished in 3rd place, with a score of 87.7 points, behind MUROC (Mueller [College] Radio Operated Craft - with a nod to the Antelope Valley!) Hexfactor, and the winner, MUROC DareDivas - another all-female team.

Spirit of Niles I team members have 3 successful drops on the course
Spirit of Niles II decided then to participate in the Search and Rescue event, which requires the UAV team to identify and report 8 symbols in a directional pattern to the judges; results are based on accuracy and speed.  Their performance resulted in a 3rd place finish in that event.
L-R:  Will Curzi, Nathan, Jesus, Ethan, Gabby, Astrid, Natalie, Bridget Howitt

The open/college event took place after the completion of the high school competition.  US team "Robota," with members from Texas and Minnesota, came in 2nd place behind Canberra UAV.  Robota, and Team SFWA from Melbourne were the first two teams in the 7-year history of the event to successfully locate and drop their survival package to Outback Joe in the 2-nm course, then safely return to the Kingaroy Aerodrome.  This accomplishment qualifies them to share a $50,000 first prize.

For more coverage of the event, see Facebook UAV Challenge or UAV Challenge on Twitter .

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Discovery School Seeking Business Partners for "Robotic Golf Holes" Project

Discovery School in Lancaster, CA is seeking business partners to work with 7th grade students on the creation and sponsorship of "robotic golf holes" to become part of an 18-hole game to be played for the benefit of charity.  Partners would meet with students to discuss design of the mini-golf hole based on the business personality, and, if possible, contribute toward materials and "swag" to adorn the hole.  For more information, please contact Mechelle Reynolds at reynoldsm@lancsd.org .

Google RISE Award Applications Due 9/30/14

Programs with a focus in computer science are invited to submit proposals before 30th September 2014 for the Google RISE Awards. With grants ranging from $15,000 to $50,000 and an invitation to attend the RISE Global Summit, selected programs will be able to use the funding to expand their impact on student populations by widening access to and interest in computer science education. Programs aiming to improve education for girls, underrepresented students, and low-income students under age 18 (not already enrolled in university) are also eligible to apply. Award winners are expected to demonstrate growth, report back to Google on achievements, and share resources with neighboring communities. 

For more information, and to apply, visit Google RISE Awards Applications .

Monday, September 15, 2014

Conrad "Spirit of Innovation" Challenge Open for Registration Until 11/3/14

The 2015 Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge is open through 3 November 2014 for registration of student teams from kindergarten through university levels.  With a basic registration cost of $95, teams may choose one of four categories to compete in:  Aerospace & Aviation; Energy & Environment; Cyber Technology & Security; or Health & Nutrition.  There is an optional category (for an additional registration fee) of Giant Leap to Mars.  Once registered, students research problems facing that sector and begin to develop innovative solutions.  An on-line "Investor Pitch" round is conducted on-line, with written and video submissions due by 4 November 2014; winners will go on to the on-line semi-final "Draft Development Plan" round, with a business proposal, technical plan, and graphic representation due by 16 January 2015.  Teams judged to have the top Development Plan will be selected to go on to the Innovation Summit, where they will make in-person presentations, be honored as Pete Conrad Scholars, and compete for $500,000 in sponsored awards.  Final submissions are due in March of 2015, and the Summit will be held in April.

For further details and to register, visit the competition website at Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge .

LACOE STEM Unit Announcements of Upcoming Events

A big tip of the hat to Anthony Quan of the Los Angeles County Office of Education STEM Unit for a list of upcoming Science, Technology, Engineering and Math events, workshops, and resources.

Please visit the STEM Unit page at:  LACOE STEM Unit Announcements (this is one to bookmark, folks!  I will also put it in the Helpful Links section in the right column of this blog.)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Aerospace Valley Science Olympiad Event To Be Held 2/14/15

The fourth annual Aerospace Valley Science Olympiad will take place on Saturday, 14 February 2015, at Antelope Valley College.  This year, in addition to middle school teams (Division B) and high school teams (Division C), events will be held for elementary school teams from grades 4 through 6 (Division A) from throughout Los Angeles and Southeast Kern Counties.

Event supervisors are currently being sought.  If you would be interested in supervising an event (which may include creating a paper and pencil test or other hands-on activity to be judged, as well as supervising the event on 2/14/15), please visit AV Science Olympiad Event Supervisor Registration.

Registration is also open for team coaches and other upcoming events (including coaches' meeting on 10/8/14):  AV Science Olympiad Event Registration .

For a list of public events related to AV Science Olympiad, visit:  AV Science Olympiad List of Upcoming Events .


Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Applications Due by 11/20/14

Thanks again to Sondra Geddes:

Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program 2015-2016 Applications (Deadline Nov. 20)

The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program provides a unique opportunity for accomplished K-12 educators in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to serve in the national education arena. Fellows spend 11 months working in a Federal agency or U.S. Congressional office, bringing their extensive classroom knowledge and experience to STEM education program and/or education policy efforts. Program applications are due November 20, 2014, and must be submitted through an online application system.

For information about the Fellowship Program, visit: http://science.energy.gov/wdts/einstein/

Honeywell Educators Space Camp Scholarship Applications Accepted Until 10/20/14

Thanks to Sondra Geddes from NASA Armstrong/AERO Institute for this info:

Honeywell Hometown Solutions and the financial contributions of Honeywell employees have made possible the scholarships for educators attending Honeywell Educators @ Space Academy (HESA). Each scholarship covers the following: tuition for the 5-day program at U.S. Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama; round trip airfare; meals and double occupancy accommodations; program materials; flight suit.

HESA will have 2 program weeks: June 10-16, 2015 and June 17-23, 2015.

To be considered to receive a scholarship for the 2015 HESA program, educators must meet the following requirements:

  • Current and practicing educator that is teaching science or math to students ages 10-14 years old and will continue to teach these subjects areas through 2016
  • Certified teacher in a public or private school system
  • Is not a spouse/family member of a U.S. Space & Rocket Center employee
  • Has not previously attended HESA and/or a Space Camp educator program

All applicants must complete the online application and submit the verification of school employment form along with the application. The deadline for applications and verification forms is October 20, 2014.

All application materials must be submitted by October 20, 2014 to be considered for the 2015 scholarship. Acceptance notifications will be made by November 30, 2014.

Click here to Apply https://educators.honeywell.com/application

Please contact honeywell@spacecamp.com with any questions.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Knight High School Students to Participate in UAV Outback Challenge

Six students from Palmdale's Knight High School Digital Design & Engineering Academy have been selected to participate in the UAV Outback Challenge in Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia in late September of 2014.  The students, 3 male and 3 female, will comprise two teams of students whose unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) will be required to search a zone of at least 2 nautical miles x 2 nautical miles around an aerodrome without flying outside the area's borders.  Using GPS technology, they are to locate "Outback Joe," a mannequin, and report its location to judges.  If the location is accurate within certain specifications, the UAV is then tasked to drop a "rescue packet" to Joe and recover at the aerodrome.  UAV Outback Challenge - Search and Rescue .

KHS Students with Quadcopter

KHS Student Practices Flying Quadcopter

The students and chaperones are seeking donations to help offset the expenses of their trip to Australia (approximately $2,500 US per person).  If you would like to donate, please contact James Stockdale at Knight High School, jstockdale@avhsd.org .

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mars Day Activities Slated for 7/19/14 at Columbia Space Center in Downey

The Mars Society Los Angeles is hosting a "Mars Day 2014" commemoration at the Columbia Memorial Space Center in Downey on Saturday, 19 July 2014, from 10:30am to 4:30pm PDT.  There will be fun activities for all ages to commemorate the landing of the Viking 1 spacecraft on Mars in July 1976.  They include (subject to change): Choose a Landing Site; Design a Rover; Mars Colony; Mission to the Red Planet; Rover Challenge; Voyage to Mars (ages 12+ pre-registration required); and a keynote address by Dr. John Callas, Mars Rover program.  There is a fee of $5 to enter the Space Center (located at 12400 Columbia Way, Downey), but no additional charge to participate in activities.  For additional information and registration links, visit Mars Society LA - Mars Day 2014 .

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

AVC Offers Fast Track Developmental Math Advancement Sessions in July and August

Antelope Valley College will be offering two sessions of "Fast Track Developmental Math Advancement"  on Mondays through Thursdays from 28 July through 14 August 2014; the first session will be from 8:00am to noon, and the second from 1:00-5:00pm PDT in ME-100 at the Lancaster campus.  Students will to participate in the computer-based learning curriculum, complete in three weeks rather than a semester (or continue into fall, if needed), avoid having to crash full  sections of MATH 065, 070, or 102, and have access to tutors and other support personnel.  For more information and to access the link to register, visit Fast Track Developmental Math Advancement Sessions - Hot News, or contact Prof. Tooraj Gordi at tgordi@avc.edu

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

AV Tech Trek Camper Welcome Home Gathering

The AV Chapter of  the AAUW will welcome home local middle school young ladies who participated in the summer Tech Trek camp program at California universities.  On 23 August 2014, from 9:30-11:00am, at the Palmdale School District boardroom, each of the STEM campers will make a brief presentation about their experience, and the $1,000 AAUW high school scholarship winner will make a presentation to the group.  The event is open to the public.  For further information, contact Connie Harney at connie.harney@verizon.net .  For more information about AV AAUW and Tech Trek, visit Antelope Valley AAUW .  

Nominations for the 2015 year will be due in December.

Monday, June 30, 2014

California STEM Task Force Report Released

California's Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson, has released the long-awaited STEM Task Force Report.  The Blueprint for STEM outlines recommendations in seven general areas to expand and improve STEM in California: 
  • Public Awareness;
  • Resources;
  • Access;
  • Framework;
  • Professional Learning;
  • Assessment and Accountability; and
  • Availability of STEM Materials.
To view the SSPI's press release and a link to download the full report, visit:  CDE - STEM Task Force Report .

Local SkillsUSA Winners at National Competition

Congratulations to students from Palmdale High School's Falcon Academy of Sustainable Technologies which had three awards at the recent national SkillsUSA competition held in Kansas City:
  • Team 1H, comprised of Oscar Guzman, Ricardo Guzman, and Blanca Zepeda, received the bronze medal for the Career Pathways - Industrial and Engineering Technology competition;
  • Team C, comprised of Ny Gyra Lawson, Austin Nowlen, and Anurag Rai, received the silver medal for the Innovative Application and Video Game competition;
  • Christopher McDonald received the bronze medal for the Sustainability Solutions competition.
Approximately 20 students from AVUHSD schools competed in the national event this year.

Free Summer Math Program for Students and Parents

TenMarks is making a free summer math program available for students and parents to help prevent "summer slide".  The program is personalized and based on a standards-based assessment.  For more information, visit TenMarks Summer Math Program .

Sunday, June 29, 2014

"STEM 2.0: An Imperative for Our Future Workforce" Compendium Released

As a follow-up to its spring Town Hall meeting, the STEMConnector Innovation Task Force has recently released a compendium of articles from industry, non-profit, government and education experts regarding its STEM 2.0 initiative.  The new publication, available both in digital and print formats, outlines the career capability framework introduced at the Town Hall meeting; it also includes the four areas which will be the first to be supported, as well as the next steps needed to support the future STEM workforce.  For more information and a link to download the publication, visit STEMConnector Innovation Task Force Workforce Report .

Alcoa Foundation and Discovery Education Unveil "Manufacture Your Future" Website

According to STEMConnector [ STEMConnector Blog "Manufacture Your Future", the Alcoa Foundation and Discovery Education have partnered to unveil the "Manufacture Your Future" website to provide information and free resources for middle and high school students, teachers, counselors and others to explore current manufacturing careers.  The site includes lesson plans, virtual field trips, family discussion starters, and a career guide, among other items.  Visit the site at Manufacture Your Future .

Boeing Sponsors Five Military Dependent Students to Attend Tiger Woods STEM Camp

The Boeing High Desert Employees Community Fund has provided a generous donation to sponsor five middle school aged children of active-duty military families to attend the week-long Tiger Woods Learning Center in Anaheim.  During the camp, students will have the opportunity to study STEM subjects such as video game design, robotics, kitchen chemistry, zoology, velocity racers, as well as golf and a visit to Disneyland, where they will learn how STEM applies to park operations.  Boeing High Desert Employees Community Fund Sponsors Military Kids in STEM .

Students Pose Suggestions for Better STEM Education

"Mashable" reports [ Mashable: 5 Suggestions for Better STEM Education ] that, during a Twitter chat at the USA Science and Engineering Festival in DC, youth advisors made several suggestions about how to improve STEM education and keep students more interested:
  1. Allow students to solve real-world problems rather than perform rote memorization tasks in the classroom;
  2. Provide students with the opportunity to do science research early and often;
  3. Encourage peer-to-peer education and collaboration during STEM projects to "satisfy human curiosity;"
  4. Fear "not trying" rather than failure, as valuable lessons are often learned from the latter;
  5. Engage adult mentors to work with students on STEM projects.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Liberty Power and USHCC Hispanic Student Scholarship Application Due 7/15/14

Current Hispanic students in two- or four-year universities or colleges, with an interest in energy or the environment, are invited to apply for the Bright Horizon Scholarship sponsored by Liberty Power and the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.  The deadline to apply is 15 July 2014.  Four awards, totaling $20,000, are available (one each at $10,000, $5,000, $3,000, and $2,000), and recipients will be awarded in September.  For further details and to apply, visit Liberty Power Bright Horizon Scholarship .

UCI to Offer Online STEM Preparation Modules for High School and Incoming Freshmen

UC Irvine has announced the availability of "STEM UP" on-line modules for incoming freshmen and high school seniors to prepare them for the rigors of college level STEM coursework.  The modules, each of which is three weeks long and costs $125, will be available beginning 23 June.  Free assessments will assist students to determine their current levels, and modules will provide work in Quantitative Skills, Pre-Calculus, Pre-Chemistry, Pre-Physics, and Pre-Biology.  For further information, see UCI STEM-Up Modules .

Change the Equation Announces New Corporate Compact

Change the Equation (CTEq) has recently announced that 26 corporations nationwide have signed on to its "Commitment to Excellence in STEM" compact.  The corporations, by endorsing the initiative, agree to "collaboration with other corporations as well as programs and communities; high expectations for all students; data-driven advocacy for STEM; and the availability of high-quality STEM learning programs in communities across the country" in addition to financial support of STEM education.  For a complete list of the signatories and more on the initiative, see Commitment to Excellence in STEM .

White House Science Fair 5/27 to Celebrate Women and Girls in STEM

The annual White House Science Fair, slated for 27 May 2014, will showcase the efforts of girls and women excelling in the STEM fields "and inspiring the next generation with their work."  For updates and to watch live, visit White House Science Fair .

University Innovation Fellows Application Period Closes 6/30/14

Run by Epicenter, NSF, NCIIA, and Stanford University, the University Innovation Fellows are seeking applications from college and university engineering students to become fellows for the upcoming year.  The fellows will "dream, design, and deliver" innovations related to real-world problems in order to learn skills and dispositions to become leaders in the global economy of the future, while transforming the culture of their campuses. Students receive 6 weeks of intensive training as part of the process.

"In order to submit the application, each student needs to provide at least one faculty letter of support, find a faculty sponsor (does not need to be the same as the letter of support) and create a supplemental YouTube clip. It is the responsibility of the faculty sponsor to apply the students for the Leadership Circle; the faculty sponsor must supply a letter of support from the President of the university or any Vice President-level administrator. Once submitted, the applications will be reviewed with the possibility of moving forward into the interview round."

Applications for the spring term are due by 30 June 2014 (with a fall round due in October).  For further information about the program and the link to apply, visit University Innovation Fellows .

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Summer STEM in the AV

Following is a recap of some upcoming STEM events for students in the greater Antelope Valley region this summer.  Please contact the individual agency/organization for further information/eligibility requirements and registration information:

  • Tehachapi Intermediate Space Challenge, Tehachapi Airport, 21 May;
  • Mojave Intermediate Space Challenge, Mojave SpacePort, 23 May - contact Marie Walker at Fiberset, Mojave;
  • AVC Summer Bridge Program (math review for graduating high school seniors planning on enrolling at AVC in Fall 2014) begins 16 June (two sessions) - contact Sharon Dalmage at sdalmage@avc.edu ;
  • AVUHSD Summer Pre-Engineering Internships class (incoming AVUHSD seniors who have completed designated engineering/technology course - apply by 19 May or until filled), beginning 9 June, AERO Institute in Palmdale, register at Summer Pre-Engineering Internships Registration , contact James Stockdale at jstockdale@avhsd.org ;
  • Tehachapi Summer Gateway Academy, 16-20 June, contact Danielle Evansic at devansic@teh.k12.ca.us ;
  • AVUHSD Summer Gateway Academy (free week-long day camp for 32 incoming 7th-8th graders - register by 27 May or until filled) at SOAR Prep Academy in Quartz Hill, 23-27 June, register at SOAR Prep Summer Gateway Academy , contact Carrie Marchant at cdmarchant@avhsd.org ;
  • Lancaster School District Summer of Innovation "Power of Code", 21-25 July, contact Julie Vela at velaj@lancsd.org ;
  • AVUHSD Summer Gateway Academy (free week-long day camp for 32 incoming 7th-8th graders - register by 27 May or until filled) at Knight High School in East Palmdale, 21-25 July, register at Knight High School Summer Gateway Academy , contact Bill Lewis at blewis@avhsd.org ;
  • AVC STEM Science Academy (middle schoolers build and test model aircraft) at The Palmdale Aerospace Academy, 28 July-1 August, contact Sharon Dalmage at sdalmage@avc.edu

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Feminine Norms: Improving Outcomes in STEM - Blog and Webinar

Riki Wilchens will moderate a NAPE-sponsored blog and webinar on the subject "Feminine Norms: Improving Outcomes in STEM."  The blog will be open from 12-16 May 2014, and the webinar will be held on 20 May 2014 at 11:00am PDT.  The webinar will address gender norms and how they effect attrition in STEM fields through adolescence and adulthood.  To register, go to NAPE Feminine Norms Webinar .

Women Role Models in STEM Hangout 5/7/14

Million Women Mentors will be holding a Town Hall in Google Hangout on the subject of pledging to mentor young women in STEM on 7 May 2014 from 11:00am-12:30pm PDT.  For more information, go to Million Women Mentors Google Hangout .

#WeTheGeeks held a Google Hangout session on Women Role Models in STEM in March; it is now available for viewing on YouTube at Women Role Models in STEM Hangout

2014 Siemens Competitions in Math, Science & Technology Now Open for Registration

The Siemens Foundation, in partnership with Discovery Education, has opened registration for the 2014 Math, Science and Technology Competition for high school students. All submissions of original research projects are due by no later than 30 September 2014, and students may enter either individually or as a member of a team.  Regional winners selected will have their projects reviewed at universities around the nation, including Cal Tech in Pasadena, in November.  National finalists will present their projects in Washington, D.C.  in December.  Winners will receive scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $100,000.  For further information and to register, go to 2014 Siemens Competitions .

Monday, April 28, 2014

CCSS Math Workshop Offered in Palmdale 6/16-6/17, 6/24/14

Math: Implementing CCSS in the 6-12 Classroom
LACOE - Math: Implementing CCSS in the 6-12 Classroom Registration

June 16, 17 & 24, 2014, 8:00am-3:30pm | Palmdale Conference Center, 1156 East Avenue "S" | Registration Deadline is June 9, 2014 ($250 per person)

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics were designed to provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn in mathematics. It is considered robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need in preparation for college, career and citizenship in the 21st Century. Implementation of the Mathematics Standards requires a shift in classroom instruction and assessment practices.

 This three-day training is designed to provide participants with the following knowledge, skills, and resources:

  • An understanding of the Standards of Mathematical Content and Practice and implications for teaching and learning;
  • Requirements for student success with assessments aligned to the standards;
  • An understanding of the depth of knowledge required of students;
  • Lessons infused with the Standards of Mathematical Practice with a focus on modeling;
  • Effective instructional strategies to increase student proficiency with the standards;
  • An understanding of “Career and College Ready” and its implications for high school course pathways; and
  • Implications for English Learners and other special needs populations.

Friday, April 25, 2014

STEM 2.0 "Elevating Essential Career Capabilities" Town Hall Presentation Now Available on YouTube

STEMConnector's STEM 2.0 Town Hall presentation regarding the inauguration of "Elevating Essential Career Capabilities for Tomorrow's STEM Workfoce," which originally aired via Google Hangout on 8 April is now available via YouTube.  To view the presentation, go to STEMConnector STEM 2.0 TownHall .

Clean Air Month Poster Contest Entries Due 5/16/14

The MDAQMD is sponsoring a Clean Air Month poster design contest answering the question "how can you protect your health by preventing bad air days?"  Prizes, including up to $100 and a bike, are available in different age categories: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.  The original posters must be on 8.5 x 11" horizontal, white paper, using colored pencils, pens, markers, or crayons only, drawn free-hand, provide entrant's contact information, and will be judged based on creativity, originality, and adherence to the theme.

For more information, visit Clean Air Poster Contest 2014. 

NASA Educator Workshop on Pressure Suits On Tap for 5/14/14

NASA Armstrong is offering a free workshop on astronauts' pressure suits on Wednesday, 14 May 2014, from 4:00-5:30pm PST, to K-12 formal and informal educators at the AERO Institute, 38256 Sierra Highway, Palmdale.  The workshop, featuring NASA Life Support subject matter experts, will explain how the suits deal with pressure issues at high altitude, and will provide resources and explanations of how to implement real-world projects in classrooms, aligned with CCSS. and NGSS. 

Spaces in the workshop are limited.  To register, please contact Sondra Geddes at sondra.l.geddes@nasa.gov or call 661.276.2359 .

US STEM Still in the Shallow End of the Talent Pool

According to the US News and Raytheon STEM Index recently released, the numbers of students pursuing STEM disciplines has increased somewhat since the year 2000, however, the ratio of STEM degrees to total degrees granted in that time period remains fairly flat.  This results in too few students in the pipeline to meet current and future STEM workforce demands.

"The Index is made up of 93 sub-indices and thousands of data points divided into eight components: ACT math and science scores, Advance[d] Placement (AP) test scores in STEM subjects, college and graduate degrees granted, U.S. employment in STEM fields, Program for International Student Assessments (PISA) math and science scores, SAT math scores, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) math scores and interest in STEM at the high school level."  US News/Raytheon STEM Index

Joe Walker Middle School in VEX Robotics World Championships - Updated 4/28

Team 4073A, the VEX Jets, from Joe Walker Middle School in Quartz Hill are competing at the VEX Robotics World Championships in Anaheim this week.  Qualifying rounds began Thursday afternoon, 24 April 2014, and continue on Friday, with additional rounds and awards on Friday, and playoffs and championships plus final awards on Saturday.  For more information and to stream live TV feed of the event, visit VEX Robotics World Championships 2014 .

Congrats to JWMS, which won the "Create Award," and had several students volunteer as PLTW Ambassadors during the championships!

Cal Poly Pomona YES Program Hosts AV Students

Among approximately 400 middle and high school students, nearly 50 students from the Palmdale area attended the Youth Engineering Success (YES) event hosted by Cal Poly Pomona's chapter of Society of Women Engineers.  This annual event promotes engineering education and careers for young women by engaging activities and exposing them to information about the STEM field they might not otherwise receive.  Daily Bulletin Education - YES Program .  US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan praised the event, as recounted by the CDE in a recent tweet:  CTE That Works for California RT @ArneDuncan .

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

GLAMC Mini-Conference Set for 5/17/14

The Greater LA Math Council is hosting a mini-conference on Saturday, 17 May 2014, from 8:30am to 12:30pm at Porter Ranch Community School in Chatsworth.  The theme of the event is "Transitioning to the Common Core Together."  The cost for members is $20, and for non-members $35, which includes a one-year membership.  For further information and to register, visit GLAMC Mini-Conference

Air Force Times Article Discusses Engineer Recruitment and Retention Issues

In an article published in the Air Force Times this week, Air Force Chief Scientist Mica Endsley discusses the critical need to recruit and retain qualified engineers and scientists for the service, pointed up following a recent poll at Air Force Research Labs around the country.  There has been a loss of 30% of senior scientists over the last two years, and the largest percentage of current engineering and scientific personnel is over 35; at the same time it has become more difficult to recruit younger scientists and engineers.  Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James explained the efforts to protect science and technology budgets, but Endsley notes that sequester cuts, civilian worker furloughs, and a resulting dip in morale among staff have effected them.  Air Force Faces Shortage of Engineers .

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Congressional "App Challenge" Deadline for Submissions is 4/30/14

Congressman Bob Goodlatte and Congress Member Anna Eshoo are co-chairs of the 2014 Congressional App Challenge, which is modeled after the Congressional Art Challenge.  Designed to promote interest in STEM and coding, the competition allows high school students in districts where the member of Congress has opted in to submit an app that they create by no later than 30 April 2014.  For further information and to register for the competition, visit 2014 Congressional App Challenge .

STEMJobs Magazine Highlights STEM Career Options for Students

 A new print and digital publication, "STEMJobs," provides information to teachers and students about options available in the STEM fields.  Visit STEMJobs for more information and to sign up or follow the publication.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Basics of Telescopes and NASA Missions" Webinar 4/9/14

Thanks to Sondra Geddes of NASA for this announcment:

Audience: Grades 5-12 in-service, pre-service, informal and home school educators.
Join this webinar and learn about basic principles of telescope design and how NASA missions use the same design principles. Examine how NASA works within technological constraints, just as your students are expected to do with Next Generation Science Standards or Common Core State Standards activities.
This webinar is appropriate for grades 5-12 science teachers.  The focus will be on basic principles rather than a mathematical treatment of lenses and mirrors. Let’s have some fun and see how there really is a clear link between that $350 Dobsonian telescope you can buy and the incredible science going on at NASA. Wrap-up the webinar with a quick look at the “citizen science” movement and see how you and your students can be part of genuine astronomical research projects.

The free webinar (hosted by Dr. Richard Chapleau) will be held from 3:30pm-4:30pm PST.  To register, go to Basics of Telescopes and NASA Missions Webinar .

Dow "STEMtheGAP" Teacher Challenge Entries Due by 5/16/14

Dow is offering grants of $1,000 to winners of the "STEMtheGAP" Teacher Challenge.  Teachers are asked to submit up to 300 word answers each to two questions:
  1. What is the biggest gap in STEM education that you face as a teacher?
  2. If you could change one thing about STEM education, what would that be?  How would you apply it in your classroom?
Application entries are due on-line to Dow by no later than 16 May 2014.  Teacher answers will be reviewed by a panel of scientists and educators from The Center for Science Teaching and Learning in New York.  For further information and to enter, visit Dow "STEMtheGAP" Teacher Challenge .

Monday, April 7, 2014

Columbia Memorial Space Center "Spring Break Workshops" On Tap 4/17-4/19/14

The City of Downey and the Columbia Memorial Space Center are providing spring break workshops for students in 3rd through 8th grades at a cost of $22 per person ($18 for members).  Columbia Memorial Space Center .  Located at 12400 Columbia Way in Downey, the workshops will be:
  • Robotics, 17 April 2014, 10:00am-noon PST
  • Rocketry, 18 April 2014, 10:00am-noon PST
  • Space Science, 19 April 2014, 10:00am-noon PST
For further details, call (562) 231-1200, or e-mail info@downeyspacecenter.org .

AVC Hosting "Women in STEM" on 4/11/14

Antelope Valley College's STEM Club will be hosting "Women in STEM," featuring exciting presentations and panels, including keynote speaker Dr. Adrienne Brundage, a forensic entomologist and lecturer at Texas A&M University.  The event, which will be held from 6:00pm to 9:00pm on 11 April 2014 in the AVC Cafeteria (3041  W. Avenue K, Lancaster, CA), is open to all ages; refreshments will be available.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March STEM-Madness in the Antelope Valley

March 2014 saw many different STEM-centric happenings in the Antelope Valley.  Among them were 3rd Annual Aerospace Valley Science Olympiad, the 2nd Annual STEM Conference for Girls, and the Lockheed-sponsored STEM Display at the LA County Air Show.  Here are a few pictures from the events, and a link to video from the Air Show, compliments of the Highland High School Video Production class taught by Pavel Vogler:

Families wait for student Science Olympians on 3/8 at AVC
Students compete at Science Olympiad
Science Olympians compete at AVC
Parents hear from industry panel at STEM Conference for Girls 3/15

AV middle and high schoolers at STEM Conference for Girls 3/15 at PCC

AVHS GE Academy at STEM Exhibit 3/21

HHS PLTW Pathway at STEM Exhibit

PHS FAST Academy Solar Car Testbed at STEM Exhibit

KHS DD&E Academy at STEM Exhibit
QHHS PLTW Pathway at STEM Exhibit

                    Blue Angels Air Show Music Video - Highland HS

Free NAPE Non-Trad Webinar on 4/15/14 "Engage Parents to Support Nontraditional Careers--An Open Forum for Sharing Local Outreach Strategies "

NAPE's STEM Equity Pipeline is offering a free webinar on 15 April 2014 at 10:00am PDT on the theme of "Engage Parents to Support Nontraditional Careers - An Open Forum for Sharing Local Outreach Strategies."  The session will be moderated by Jeanette Thomas from the Iowa Department of Education in a discussion format.

" The webinar will be hosted by a facilitator and will be conducted in a discussion format versus a presenter/presentation format. This is an opportunity for you to showcase successful parent-education partnerships in promoting nontraditional careers.

"Five programs will be selected to start the conversation. Then the discussion will be open to all participants on the webinar. Each of the five programs selected will be given a total of 3 minutes to share its ideas and program information, as well as one key strategy that makes the program a success. 

"If you would like to be considered as one of the five programs to start the conversation, then please submit a one-page summary and contact information by April 9, 2014, to Nancy Tuvesson at ntuvesson@napequity.org."

To register for the webinar, visit NAPE Non-Trad 4/15 Webinar

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Range and Natural Resources Youth Camp Scholarship Applications Due 4/18/14

MEEC is offering scholarships to students aged 15-18 in its Antelope Valley/High Desert service areas to attend the Range and Natural Resources Youth Camp at Elkus Youth Camp at Half Moon Bay, California from 15-20 June 2014.  The applications are due directly to MEEC by no later than 18 April 2014 (applications submitted directly to the Range Camp are not eligible for consideration).

"Range Camp fosters an appreciation for several fields of applied science and management through interaction with university faculty and experienced professionals in classroom and field activities.  Students will address the importance of such topics as plant identification, livestock production, wildlife management, forestry, fire ecology, geology, soils, water resources, rangeland ecosystems, technologies used in natural resource science and management.  At the end of the week, students will be evaluated on their understanding of the materials, with the top two campers being awarded an all-expense-paid trip to represent California and the Pacific Islands at SRM’s High School Youth Forum (HSYF) held in conjunction with its national science meeting in Sacramento, CA, January 30- February 6, 2014. The third highest camper will be invited to attend as well, but will need to find other means of paying for the trip. (Delegates must still be in high school through Feb 2015.)"

The scholarships include tuition and airfare of up to $350.  For further details on eligibility, scholarship requirements, and to download the application materials, visit MEEC Range Camp Scholarships .

Physics and Modeling Summer Institute Hosted by Whittier Union High School District

Whittier Union High School District will be hosting a summer institute for pre-service or in-service physics teachers, "Modeling Physics," taught by Mark Hughes and Ben Balarie. The institute will be held at Pioneer High School from 9 June through 27 June 2014, 8:00am to 3:00pm each weekday.  The $1,000 registration fee includes curriculum materials, and lunch each day.  "This 3-week summer workshop uses scientifically researched & based instructional techniques to address physics content and pedagogy for 1st semester high school physics: mechanics.  Modeling instruction provides training to improve classroom practices and student academic achievement through effective instructional strategies, methods, and skills."

For reservations and further information, contact Cindy Frith at (562) 698-8121 ext. 1190, or via e-mail at cindy.frith@wuhsd.org  .

Carnegie Learning Math Webinar Series

Carnegie Learning is hosting a series of free webinars related to math and the Common Core:
  • What's the Value of Math Discourse and How Do I Create It?  3 April 2014, noon PST
  • Data-Driven Instruction:  What Gets Measured, Gets Done.  17 April 2014, noon PST
  • "More Than Meets the Eye:"  Seeing Structure in Graphical Transformations Across the Curriculum.  24 April 2014, noon PST
For more information and to register, go to Carnegie Learning Math Webinar Series