Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Antelope Valley E-Week School Visits a Big Hit!

Lockheed volunteers demonstrate robotics maze.
Northrop volunteers present to students

Thanks to our local industry partners Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman for their generosity in sending out engineers to local schools as part of CTE Month/Engineering Week commemorations.  Lockheed Martin sent out 65 company volunteers who visited 17 schools and saw 3,642 students.  Northrop Grumman sent out 18 engineers to 8 school sites who saw 1,354 students.

2013 Summer of Innovation Proposals Due by 3/15/13

NASA/Dryden is once again offering funding for qualifying Summer of Innovation projects for 2013.  The proposals, to assist in projects to engage middle school youth (grades 4-9) in STEM,  are due by no later than 15 March 2013 (extended from 28 February).  "SOI implementers provide intensive learning experiences that strategically infuse NASA content, resources (e.g. educational materials, experts, facilities) and products into successful learning programs."  Professional development may also be available for teachers who deliver the content. 

The proposal and submission documents are available at:  http://aeroi.org/node/14 .  For additional information, please contact Russ Billings, NASA/AERO, at russell.l.billings@nasa.gov .

Local Robotics Teams Compete

Greater Antelope Valley robotics teams are in competition mode, with the following upcoming matches:

  • FIRST Tech Challenge - March 2, in Monrovia, CA:  Lancaster HS GarageBots #72; Team PHI #452; Tehachapi Rick Rollers #4344; Quartz Hill HS Rebelutionary #5751; and Paraclete HS (Update 3/4 - #72 Garagebots from Lancaster and #5751 and #6354 from Quartz Hill were Alliance Finalists in Monrovia! Congrats, also, to #452 Team PHI who received the Compass and Connect Awards, and #5230 Million Minds from Victor Valley who received 3rd place in the Judge's Award! )
"Robotis" at the Monrovia FTC event

  • FIRST Robotics Challenge:
    • Lancaster High School FRC #399:  March 8-9,  San Diego, March 21-23, Sacramento, UC Davis, and Inland Empire, CSU San Bernardino March 28-30;
    • Antelope Valley High FRC #2339:  March-8-9, San Diego, and April 4-6, Las Vegas;
  • Another update 3/14:  Lancaster and AVHS made it to the semi-finals at the San Diego competition last weekend.
    • Tehachapi High #585:  March 28-30, Inland Empire, CSU San Bernardino, and April 4-6, Las Vegas, NV
    • Poppy Festival demonstrations - April 20-21, Lancaster City Park;
    • World Championships, St. Louis, MO, April 24-27, Teams TBD
Other competitions in the greater LA/OC/Ventura area include:  FIRST Robotics Challenge on March 21 at Long Beach Arena, http://firstlaregional.com/ ;  FIRST LEGO League Expo on April 13 at Eagle Rock Plaza, http://fll.larobotics.org/JrFLLExpo2013Apr.html, FIRST LEGO League Senior Solutions Challenge on April 13 at OC Fairgrounds, and FIRST LEGO League Expo on April 20 at Las Colinas Gym, Camarillo.

Make sure to root for your favorite team!

Google Science Fair Submissions Due by 4/30/13

Students aged 13-18 are eligible to participate in the 2013 Google Science Fair; after registering with their Google account, they will create and submit projects by no later than 30 April 2013.  Entries will be judged and narrowed down to 90 regional finalists for further review; the top 15 finalists will present their projects to a distinguished expert panel in Mountain View, CA.  There are posters and lesson plans available for educators to help their students become involved.  For more information about the competition, visit https://www.googlesciencefair.com/#!/en/2013/competition

Commercial Space Degree to be Offered

Embry-Riddle University has announced a new commercial space degree which will be offered at its Daytona Beach, FL campus beginning next year.  The degree program will include courses such as orbital mechanics and propulsion, plus a focus on policy, regulatory, safety, and training issues.  It is expected to serve a small community of approximately 15 students the first year, with planned expansion.  Other Florida colleges offer similar engineering and technician programs.  http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20130207/SPACE/302070030/Embry-Riddle-has-high-hopes-commercial-space-degree-program?nclick_check=1

"Reading, Writing and 'Rithmetic" a Winning Formula for STEM Success

Teachers at High Technology High School in Lincroft, NJ, ranked the #1 STEM school in the nation according to US News and World Reports, attribute their student success, including a 100% proficiency rate in math and English, a 100% graduation rate, and 30% of their students in Ivy League colleges, among other indicators, to reading "early, late, and often," as well as daily writing in a variety of genres, being well and deeply prepared for all types of assessments through interaction with rigorous and relevant curriculum, peer collaboration, and inquiry - including questioning their teachers.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2013/02/20/five-habits-of-great-students-lessons-from-top-ranked-stem-school/

Social Media in STEM Education

There is a growing use of social media throughout STEM education.  In a recent "SmartBlog on Education" posting, two resources "Beyond Facebook" and Twitter were explored:  TERC and IGERT.  TERC is primarily for K-12 audiences, and includes links to resources and conferences, while IGERT is geared for post-secondary and graduate level audiences.  http://smartblogs.com/education/2013/02/18/beyond-facebook-leveraging-social-networks-in-stem-education-and-research/  Both resources are now listed in the "Helpful Links" section of this blog.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Environmental Education "Quests" Available from the Smithsonian

On-line "Quests" related to environmental education concepts and other materials integrated from Smithsonian-sponsored conferences are now available for use from the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies.  The quests, which are suitable for all age groups according to the designers, include "a digital badge program designed to foster project-based learning and inspire students to explore their own ideas and interests" and work is submitted for review by Smithsonian experts.  Teachers can also earn digital badges for their work.  http://thejournal.com/articles/2013/02/14/smithsonian-launches-quests-program-to-encourage-discovery-and-collaboration.aspx?admgarea=News1  For more information and to register, visit http://smithsonianquests.org/

Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Drawn to STEM Fields

Scientific American recently cited a study from the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders that students with autism spectrum disorders may be more drawn to STEM studies and careers.  The reason for the propensity may be better systematization and math skills.  The study, which follows information from Simon Baron-Cohen at the University of Cambridge in the UK, suggests that students with autism be exposed to STEM studies, and that they and their families make early connections with universities so that they become more familiar, and thus more likely to pursue post-secondary education.  Students with autism are currently under-represented in colleges.  http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/budding-scientist/2013/02/01/students-with-autism-gravitate-toward-stem-majors/

Study Finds Increased Student High School Interest in STEM

In the Education Week "Curriculum Matters" blog, a report released by My College Options and STEMConnector finds that high school students report a 21% higher interest in STEM careers than in earlier years, althought female interest is still low and declining.  The top major is reported to be mechanical engineering, followed by biology.   http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2013/01/stem_interest_on_rise_among_hi.html 

On a related note, in a townhall meeting held to discuss the results of the report, it was revealed that what interest there is in STEM subjects may wane during high school unless the lessons are tied to workforce needs.  http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/stem-education/2013/01/31/report-many-high-schoolers-giving-up-on-stem

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Intermediate Space Challenge Scheduled for Mojave on 13 May 2013

The annual Intermediate Space Challenge rocket launch competition for greater Antelope Valley area elementary and middle schools is scheduled for 13 May 2013, beginning at 10:00a.m.,  at the Mojave Air & Space Port.  If weather issues intervene, the event back-up date is 17 May 2013.  For more information on this nationally-recognized event, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vctlE3WkgA.  Contact Marie Walker at Fiberset, Mojave, CA mawalker@fiberset.com .  Spots are limited, first-come, first-served.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

STEM Conference for Girls Scheduled for 3/9/13

The AVUHSD, AVC, and Upper Hand to College are co-sponsoring a "STEM Conference for Girls" on Saturday, 9 March 2013, from 8:30am to 3:00pm at the Center for CTE, 1156 East Avenue "S," Palmdale.  The day will feature a panel discussion of STEM industry professional women, as well as hands-on workshops designed for middle school and high school young ladies.  Space is limited to 60 middle school girls and 60 high school girls, first-come, first-served.  There will also be sessions for their parents who attend.  For additional information and to register, visit STEM Conference for Girls Registration Information .

Monday, February 4, 2013

Fun Science Facts from British Columbia

Science World, a feature of the Telus World of Science museum in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, is promoting science through a city-wide campaign.  Fun and quirky science facts are posted on billboards and kiosks with the moniker "We Can Explain."  For a peek at some of the (sometimes "gross") factoids, visit  http://www.scienceworld.ca/we-can-explain ; the ads are available at http://www.scienceworld.ca/ads.

Friday, February 1, 2013

"Engineering Education in a Global Context" Theme of ASEE Pacific Southwest Section April Conference

The American Society for Engineering Education Pacific Southwest Section Conference will be held at the Bourns College of Engineering at UC Riverside on 18-20 April 2013; the theme will be "Engineering Education in a Global Context."  The conference is designed to "present and share innovative tools and best practices in addressing the challenges of Engineering Education in a changing world, with particular emphasis in expanding pathways to meet future needs and demands globally. "  It is open to educators at all levels and industry partners; there will be sessions to showcase student work.  For more information, visit http://www.smccd.net/accounts/enriquez/asee-psw/ .

MEEC Desert Studies Photography Workshop Moved to 3/23-3/24/13

Through the generosity of Boeing, scholarships will be available for 18 teachers to attend the Joshua Tree Desert Studies workshop on 23-24 March 2013. Teachers will need to bring their own camera for the sessions in Joshua Tree National Park and Big Morongo Preserve; they will be housed at the Historic Joshua Tree Retreat Center. Applications for the scholarship, which includes registration, curriculum materials, a $50 transportation stipend, and an autographed copy of David Lamfrom's "Tortoise Through the Lens Book," are due to Christie Robinson at MEEC by no later than 5:00pm on Wednesday, 6 March 2013. For more information and to obtain the application materials,  contact Christie at christier@mdaqmd.ca.gov or at (760) 245-1661 x 6101.