Millionaire Mind Kids in Victorville is accepting applications for all of its summer camps (nominal fees charged based on income level). To receive your application, please email: , Subject: Summer Camp. This year’s themes are: STEM Aviation, Robotics, and Money Management. Applications for all camps are due by 10 June 2013.
MMK Aerospace Career Training (Aviation) (high School, ages 14—18): This 10-day camp will accept 25 students The Millionaire Mind Kids’ ACT Academy is a 10 -day field-trip and project-based camp for students who have a general interest in exploring the many different careers in the field of aviation. Students will research and visit local SCLA Businesses. MMK is currently pursing relationships for flight opportunities for students. This camp will be held June 17 through June 27.
MMK Robotics & STEAM Camps (ages 9—13) and (ages 14-18) these five-day camps will accept 50 students. Students will explore the many applications of robotic technology using science, technology, engineering, arts, and math applications. At the end of this camp 20 students will be given an opportunity to join robotic clubs that will compete in 2012-2013 US First Tech Competitions. Other STEAM Activities will be offered to students who may not choose to participate in Robotics. This camp will be held July 8-12 and July 15—19.
MMK Financial Literacy Camp (ages 12—18) this five day camp will accept 50 students. This self-empowerment program will allow students to explore money management and credit responsibility concepts. Student will use life skills to set and track goals. This camp is scheduled for July 22—July 26. The dates will be determined by the number of enrollees.
Contact Information: Delores Williams, President & CEO Millionaire Mind Kids (MMK)
760 240-4044
MMK Aerospace Career Training (Aviation) (high School, ages 14—18): This 10-day camp will accept 25 students The Millionaire Mind Kids’ ACT Academy is a 10 -day field-trip and project-based camp for students who have a general interest in exploring the many different careers in the field of aviation. Students will research and visit local SCLA Businesses. MMK is currently pursing relationships for flight opportunities for students. This camp will be held June 17 through June 27.
MMK Robotics & STEAM Camps (ages 9—13) and (ages 14-18) these five-day camps will accept 50 students. Students will explore the many applications of robotic technology using science, technology, engineering, arts, and math applications. At the end of this camp 20 students will be given an opportunity to join robotic clubs that will compete in 2012-2013 US First Tech Competitions. Other STEAM Activities will be offered to students who may not choose to participate in Robotics. This camp will be held July 8-12 and July 15—19.
MMK Financial Literacy Camp (ages 12—18) this five day camp will accept 50 students. This self-empowerment program will allow students to explore money management and credit responsibility concepts. Student will use life skills to set and track goals. This camp is scheduled for July 22—July 26. The dates will be determined by the number of enrollees.
Contact Information: Delores Williams, President & CEO Millionaire Mind Kids (MMK)
760 240-4044
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