Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

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Friday, June 21, 2013

STEMbite Videos Using Google Glass Now Available on YouTube

Andrew Vanden Heuvel, a Michigan on-line science teacher, won the opportunity to pioneer GoogleGlass technology in education.  After visiting the Large Hadron Collider in Cern, Switzerland to teach a physics lesson, he has been using the technology to create "STEMbites" video clips on science and math in everyday life from a first-person perspective.  For more information on the experience, as well as a link to the STEMbites YouTube channel, visit Andrew's Edutopia blog at http://www.edutopia.org/blog/stembite-teaching-with-google-glass-andrew-vanden-heuvel .

Ivanpah Solar Power Plant Featured in Time Magazine

The Ivanpah solar power plant funded by BrightSource, NRG, and Google in the Mojave Desert near the California/Nevada  Stateline is the subject of a short feature in Time Magazine's "Science & Space" column entitled "The Power - and Beauty - of Solar Energy." The plant, which is expected to be online by the end of 2013, is heralded not only for the technology it uses, but also the esthetics of its mirror arrays.   http://science.time.com/2013/06/13/the-power-and-beauty-of-solar-energy/ .

"Hidden" STEM Jobs Revealed in Infographic

In a recent FASTCompany article, a Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program study showed that 20% of the nation's jobs require advanced STEM knowledge and skills, a higher percentage than the 4-5% estimated by the National Science Foundation.  The article includes an infographic showing the wide range of STEM careers available, many of which do not require a baccalaureate or other advanced degree, but do need at least some post-secondary training and possibly certification and which enjoy higher compensation than those without a STEM focus.  The jobs also help bolster the metro economies where they are located.  This is What STEM Jobs Look Like .

Teen Develops Algorithm to Diagnose Leukemia

Mashable reports that Brittany Wenger, an 18-year old recent graduate of the Out-of-Door Academy in Sarasota, FL, developed a custom, cloud-based artificial neural network "to find patterns in genetic expression profiles to diagnose patients with an aggressive form of cancer called mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL). "  Wenger's winning computer science entry was recognized in Phoenix in May at the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair; her efforts follow her previous work in non-invasive breast cancer diagnosis at Cloud4Cancer .  Brittany began her journey with science and coding after taking a futuristic-thinking course in 7th grade, fueled by her innate curiosity.  She intends to continue her studies and research as a pediatric oncologist.  http://mashable.com/2013/05/21/computer-leukemia-diagnosis/

Math Resources for Summer Planning

Hat-tip to the Common Core Educational Technology blog for their post on 6 "must-see" math resources - a compilation of their recent posts related to math and Common Core:  http://www.ccedtech.com/2013/06/math-6-not-50-of-our-most-popular-posts.html .

US Dept. of Ed Official Speaks On STEM at Moreno Valley Schools

Greg Darnieder, senior advisor to US Education Secretary Arne Duncan on the College Access Initiative, spoke at Valley View High and Mountain View Middle School in Moreno Valley in early June.  After meeting with Riverside County Office of Education officials, Darnieder encouraged the students to prepare for and enter STEM fields by obtaining post-secondary certificates, licenses, or degrees.  The visit came after the schools dramatically increased their graduation rate.  http://www.pe.com/local-news/riverside-county/moreno-valley/moreno-valley-headlines-index/20130605-education-federal-official-pushes-science-math-fields.ece

21st Century STEM Competitive Jobs Act Introduced in House

Ten members of the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congressman Bill Foster of Illinois, and joined by Congresswoman Gloria Negrete McLeod of California, introduced the 21st Century STEM Competitive Jobs Act in late May.  “The 21st Century STEM Competitive Jobs Act will incentivize school districts to provide students with the skills they need to be successful in the workplace,” said Foster.  “Despite high unemployment levels, many employers tell me they can’t fill jobs because they can’t find workers with the training and education they need. This legislation would help bridge that gap.” House Press Release May 23, 2013 .

The legislation looks to provide competitive grants to local education agencies which link with local or regional employers to develop curricula and program metrics, as well as providing internships or apprenticeships and dual enrollment (articulation) opportunities. 

To view the full legislation, visit http://foster.house.gov/sites/foster.house.gov/files/2013-05-22%20STEM%20jobs%20act.pdf .

Friday, June 7, 2013

Millionaire Mind Kids STEM Camps in Victorville - Applications Due 6/10/13

Millionaire Mind Kids in Victorville is accepting applications for all of its summer camps (nominal fees charged based on income level). To receive your application, please email: millionairemindkids@verizon.net , Subject: Summer Camp. This year’s themes are: STEM Aviation, Robotics, and Money Management. Applications for all camps are due by 10 June 2013.

MMK Aerospace Career Training (Aviation) (high School, ages 14—18): This 10-day camp will accept 25 students The Millionaire Mind Kids’ ACT Academy is a 10 -day field-trip and project-based camp for students who have a general interest in exploring the many different careers in the field of aviation. Students will research and visit local SCLA Businesses. MMK is currently pursing relationships for flight opportunities for students. This camp will be held June 17 through June 27.

MMK Robotics & STEAM Camps (ages 9—13) and (ages 14-18) these five-day camps will accept 50 students. Students will explore the many applications of robotic technology using science, technology, engineering, arts, and math applications. At the end of this camp 20 students will be given an opportunity to join robotic clubs that will compete in 2012-2013 US First Tech Competitions. Other STEAM Activities will be offered to students who may not choose to participate in Robotics. This camp will be held July 8-12 and July 15—19.

MMK Financial Literacy Camp (ages 12—18) this five day camp will accept 50 students. This self-empowerment program will allow students to explore money management and credit responsibility concepts. Student will use life skills to set and track goals. This camp is scheduled for July 22—July 26. The dates will be determined by the number of enrollees.

Contact Information: Delores Williams, President & CEO Millionaire Mind Kids (MMK)
760 240-4044