Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Season's Greetings!

Wishing you all the best this holiday season!

Rubric for STEM Education Effectiveness

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, in connection with the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University, the Golden LEAF Foundation and others, have collaborated to create a rubric to determine the effectiveness of STEM education components in schools.  The rubric and components, including integrated project-based learning,  connection with in and out-of-school programs, use of integrated technology, community involvement, and post-secondary connections, among others, can be downloaded at https://www.ncstem.org/stem-strategy/attributes-rubric.html .

STEMConnector Site Posts California STEM Report Card

A new website designed to be a "one-stop shop" for STEM education was unveiled on 30 November.  "America's STEMconnector" http://www.stemconnector.org/ contains profiles of STEM-related organizations, information, resources, and connections.  Among the items posted is a 2011 state report card for California related to STEM education and careers:  http://www.stemconnector.org/sites/default/files/sbs/ASTRA%20STEMEd%20California%202011.pdf.  The figures show that California will have in excess of 1 million STEM-related jobs to fill by 2018, with higher than average earning potential for those obtaining the positions.  The ethnicity gap for those filling STEM positions appears to be narrowing, while the gender gap remains heavily in favor of males.  Approximately 61% of the jobs require some post-secondary training, however, the trend indicates 68% will require bachelor's degrees in the future.  As noted in previous posts, California students' math scores still fall below national averages, as do STEM degrees conferred, while AP course-taking statistics exceed the national average.

January NAPE Webinar Addresses Gender Stereotypes in Career Choices

NAPE will be sponsoring a discussion group webinar on the effects of gender stereotypes on emerging career choices.  Participants are to view a 48-minute YouTube video presented by Shelley Correll of Stanford University at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwviTwO8M8Q and then register to participate in a discussion group facilitated by Freda Walker during one of the following time slots: 
  • Discussion A: Monday, January 23, 2012, 11 AM PST
  • Discussion B: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 12PM PST
  • Discussion C: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 10AM PST
  • Discussion D: Thursday, January 26, 2012, 9 AM PST
Registration is limited to 15 participants at each time slot.  To register, visit http://www.stemequitypipeline.org/registration/WebinarRegistration.aspx 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cal Poly Pomona SHSE Students Visit Discovery Elementary

Approximately 50 Cal Poly Pomona engineering students visited Discovery Elementary School in Lancaster on 13 December 2011 to coordinate "SHSE Day" (Society of Hispanics in Science and Engineering) for the students.  Project-based learning was the order of the day, with grade-appropriate activities for each student, led by the engineering ambassadors; examples were using dry ice, reflecting laser pointers, and aluminum foil boat building.  Several students and CSU staff members also presented in several sessions for parents, including "College Making it Happen," informing them how to support their children in preparing for post-secondary education, and how SHSE junior chapters will work with 6th through 12th grade students.  NASA also presented several sessions.  TimeWarner covered the story, which can be seen at http://youtu.be/9hGg5Be3Kn4.
Alexis Harry of NASA presents to Discovery students.

Discovery students move from general assembly to activity areas.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Free Teacher Workshop 1/26/12: "Let's Get Physical: The Basics of Energy"

The High Desert Power Project and MEEC are hosting a free teacher workshop on 26 January 2012 from 3:45 to 6:30pm PST on "Let's Get Physical:  The Basics of Energy."  The workshop will focus on the physics of how energy is generated and stored.  "Participants will receive resource tools and activities to help students in grades K-12 learn about their relationship with energy and investigating the environmental issues related to energy’s role in society" as well as a private tour of the Power Project facility at the Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville and dinner.  Reserve your spot today! Deadline to Register: January 19, 2012 Call Christie Robinson, MEEC Program Specialist at: (760) 245-1661 x 6101 or email at: christier@mdaqmd.ca.gov

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Riverside COE and Discovery Science Center Offer Teacher Session on Engineering 1/9/12

The Discovery Science Center and Riverside County Office of  Education are offering free professional development sessions for elementary and middle school teachers, including the next one on 9 January 2012 on the topic of engineering (other science sessions monthly February through April).  The session will be from 4:00 to 6:00pm (light refreshments provided) at the Riverside COE Conference Center located at 3958 Twelfth St. in Riverside.  Online registration (enrollment is limited) is available at http://rcoe.k12oms.org/ .  For additional information, contact:  Yamileth Shimojyo, Coordinator, Riverside County Offi ce of Education, (951) 826-6304 or Paul Pooler, Director of Education, Off Site Programs, Discovery Science Center, (714) 263-3837.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Food Engineering Essay Contest Entries Due 3/1/12

The National Academy of Engineering and Lockheed Martin are sponsoring the 2012 Food Engineering Essay Contest for 3rd through 12th grade students.  Students will write an essay (of varying length and complexity based on grade level) regarding production of listed foods.  Prizes ranging from $100 for third place to $500 for first place in each category, plus honorable mentions which will also be published on the Engineer Girl! website, are available.  Essays are due by no later than 1 March 2012.  For further details about eligibility, requirements, and how to enter, visit http://www.engineergirl.org/CMS/Contest/food2012.aspx

CDE Calls for Math Teachers to Participate in 2013 Framework Revision; Applications Due 1/5/12

The California Department of Education has requested that math teachers participate in focus groups related to the 2013 math framework revision arising out of the Common Core State Standards.  Current educators may apply for "four focus groups across California. Each focus group will include between 10 and 15 invitees, who will be selected to ensure balanced representation of regions, types of schools, and grade-level experience." 

Focus group meetings are currently planned for afternoons at the following dates and locations:
  • February 23, 2012             San Bernardino County Office of Education
  • February 28, 2012             California Department of Education, Sacramento
  • March 1, 2012                   San Diego County Office of Education
  • March 6, 2012                   San Mateo County Office of Education
For more information regarding the on-line application process (applications are due by no later than 5 January 2012), visit http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ma/cf/focusgrpltrtoeducators.asp.

STEM Activities Highlighted at Joe Walker Super Science Saturday

PHS Health Careers Academy students and teachers ready their demo display at Joe Walker SSS

QHHS Pre-Engineering teacher and student speak with students at Joe Walker SSS event.
Among pre-engineering, robotics, rocketry, and other STEM-related activities from Highland, Lancaster and Quartz Hill High Schools, as well as Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Edwards AFB, NASA, Lockheed Martin, SWE, AIAA, and others, students and teachers from Palmdale High School's Health Careers Academy hosted a demonstration table for middle school students from the Westside and Lancaster School Districts at Super Science Saturday on 10 December 2011 at Joe Walker Middle School.


Los Angeles Math Scores Increase

While NAEP reading scores have remained largely flat for the last several years, students in urban settings in general, including those in Los Angeles, among others, have seen significant gains in their math scores over the last eight years, outpacing the national average (3 points versus 1 point).  Other encouraging news includes the fact that the gap between both reading and math scores for 4th and 8th graders is narrowing between students in large cities and the nation as a whole.  Six factors, including stable reform-minded leadership and rigorous curriculum expectations, were cited as key to the increases announced as part of the Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) report.  http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Education/2011/1207/Students-in-big-city-schools-show-gains-in-latest-NAEP-report-card

Friday, December 9, 2011

Lunar Eclipse Viewing at SAGE Planetarium Early Morning 12/10/11

The SAGE Planetarium at Avenue "R" and 20th Street East in Palmdale will be offering telescope positions to view the total lunar eclipse early on Saturday morning, 10 December 2011.  From 0330 to 0640, telescopes will be set up in the parking lot.  The moon will be visible in the northwest sky, with a partial eclipse beginning at 0445, total eclipse (moon will appear to turn a red-orange color) at 0606 (no telescope is needed with a clear field of view of the moon), great eclipse at 0631, and end of the eclipse at 0657.  For more information about lunar eclipses, visit http://shadowandsubstance.com/ or http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2011.html#LE2011Dec10T.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Experts Believe Arts Should Be Added to STEM

As recently reported in Education Week, a number of experts opine that instruction in the arts not only engages and motivates students, but also sparks creativity and innovation; as a result, they believe that the "A" for art should be added into the STEM acronym to make STEAM.  The National Science Foundation and Department of Education have offered grants and conferences related to an art-science-design curriculum framework similar to that seen at a number of universities in recent years, marrying fine arts/design or business with engineering coursework.  Rhode Island Congressman James Langevin recently introduced a House resolution to highlight the relationship between the arts and STEM.  The article notes that the idea is not new, as pointed up by a 2008 study showing Nobel Laureates' proclivity for involvement in the arts.  http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2011/12/01/13steam_ep.h31.html?qs=STEAM (registration required to read the full article)  Numerous examples of the intersection of art and science in school programs are given in the article.

In the Antelope Valley Union High School District, the marriage of art and STEM is shown through the existence of such programs as the Digital Design & Engineering Academy at Knight High School and the FAST (Falcon Academy of Sustainable Technologies) Academy at Palmdale High School, and multimedia programs at many school sites; the AVUHSD is also a participant in the AV Chambers' ArtSTEM Fair held twice per year at the Van Dam Pavilion at the AV Fairgrounds (next event scheduled for Sunday, 6 May).

Second AV STEMPosium Session Held at AVC

The second in a series of STEMPosium sessions was held at Antelope Valley College from 4:00 to 7:30pm on Friday, 2 December, as part of a grant received by the community college.  Approximately 50 instructors, administrators and staff attended the event, which focused on current and future local STEM initiatives, brainstorming on current and needed resources and professional development, and how to continue to improve STEM education for all students in the greater Antelope Valley.  Attendees will be encouraged to participate in future efforts.  Watch for upcoming announcements.

LEGO Education Advisory Panel Applications Due by 12/8/11

LEGO Education is seeking applications from educators who use/d LEGO products with their students to participate in an advisory panel.  The short on-line application is due by 8 December 2011.  http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22DWRZU7YNA

Friday, December 2, 2011

Siemens "We Can Change the World Challenge" Applications Open

Siemens Corporation sponsors the "We Can Change the World Challenge" for grades K-12, featuring project-based learning regarding environmental sustainability issues.  Challenges are available for the K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 grade bands.  Applications for the 2012 challenge are now available; prizes, including student scholarships and more, are awarded to the national winners.  Webinars and other resources are posted for competitors and their advisors.  For more information and to register, visit http://www.wecanchange.com/

"The Art of the Future" by Jim Brazell

In "The Art of the Future," well-know futurist Jim Brazell has undertaken a new "web-text-book-blog-thing," as he calls it (or an example of "eXtreme writing" on-line) regarding the future, innovation, STEM, the arts, and often touching on education reform for the 21st Century. 

As stated in his 7 November 2011 keynote address in Austin, Texas, his view of the current student incorporates career-technical education and high academic rigor.  Brazell feels that the "fundamental question for the 21st Century is how do we organize for and produce innovation and innovators?" and he sets out to provide thought-provoking clues related to digital convergence and "technopolis" public-private partnerships.  http://theartofthefuture.squarespace.com/  Upon closer reading, one can find many similarities to the environments/locales that he uses as examples, and that of the greater Antelope Valley region.

Barstow Community College Opens Training Center; Partners with Excelsior Charter School

Barstow Community College has opened a new technical training center on State Street offering classes in "automotive and heavy equipment diesel mechanics, all levels of welding, landscaping, electrical and solar technology. By January the college hopes to start teaching construction and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning classes."  The college is also offering daytime sections accessible solely by students at the Barstow Excelsior Charter School campus; students can obtain a career/vocational certificate at the same time as their high school diploma through participation in the programs.  http://www.desertdispatch.com/news/opens-12045-training-vocational.html