Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

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Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Investing in Innovation Grants Now Available For Application

The US Department of Education has announced that the latest round of Investing in Innovation (i3) grants are available for the application process by local education agencies and non-profits in partnerships with local education agencies.  A Notice of Intent to apply is due by no later than 15 March 2012, and the simplified pre-application is due by no later than 9 April 2012.  The grant (funding up to $150 million total) includes categories for development (awards up to $3 million), validation (awards up to $15 million) , and scale-up (awards up to $25million), of innovative practices.  The grant proposals must address one of five absolute (mandatory) priorities, one of which involves STEM education, and one of five competitive priorities.

For more information and to access the forms, visit http://www2.ed.gov/programs/innovation/index.html.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Manufacturing Jobs Require White-Collar Skills, Offer Rewards

In an article in the National Journal, modern manufacturers note that the job trend has moved from standard blue-collar occupations to those requiring white-collar skills, including teamwork, the ability to operate computers and robotic tools, as well as initiative and ability to work without close supervision.  Many of the manufacturing jobs today require at least some post-secondary training, including industry certifications, if not an associate's degree or strong background in STEM subjects.  The rewards for such skills will be higher pay and better working conditions than traditionally found in factories, although the numbers of workers employed may be fewer than in the past.  http://www.nationaljournal.com/whitehouse/in-manufacturing-blue-collar-jobs-need-white-collar-training-20120226

In a related piece, CNNMoney notes that $100k salaried manufacturing positions are open and often unfilled due to a lack of skilled workers.  Despite perceived media depictions of manufacturing as taking place in derelict buildings, companies note that the jobs are high-tech, high-skilled, high-wage, with workers making $50k after a one- to two-year apprenticeship period, or high hourly wages, often reaching $100k within ten years of entry.  http://money.cnn.com/2012/02/27/smallbusiness/youth_manufacturing_jobs/

NASA "Discovery Dome-to-Go" Training on 3/1/12

NASA is offering training for formal/informal educators of students in grades 2-12 for use of the inflatable planetarium "Discovery Dome-to-Go" on Thursday, 1 March 2012, from 4:30 to 7:00pm PST at the AERO Institute in Palmdale.  Only a few spots remain open for this free training, which will provide materials and allow successful completers to check out the planetarium for lessons during the year.  For more information, please contact: Cheryl Craft at 661-276-5522 or email at cheryl.a.craft@nasa.gov

Monday, February 27, 2012

CSULB-AV Engineering Program Application Period Open Until 5/1/12

The Cal State University Long Beach - Antelope Valley Engineering Program is accepting applications for Fall 2012 enrollment through 1 May 2012.  Candidates may apply through http://www.csumentor.edu/ , then selecting Cal State Long Beach, then "Special Session Degree Program," and choosing either the electrical or mechanical engineering program specifically for the Antelope Valley campus. 

To learn more about this unique program, please visit http://www.ccpe.csulb.edu/splash/engineering/.

Any questions regarding the application process may be directed to Jill Williams at (661) 723-6429, ext. 103 or Jill.Williams@csulb.edu.

LACOE Offering Webinar on Next Generation Science Standards 2/28/12

Dean Gilbert and Gary Widdison from the Los Angeles County Office of Education will moderate a free webinar on the Next Generation Science Standards on 28 February 2012, from 3:30 to 4:30pm PST.  Topics to be addressed by the panelists include:  what are the standards; how they relate to the Common Core and other initiatives; why it is important to review and provide feedback on the draft standards.  To register for the session, go to http://tswebinars.lacoe.edu/ .

Washington Post Blogger Includes STEM in "Civic Marshall Plan" Proposal

Valerie Strauss of the Washington Post Conversations blog promotes the initiation of a "Civic Marshall Plan" (from the Grad Nation report by Civic Enterprises) for education reform.  In addition to the continuing emphasis on STEM education, Strauss believes that the following key components must be included for student mastery and global competitiveness:  global literacy; financial literacy; civic literacy; smart technology; early education; improved teacher training and implementation; equitable access to high quality teaching for all students, particularly those who are socio-economically disadvantaged; and increased attention to all 21st Century skills (critical thinking, etc.).  http://www.washingtonpost.com/conversations/us-schools-face-need-for-far-reaching-change/2012/02/20/gIQAVXJCWR_story.html

Scientific Research Class to Be Included in Thousand Oaks STEM Pathway

Thousand Oaks HS will feature its interdisciplinary college prep Scientific Research class as part of the new STEM Majors and Pathways program (also to be offered at other Conejo Valley Unified high schools).  AMGEN recently provided the class, currently taught by Dr. Nikki Malhotra, two $60,000 liquid chromatography machines to precisely identify chemical components of samples.  The students are preparing entries for the Ventura County Science Fair as part of their curriculum, ranging from chemistry and biology to music.  http://www.toacorn.com/news/2012-02-23/Schools/STEM_aims_to_show_students_how_science_applies_in_.html

Thursday, February 23, 2012

APWA Scholarship Applications Due by 3/15/12

The High Desert Branch of the American Public Works Association is offering at least five one-time $1,500 scholarships to graduating Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita, or Victor Valley, CA high school seniors or continuing college students who are pursuing careers in civil engineering or related fields.  Scholarships will be awarded based upon a combination of students' grade point average and financial need.  For more information and to obtain the application, visit http://www.apwahdsoca.com/scholarships.htm.  Applications are due by 15 March 2012.

"Maker Movement" Mobilizes in Mojave

To follow-up to the post here on 1 March 2011, The "Maker Movement" Working with STEM Education , Allison Gatlin reports in today's Antelope Valley Press that five local engineers from entities located at the Mojave Air and Spaceport have formed a collaborative "makerspace" or "hackerspace" for members to work on innovative designs and share common interests.  Their mission is to support the arts and STEM through outreach to surrounding communities.  For more information on the Mojave Makers, visit their wiki at http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Mojave_Makers .

Study Shows High Interest by Girls in STEM Careers

The recently-released "Generation STEM" report from the Girl Scout Research Institute shows that 74 percent of girls are interested in STEM subjects, and 82 percent see themselves as "smart enough" to have a career in them; conversely, only 13 percent say that they would choose to pursue such a career.  Some cite factors such as the "glass ceiling,"  requiring them to work harder than men in the profession in order to be taken seriously.  Girl Scouts has undertaken a number of initiatives to help spur STEM achievement by its members, using such things as the AT&T Imagine grant for funding.  http://blog.al.com/huntsville-times-business/2012/02/girl_scouts_help_increase_inte.html

In a related vein, Thomas Landers in NewsOK writes that recent studies show that early exposure and encouragement in STEM fields can double career interest in those areas.  http://newsok.com/early-motivation-leads-to-success-in-stem/article/3650967

Riverside Considering Addition of STEM Schools

Hyatt Elementary in Riverside has been proposed to house a STEM Academy for students through eighth grade, and eventually expanding to high school grades.  One advantage to the site is the proximity of UC Riverside, as well as the Box Springs Mountain preserve.  Board consideration is expected in early March.  http://www.pe.com/local-news/topics/topics-education-headlines/20120221-riverside-hyatt-elementary-proposed-for-stem-academy.ece  Additionally, REACH (Reaching Excellence in Academics through Community and Homeschool partnerships) Leadership Academy charter school's petition is being proposed for approval by the Riverside Unified School Board.  The charter is expected to focus on STEM and innovative practices.  Riverside teachers were among those who helped to draft the charter petition and plan.  http://www.pe.com/local-news/topics/topics-education-headlines/20120220-riverside-board-expected-to-grant-school-charter.ece

Friday, February 17, 2012

Academy Aimed at Training Students to Fill Aerospace Manufacturing Positions

Hawthorne High School's Academy of Manufacturing and Engineering, located near Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and Raytheon, among others, in the LA South Bay, has received a $16,000 grant from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) to obtain equipment to help train students in manufacturing and engineering skills needed by the employers and to begin an after-school program.  Students who are members of the academy, 85% of whom are considered at-risk, can work on a computerized machine in the metals shop and are enthusiastic about designing and creating new machines. 

Due to the greying work-force, there is concern that the next generation of skilled workers is not being prepared to enter these jobs.  South Bay manufacturer SpaceX currently has 200 open positions.  In addition to backing high-school programs, SME is funding a new reality show pilot called "Edge Factor."  http://www.scpr.org/programs/madeleine-brand/2012/02/16/22561/aerospace-manufacturing-jobs-are-here-skilled-work

CDE Seeking Math Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee Members; Math Resources

The California Department of Education is seeking applicants for the Math Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee to support changes due to alignment with the Common Core State Standards.  Nine to 20 members of the committee will be selected to include a balance of regions, mathematical content knowledge, and grade levels.  The committee will meet up to six times between September 2012 and February 2012.  The deadline to apply is 18 April 2012.  For more information, go to http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ma/cf/ 

Additional resource links have been posted on the California Common Core Standards page:  "Inside Mathematics" regarding innovative teaching practices (http://insidemathematics.org/), The Illustrative Mathematics Project illustrating the standards with teacher-reviewed projects ( ), and "Achieve the Core" with a host of free resources from the creators of the CCSS (http://www.achievethecore.org/).

"Powering the Digital Classroom: More Than Just Computers" Webinar on 3/28/12

A free webinar event on 28 March 2012 at 11:00am PST will be moderated by Thomas Greaves and Barbara Rudolph; entitled "Pwering the Digital Classroom:  More Than Just Computers," the session will cover the range from one-computer classrooms to classes where students bring their own devices or districts utilizing iPad initiatives, and how to leverage assets to achieve the greatest student results.  For more details and to register, visit http://timetoknow.eventbrite.com/.

2012 Kavli Science Video Contest Entries Due by 3/21/12

As a component of the 2012 USA Science and Engineering Festival, students in grades 6-12 may compete in the Kavli Science Video Contest, submitting 30- to 90-second videos on the theme "Save the World Through Science and Engineering."  The winner will receive $2,000 and a travel stipend to attend the Festival in Washington, DC 27-29 April 2012, where top submissions will be shown.  Entries are due by no later than 21 March 2012.  For further details, see http://www.usasciencefestival.org/2012festival/contests/kavli-video-contest.

"Empowering Students with Clickers" Webinar on 3/8/12

Eric Hartman, MS Digital Citizenship, from St. Anne School, will moderate a free webinar on 8 March 2012 at 11:00am PST on "Empowering Students with Clickers: Enhancing the Learning Environment with Student Response Systems."  The webinar will include information from his case study on how to integrate i>clicker into existing lessons and technology applications, overcoming common pitfalls, and increasing student engagement.  To register, go to http://iclicker.eventbrite.com/

Webinar on "Understanding the Culture of Poverty in the Classroom" Slated for 2/25/12

Ken Eaves, Dean of Workforce and Economic Development at Barstow Community College, will be moderating a two-part webinar series beginning 25 February 2012 from 10:00am to noon; the first session will be on "Understanding the Culture of Poverty in the Classroom," and is designed to assist faculty to understand how students react and learn, and how instructors can best respond.

To access this Perkins-sponsored CCC Confer session, call  (888) 886-3951 and enter the passcode 197795; the web portion will be displayed at http://www.cccconfer.org/ - find your meeting and click "Go."  For assistance, e-mail clientservices@cccconfer.org

California Math Council Conference 11/2-11/3/12 in Palm Springs

The California Math Council Southern Section will host its annual conference on 2-3 November 2012 in Palm Springs.  The theme will be "Building Student Mathematical Identity Through Common Core Practices."

For more information, visit http://www.cmc-math.org/activities/conferences.html

"Plane Crazy" At Mojave Airport With YAK-52 on 2/18/12

Scott Glaser, currently an engineer at The Spaceship Company in Mojave, will showcase his YAK-52 as part of the monthly "Plane Crazy" event at Mojave Air and Spaceport on 18 February 2012 from 10:00am to 2:00pm.  Admission to the event is free.  In addition to a fly-in display, there will be a presentation at 11:00am about the history and features of the YAK in the EKAD Boardroom.  http://mojaveairport.com/2012/02/02/plane-crazy-saturday-yak-feb-18/

AV Health Careers Fair Scheduled for 2/23/12

Antelope Valley College Health Science Division and AVUHSD/PHS Health Careers Academy are sponsoring a Health Careers Fair at Van Dam Pavilion, Antelope Valley Fairgrounds in Lancaster from 6:00 to 8:00pm on 23 February 2012.  Over twenty health care providers are slated to attend to provide career preparation information to 6th through 12th graders; financial aid and college information will also be available.

For more information, contact Tim Klein at tklein@avhsd.org or Angela Hefter at ahefter@avhsd.org .

For information on a 2/28/12 webinar on transitioning into and through health care careers, visit https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=registration.jsp&eventid=399390&sessionid=1&key=5C60A7E0B195240CC0990005EAE42549&sourcepage=register

President Proposes Additional Community College CTE Funds

The President recently announced a proposal to add $8 billion in funding for a Community College to Career Fund for career-technical training partnering with business, focusing on sectors such as clean energy, health care, and manufacturing.  There would also be a component for on-line and brick-and-mortar training for entrepreneurs.  Education Secretary Arne Duncan cited Nevada community colleges as a model for the program which provides local direction to meet immediate local workforce development needs. 

In additional budget provisions, the President proposed to infuse an additional $1 billion into high school career academies and other secondary CTE programs, plus additional money into Race to the Top for K-12 education, including making funding available to individual districts.  http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/13/us-usa-budget-education-idUSTRE81C1Z620120213

Friday, February 10, 2012

MEEC Announces "Key Issues" Scholarship Applications Due By 4/2/12

The Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC) has announced the availability of three full scholarships (including registration, airfare, and lodging) for core academic teachers of grades 5 through 8 to attend one of three sessions of the "Key Issues: Bringing Environmental Issues to the Classroom" symposium at the Keystone Education Center in Colorado in June or July 2012.  The scholarships are sponsored by the generosity of organizations such as the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District, Lockheed Martin - Palmdale, Boeing, Los Angeles County Sanitation District, and MEEC.  Applications must be received by MEEC by no later than 2 April 2012, and may be e-mailed to Violette Roberts at vroberts@mdaqmd.ca.gov , faxed to (760) 241-6271, or mailed to MEEC at 14306 Park Avenue, Victorville, CA  92392.

For more information about the Institute itself, visit http://www.keystone.org/cfe/pel/services/key-issues.  For information on the scholarships and to download the application, go to http://www.meeconline.com/2012-key-issues-scholarship-announcement/

"GOOD IS" Great American Teach-Off Award Nominating Deadline 2/20/12

If you know a wonderful, innovative teacher of grades 7 through 12, nominations are open through 20 February 2012 at "GOOD IS."  The University of Phoenix and GOOD are partnering to accept maximum 200-word nominating essays regarding great teachers; finalists, who will be announced on 5 March, will be asked to do video interviews, and on-line voting will take place to determine the winner, who will receive a $10,000 classroom grant.  To get more information, view rules, and to nominate a worthy candidate, visit http://www.good.is/great-american-teach-off/about

NASA "Wetland" Workshop Set For 3/17/12

NASA will be hosting a "Wetland Education through Maps and Aerial Photography" workshop at the Palmdale AERO Institute on Saturday, 17 March 2012, from 8:30am to 4:30pm.  This free session for middle and high school teachers will utilize Mono Lake as the tool for participants to employ the use of  
"aerial photography, airborne and satellite imagery, topographic maps, habitat maps, and other maps into classroom activities that explain changes caused by natural and human processes."  Materials supplied are aligned with national math, science, and geography standards.  For more information and to register (limited spots available), visit the AERO website at www.aeroi.org or contact Cheryl Craft at cheryl.a.craft@nasa.gov .

White House Science Fair Honors Student Achievement

According to the Voice of America, President Obama hosted the second annual White House Science Fair on Tuesday, 7 February 2012.  Akin to inviting Super Bowl champions to the "People's House," the President wanted to honor top teen winners in science fairs, such as Joe Hudy, a fourteen year-old business owner who has a compressed-air marshmallow cannon, and Jessica D'Esposito and her classmates who designed a lightweight disaster shelter.  In addition to requesting additional funding for preparing STEM educators (see earlier post), the President also used the science fair as a platform to explain the need for 1 million additional STEM graduates over the next 10 years.   http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/Obama-Promotes-Investment-in-Math-Science-Education-138867404.html

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Cement is Not Concrete" Workshop on 3/22/12

Cal Portland Cement is hosting a return of the popular "Cement is Not Concrete" teacher workshop on 22 March 2012 in Mojave.  This free session (which includes dinner, a tour of the site's wind turbines, and standards-based curriculum resources) will provide information about specific minerals and rocks and their characteristics.  Space is limited to the first 20 teachers (only!) who register with Christie Robinson at christier@mdaqmd.ca.gov or by phone at 760.245.1661 x 6101.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

President Announces Funding Plan to Train STEM Educators

As part of a White House science fair today, President Obama was scheduled to announce a plan to ask Congress to fund $80 million in Department of Education grants, plus allocating $22 million from private entities (including universities, foundations, and businesses) for math and science teacher preparation programs.  This would help implement the 100k in 10 initiative discussed in previous State of the Union addresses.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obama-to-announce-100-million-plan-to-train-new-educators/2012/02/06/gIQA8krCvQ_story.html 

WEPAN Webinar on Implicit Bias On 2/23/12

WEPAN will host a free webinar entitled "Implicit Bias:  The Power of Automatic, Unintended Mindsets" on 23 February 2012, from 10:00 to 11:00am PST.  Dr. Fred Smyth from the University of Virginia will present information on the effects of implicit bias in STEM education, including choice of major, as well as strategies to overcome the condition.  For further information and to register, go to https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/662850201 .

Thursday, February 2, 2012

American Society for Engineering Education Conference Scheduled for 6/10-6/13/12

The annual conference of the American Society for Engineering Education will be held 10-13 June 2012 in San Antonio, Texas.  The theme for the event is "Spurring Big Ideas in Education," and will include over 400 technical sessions, professional paper presentations, distinguished lectures, and plenary sessions.  For further information and registration materials, visit http://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/conferences/annual-conference/2012 .

"Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day" Set for 2/23/12

As part of National Engineers' Week, Thursday, 23 February 2012, is set as "Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day."  The event, in its 11th year, is designed to show girls how collaborative and creative the engineering profession can be.  Many events are scheduled nationwide to commemorate the day, and materials are available for local celebrations.  For more details, visit http://www.eweek.org/EngineersWeek/Introduce.aspx

Update on 2/27/12:  Jim Haynes, Project Lead the Way teacher at Highland HS in Palmdale, welcomed 59 young women who visited his five pre-engineering classes on 23 February as part of the "Introduce a Girl to Engineering Class" day.  This follows participation by approximately 20 young ladies included in the AV Higher Education Symposium engineering and "Focus Your Future" panels held on 11 February 2012 at the AVROP Center for Career Technical Education.

8th Annual Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering and Technology Scheduled for 3/5-3/10/12

For four hours daily over a six-day period from 5-10 March 2012, "women engineers from North and South America, China, India, the Middle East, Africa, the U.K. and Europe will discuss critical topics of the profession—from how to engage girls and young women to consider engineering careers, advice on career paths and achieving life-work balance, to the benefits of networking and much more."  The 8th annual Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering and Technology is a free, virtual town-hall event focusing on "exploration and adventure with numerous activities at corporations, museums and technology centers around the globe," including webcasts, live chats, and telephone conversations for pre-college, university, and professional women.  The North American regional discussion, set for 5 March, will be led by Tricia Berry from the University of Texas at Austin's Women in Engineering Program.  For more information and to register for the event, visit http://www.eweek.org/EngineersWeek/GlobalMarathon.aspx?ContentID=264

NAPE/STEM Equity Professional Development Institute Begins 4/16/12

The NAPE/STEM Equity Professional Development Institute - "Access, Equity and Diversity:  We Have an APP for That," will be held 16-19 April 2012 in Arlington, Virginia.  Monica McManus, Lockheed Martin's Chief  Information Officer, is scheduled to speak.  Brenda Dann-Messier, Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education with the US Dept. of Education, and Jane Oates, Assistant Secretary for the Employment and Training Administration of the US Dept. of Labor, are also scheduled to participate in the associated Public Policy Day on 18 April.  Registration information can be located at http://beta.napequity.org/professional-development/2012-professional-development-institute/ .

NAPE To Webcast "Is the US Producing Enough STEM-Capable Students?" on 2/21/12; Career Trailblazers Feature on Future Employment Prospects

The NAPE STEM Equity Pipeline is offering a webinar (using Adobe Connect) entitled "Is the US Producing Enough STEM-Capable Students?" on Tuesday, 21 February 2012, at 9:00am PST.  Dr. Nicole Smith, a Research Professor and Senior Economist at the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, will be providing information regarding STEM knowledge, skills and abilities, data on the demographics and losses of STEM students and workers, as well as wage differentials between STEM and non-STEM careers.  To register, go to http://www.stemequitypipeline.org/registration/WebinarRegistration20120221.aspx

In a related item, the CTE Trailblazers magazine provides information on future employment prospects through 2018 by career cluster, including STEM areas.  The feature also provides downloadable reports.  http://ctetrailblazers.blogspot.com/2012/01/career-cluster-predictions-employment.html

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

8th Annual Intermediate Space Challenge Fly-Off Set for 5/22/12

The eighth annual Intermediate Space Challenge rocketry fly-off is scheduled for 22 May 2012 at the Mojave Air and Spaceport.  Local elementary/middle school students participate in academic preparation, including an essay writing competition, rocket design and decoration, and other activities throughout the school year before the launch.  Awards are given for specific categories within the competition.  For more information about this nationally-recognized event, contact Marie Walker at Fiberset in Mojave, California.

Happy CTE Month 2012!

Knight High PLTW students work with wind tunnel
February is the annual commemoration of CTE (Career and Technical Education) Month around the US.  This year's theme is "Careers Through Education." Among other observances in the Antelope Valley, local field representatives from the offices of Congressman Buck McKeon (Jeff McElfresh), California Senator Sharon Runner (Lisa Moulton), Assemblyman Steve Knight (Sarah Tyndall), AVUHSD Board of Trustees President Donita Winn, AVUHSD Superintendent Dr. David Vierra, and other members of the business and education communities, visited the Falcon Academy of Sustainable Technologies (FAST) Academy and Health Careers Academy at Palmdale High School, as well as the Digital Design and Engineering Academy at Knight High School recently. 

PHS FAST students work in construction lab

Members of the Pasadena Educational Foundation are also scheduled to visit pre-engineering programs at Discovery School in the Lancaster School District as part of a presentation on the AV STEM pathways in grades K-20 later this week.

Pasadena Ed Fdn. and others visit Discovery School

The AV Higher Education Consortium and AVUHSD will be hosting a Parent and Student Symposium on 11 February from 8:00am to 1:00pm, including sessions on a variety of subjects including STEM-related careers and speakers.

Both Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman will be providing industry speakers to local classrooms during Engineering Week, 20-24 February.

The Antelope Valley Board of Trade is hosting its annual Business Outlook Conference on 24 February at the AV Fairgrounds, with Earvin "Magic" Johnson (boxing great "Sugar Ray" Leonard is now scheduled to speak, due to a conflict with the NBA All-Star Weekend) acting as the keynote speaker.  Local high school career academies will be having table displays regarding their programs.

Congratulations to all of the CTE educators, administrators, and industry partners in the Greater AV for being part of our celebrations!

For more information on CTE month around the US, visit http://www.acteonline.org/ctemonth.aspx#Challenge . 

"Mojave Maxine" Turtle Emergence Contest Open

Any K-12 student in 9 Southern California counties, including Los Angeles, Kern, and San Bernardino, can participate in the "Mojave Maxine Emergence Contest" to predict when the desert tortoise will emerge from her burrow for the first time in 2012.  Similar to the groundhog "Punxatawny Phil," Maxine, a desert tortoise which lives at the Living Desert Zoo in Palm Desert, tends to emerge with warmer weather and longer days. 

Students may enter one time in the contest.  Winners (with the closest date/time to her actual emergence from her burrow) will win a $50 gift certificate, a Federal Lands Pass, a visit from Maxine, Mojave Maxine t-shirts for their class, and a $100 gift certificate for their teacher.

For more information on the contest and to enter, visit http://www.mojavedata.gov/contest/.

MEEC Teacher of the Year, Student of the Year, and Environmental/Engineering Scholarship Application Period Closes 4/6 and 4/20/12

The Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC) is once again offering recognition (including cash and/or gift cards and plaques) for outstanding High Desert (Victorville and Palmdale/Lancaster areas) teachers and students, as well as five $1,000 scholarships for high school seniors declaring college majors in environmental science or engineering fields of study.  One Teacher of the Year, two Teachers of Excellence, and up to ten Students of the Year will be awarded.

Applications are due to Christie Robinson at MEEC by no later than 6 April 2012 (deadline extended for Teacher of the Year and Student of the Year to 20 April 2012!).  For more information on eligibility requirements and to download the application forms, please visit:

http://www.meeconline.com/20102011-student-of-the-year-nominations-now-being-accepted/ or

STEM Focus Continued in 2012 State of the Union Address

President Obama has once again advanced the STEM agenda in the State of the Union address delivered on 24 January.  Building upon the "100K in 10" (100,000 new highly-qualified STEM teachers trained over the next 10 years - http://100kin10.org/) theme from the 2011 State of the Union, the President asked Congress to pass legislation which would re-train 2 million unemployed American workers to obtain STEM skills.   http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/stem-education/2012/01/25/obama-pushes-stem-in-state-of-the-union  In a follow-up story, during a town-hall social media conference held on 30 January, the President requested the resume of one long-unemployed semiconductor engineer whose wife participated, offering to circulate it to employers. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/obama-offers-circulate-resume-unemployeed-engineer-google-hangout-article-1.1014377?localLinksEnabled=false ]. 

To see the full text of the address, visit http://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/video/2012/01/25/2012-state-union-address-enhanced-version#transcript.