Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Monday, November 25, 2013

USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, DC 4/25-27/14 to Feature Mike Rowe

"Dirty Jobs" host Mike Rowe will host a MikeRoweWORKS Pavilion at the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, DC on 25-27 April 2014.  Expected to draw approximately 350,000 people at the only national science festival - which is designed to entice students by STEM - the pavilion will spotlight the numerous skilled trade and technical careers available to young people.  Profoundly Disconnected - Rowe at USA Science and Engineering Festival

Google Code-In 2013 Open 11/18/13 to 1/5/14

Google Code-In allows pre-university students ages 13-17 to register, beginning 18 November 2013,  then complete one or more coding -related tasks to compete for prizes.  The tasks include coding, documentation, outreach/research, quality assurance, or user interface items; students receive 1 point for each task which is successfully completed, with a certificate being awarded for each, and a t-shirt for completing 3 tasks.  At the end of the contest period, each of 10 mentor organization can choose 2 grand prize winners who will then be eligible to receive a trip to Google's Mountain View campus, a tour, meet with engineers, and a fun day in San Francisco.  For more details and to register for the competition, which ends 5 January 2014, visit Google Code-In 2013

STEM Makes a Difference in Children's Lives

First Book, in partnership with Lockheed Martin, has recently published an infographic that shows how STEM can make a difference in children's lives, and consequently fill a projected 8 million STEM jobs by 2018.  First Book Blog - STEM Infographic

STEM Education Makes a Difference in Children's Lives

#include Fellowships for Coding Begun by She++ at Stanford - Register by 12/11/13

She++, a coding outreach by Stanford University students, has expanded its #include fellowships for high school females outside of Palo Alto.  Students who register by no later than 11 December 2013 can be paired with a college advisor, and then will be expected to lead technology change in their neighborhoods through a Launch Kit.  They will also gain the opportunity to attend the #include Summit at Stanford 3-5 April 2014.  For more information, visit She++ Inspiring Women to Empower Computer Science .

Pinterest "Science Stuff"

 Here are a number of Pinterest boards for "science stuff" for all grade levels:  Science Stuff Pinterest Boards

GoldieBlox Commercial Goes Viral

A new commercial for GoldieBlox engineering toys for girls, featuring the Beastie Boys melody "Girls" is going viral.  Pointing up that girls are "not just princesses," the commercial shows girls creating a Rube Goldberg device.  GoldieBlox Princess Machine  Founded by Debbie Sterling, GoldieBlox was designed to get more girls interested in STEM careers.  The music video is currently a finalist for a Super Bowl commercial spot.  GoldieBlox Video Demands Change - Huffington Post

Lake Arrowhead School Hosts Boat Challenge

As reported in the Mountain News, students from Valley of Enchantment Elementary School in Lake Arrowhead recently held a boat-building challenge for 5th grade students.  Using only duct tape, PVC pipe and 2-litre plastic bottles, students were required to design and build "boats" that would carry their teachers, using paddles, in what turned out to be the very chilly waters of Lake Gregory on 6 November 2013.  Ten boats were in the competition, attended by students and about 40 parents cheering them on.  Due to the continuing success of the event, the school hopes to expand it to other classes next year.  VOE 5th Graders Float Their Boats

AV Science Olympiad Training Schedule for 1/25/14

UPDATE:  Due to a water main break at AVC on 12/13, this training is being re-scheduled for 25 January 2014.  Training will be offered on Saturday, 14 December 2013, at Antelope Valley College for teams competing in the AV Science Olympiad, Divisions B and C.

The schedule for the training is as follows:

8-11 a.m.
Division B: Robo-Cross, Wheeled Vehicle and Rotor Egg Drop
Division C: Scrambler, MagLev and Bungee Drop
11 a.m.-12 p.m. Open Lab both divisions

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience seating is limited. 


 REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS December 6  or until event is full. 

 For more information, contact the office at Aerospace Valley Regional Science Olympiad, 661 722 6300 x6024

CCSS Standards of Math Practice Train-the-Trainers PD on 1/27-28/14

The California Math Project, in partnership with CDE, will be offering a training session for those who will lead math professional development regarding the new Common Core Standards of Math Practice.  The two-day session, which will cost $200, will be held on 27-28 January 2014 at the DoubleTree at Ontario.  For further information and to register, visit Standards of Math Practice Professional Learning Module Training .

California STEM Symposium a Premier Event

Approximately 2,500 people gathered in Sacramento on 18-19 November 2013 for the first California STEM Symposium.  Keynote speakers included such notables as Sugata Mitra, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Geena Davis, Kenneth Wesson, and retired astronaut Jose Hernandez.  State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson and Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla also addressed the crowd, as did students Laura Gouillon and Thomas Suarez.  Deputy Superintendent Lupita Cortez Alcala served as mistress of ceremonies for the conference.  Nearly 150 breakout sessions were offered on a variety of STEM topics, including a presentation on early childhood STEM Success by Stephanie Lester of Lancaster School District, and roundtable presentations on K-8 STEM outreach by Andy Glatfelter of Discovery School in Lancaster, and by Joel Beckmann (National Defendse Eduction Program) and Diane Walker (AVUHSD) on Creating and Expanding Vibrant STEM Pathways.  SacBee NBA Great Promotes STEM Education

Astronaut Jose Hernandez speaks of his journey
to become a Mission Specialist on STS128

Sugata Mitra explains how Schools in the
Cloud have become a reality in rural India

Friday, November 8, 2013

US Student Math Scores Still Lagging

The Nation's Report Card issued yesterday (11-7-13) shows only modest gains for US students in math over scores reported in 2011, as well as a persistence of the achievement gap for students of color.  Forty-two percent (42%) of fourth graders, and 35% of eighth graders tested at or above proficient in math, up 1-2 points since the last administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) two years ago.  There have been more significant gains since the test scores were tracked in the 1990's, with higher gains in math than reading.

"There was a 26-point gap . . . between how white and African American 4th graders performed on the math section. In eighth grade reading, white students outperformed Hispanic students by 21 points. 

"Among the other results:

"-More boys than girls scored at or above the proficient level for both grades in math. In reading, more girls than boys scored at or above that mark.

"-Twenty-five out of the 52 states or jurisdictions measured had a higher average score in 2013 than in 2011 in at least one subject and grade.

"-Five states had a lower score than two years ago in at least one subject and grade: Massachusetts, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Dakota.

"-Hispanic students were the only racial or ethnic group that saw improvements in math scores in both fourth and eighth grades; Asian/Pacific Islanders students had the highest percentage of students performing at or above the proficient level in both math and reading."
AP - "Not Good Enough: Math, Reading Scores Up Slightly"

Alternative Plan for Middle School Science Approved by California Board of Education

As reported by EdSource, in a move that surprised many, the California Department of Education introduced a proposal allowing districts to determine whether they would offer an integrated or separate method to teach middle school students the new Next Generation Science Standards.  Although the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, a former teacher, preferred the integrated method providing for some of each scientific discipline to be taught each year, based upon feedback from teachers, the State Board of Education approved the alternative plan  at its November 6-7, 2013 meetings.  The alternative plan was also supported by the Science Expert Panel convened by the CDE.  State board backs off integrated science standards in middle school 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Earthwatch Institute Ignite Student Science Award Applications Due by 12/9/13

Students in 10th or 11th grade in Los Angeles County are eligible to apply for one of 24 Ignite Science Awards.  Funded by the Durfee Foundation, successful applicants can participate in an all-expenses paid Earthwatch expedition.  In addition to the application, two teacher nomination letters are required.  Applications are due by no later than 9 December 2013.  For further information, visit Earthwatch Student Fellowships .

New Survey Shows 2- and 4-Year STEM Degrees In Demand

A recent survey of talent recruiters at Fortune 1000 companies released by Bayer indicates that holders of two-year STEM degrees are just as much in demand as those with four-year STEM degrees, and that the trend will continue for at least 10 years; half of the respondents said that two-year degree holders would be more in demand than four-year counterparts.  A majority of the recruiters noted that more STEM positions are being created than non-STEM positions, yet many remain unfilled due to a lack of qualified applicants and/or mismatched skill sets.  ACTE Policy Watch Blog: STEM in Demand

Science Standards Focus Group Members Sought - Applications Due by 12/2/13

The California Department of Education is seeking members of five focus groups relating to the drafting of frameworks for the Next Generation Science Standards adopted in September of 2013.  "Curriculum frameworks provide guidance to teachers, administrators, and parents on how a standards-based curriculum is implemented in the classroom."  Completed applications are due by no later than 3:00pm on 2 December 2013.  The application and further information is available at Curriculum Frameworks - Focus Group Applications .

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week to Focus on Coding for Students

In conjunction with code.org , Discovery School in Lancaster is planning activities to celebrate Computer Science Education Week for 9-13 December 2013.  Every student at the school will receive one hour of instruction in coding during the week, using projects such as Scratch and Alice.  Additionally, Lancaster School District IT Director Rebecca Cooksey will be giving STEM Academy students an overview of hardware, software and networking/server issues.  Teacher Mechelle Reynolds says, "I am passionate about [computer science], because I started coding in [high school] and I like to get the word out about how needy this field has become."

For more information about Computer Science Education Week, visit Computer Science Education Week 

MSET Hosts Tour of Local STEM School Programs for Community

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013, the Antelope Valley Math Science Engineering and Technology (MSET) Consortium, along with the Antelope Valley Board of Trade, Antelope Valley Union High School District, and Antelope Valley College, sponsored a tour of Palmdale STEM school programs for local community partners.  The tour visited Antelope Valley College's Palmdale Center, The Palmdale Aerospace Academy, Palmdale High School's FAST and Health Careers Academies, and Knight High School's Digital Design & Engineering Academy.  Approximately 35 government officials, business and industry, and education community members attended the event, which included presentations and a working lunch. The response from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with a call for future tours to be made available regularly to other local school programs.

California Senator Steve Knight joins community members touring The Palmdale Aerospace Academy

Students of the FAST Academy at Palmdale HS work on simple machines in their PLTW lab

Health Careers  Academy students at Palmdale HS learn about measuring injectible medications

Knight HS Digital Design & Engineering Academy Coordinator James Stockdale explains the MakerSpace to tour participants

Local AV Science Olympiad Training

Antelope Valley College and the Science Olympiad Committee are offering training sessions for both middle school and high school teams registered for the March 2014 event.  Following an initial training on a variety of Science Olympiad events held at Antelope Valley College on 19 October and at Joe Walker Middle School on 2 November 2013, sessions are scheduled to be held at AVC on 14 December 2013, 18 January 2014, and 8 February 2014.  Smaller sessions may also be held at area school sites.  For further information, contact Jamie Jones at AVC at hsistemcoop@gmail.com .  Additional information about the competition can be accessed at AV Science Olympiad .

10-19-13 Science Olympiad training at AVC

AV Science Olympiad Coaches' Meeting 9-11-13