Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Air Force Collaboratory" Project Designed to Draw Students to STEM Subjects

A new US Air Force recruitment/training initiative known as the "Air Force Collaboratory" was announced in the New York Times this week (Air Force Asks Students to Solve Real-World Problems ).  The program tasks students aged 16-24 to participate in an on-line platform where they will work with Air Force personnel on projects such as using rapid prototyping (3d printers) to develop search and rescue apparatus to locate missing persons, build quadrotors which operate with minimal human interaction, and targeting GPS coordinates for new satellites, with a view to attracting more qualified young people to STEM careers in the military.  To see the Collaboratory and to register to participate, go to https://collaboratory.airforce.com/

Friday, July 26, 2013

MIT Professors Develop Open Source Math and Science Videos for High School Students

As recently reported by the Kansas City Star (MIT Interactive Videos Get High), MIT professors Richard Larson and Elizabeth Murray have developed open source math and science videos designed to incorporate teacher interruptions to engage high school students in the subject matter.  With titles such as "How Do Mosquitos Fly in the Rain?," "The Case of the Stolen Painting: A Forensic Mystery," and "Measuring Distances in the Milky Way," most are in English, and some with English sub-titles, so that they can be used globally.  To access the videos through the MIT Blossoms Video Library, go to http://blossoms.mit.edu/videos.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Public Comment Sought on Math Materials Adoption - Due Date 8/27/13

The California Department of Education is seeking public comment on new grade K-8 math instructional materials for adoption in 2014.  Comments are to be received by 27 August 2013.  For more information, plus links to the student materials and a public comment template, visit 2014 Mathematics Instructional Materials Adoption (K-8) .

STEM In Sports Trivia Contest

As part of TimeWarner's "Connect A Million Minds" STEM campaign, Victor Cruz is partnering for a giveaway related to STEM in football.  To enter, follow both @TeamVic and @ConnectMinds and answer the tweeted trivia question on Monday, 29 July, using #STEMinSports in the reply for a chance to win autographed merchandise.

Here's an example of a question: 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Lexus EcoChallenge Open for STEM Team Registrations 9/2/13

Thanks to Samantha Murray at MEEC for this info:

The Lexus and Scholastic “Eco Challenge” offers $500,000 in grants and scholarships!

The Lexus Eco Challenge, designed by Lexus and Scholastic, is a nationwide education program and contest about the environment that empowers teens to create a better world. Middle and high school students, grades 6-12, across the country can participate in one or both of the two initial challenges addressing environmental issues related to land, water, air and climate. To participate in this STEM competition teams, comprised of 5-10 students and a teacher advisor, must: define an issue, make a plan to address the issue, implement the plan, and report on the results. Up to 16 teams in each challenge will win $10,000 in grants and scholarships. All the winning teams will be invited to participate in the Final Challenge for a chance to win one of two $30,000 grand prizes. In all, $500,000 in scholarships and grants will be awarded. 

 Registration for the first challenge (land/water) begins September 2, 2013 (deadline Oct. 7)

Registration for the second challenge (air/climate) begins October 14, 2013 (deadline Nov. 11)
Registration for the final challenge begins November 18, 2013 (deadline January 17).

For more information and a set of official rules, visit: http://lexus.scholastic.com/ 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Aerospace Education Services Project Teacher Webinars and Digital Badging

Penn State University, as part of the NASA Aerospace Education Service Project, is offering a series of free webinars for educators.  The topics range from remote sensing (July 16), to engineering design processes (multiple sessions in July and August) to Mission Mars, weather, and solar energy, among others.  For more information on webinar dates and how to connect, visit AESP Webinars .  Teachers who complete the webinars can receive certificates of completion.

NASA's AESP is also offering a digital badging program for completers of their professional development to include within on-line portfolios, along with feedback from master educators.  For details and to sign up, go to AESP Teacher Learning Journeys .

Monday, July 8, 2013

45 iPad Apps for Science Learning

Tripwire magazine has published a list of "45 Outstanding iPad Apps for Science Learrning," some of which are free and some of which require a fee to purchase.  Check out the article at 45 Outstanding iPad Apps for Science Learning.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

NASA To Offer Summer LEGO Robotics Workshops in the AV

NASA Dryden/AERO Institute and the Boys and Girls Clubs will offer two types of summer LEGO robotics workshops in the Antelope Valley in 2013: 
  1.  Middle school students (entering 4th through 8th grades) and their parents will be able to learn to build, program, and test/operate robots on a playing field after learning the history of robotics.  The three-hour workshops will be held at the AERO Institute, 38256 Sierra Highway, Palmdale, CA from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on July 13 (update - the 7/13 session will now be held from 9:00am to noon), 24, and 31.   To register for any of these student-based events, please call 661-276-7784 or email nicholas.pontius@aeroi.org by July 8, 2013, with the full names of participants, grade level for the students, email, phone number and number attending with the group.  LEGO kits and computers will be provided at the AERO for up to 10 teams.
  2. Middle school educators (formal and informal, including Boys & Girls Clubs, Scouts, libraries, etc.) are eligible to attend one workshop to be held on August 10, 2013 from 9am to 3pm at Joe Walker S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Academy, 5632 W. Avenue L-8, and Lancaster, CA 93536.  This workshop will be hosted by the Westside School District and will be presented by the Joe Walker Science Jets  at Joe Walker STEALTH Academy.  Please call 661-276-7784 or email nicholas.pontius@aeroi.org to register by July 26, providing your full name, email, phone number, and your school/organizational affiliation. There will be 10 teams with multiple adults on each team.
    If you have any questions about any of the workshops, call Cecilia Cordova, NASA, 661.276.3266 or email cecilia.f.cordova@nasa.gov.