Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

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Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

TEAMS Competition Open for Student Registration

The Technology Student Association has announced its 2013 "TEAMS" (Tests of Engineering Aptitude Math and Science) competition, themed "Engineering a Secure Cyberspace."  Middle school and high school students may compete at the state and national levels by solving real-world engineering problems modeled after the Grand Engineering Challenges.  The competition period is in February and March of 2013; finalists are eligible (at their own expense) to participate at the national summer competition in Orlando, Florida.  Monthly math challenges are also available for registered teams.  For more information, visit http://teams.tsaweb.org/ .

100 Women Leaders in STEM Publication Available

STEMConnector has published its "100 Women Leaders in STEM" which is now available as a pdf download from the web.  The profiles include women from business, industry, government and education at state and federal levels.  http://www.stemconnector.org/sites/default/files/100-Women-Leaders-in-STEM-WEB.pdf 

AV Math Council Meet and Greet 12/5/12 in Palmdale

The Antelope Valley Math Council is hosting a free "Meet and Greet" event revolving around a discussion of Common Core support of STEM-athematics Education from 4:00 to 6:00pm on Wednesday, 5 December 2012, at the Palmdale Conference Center, 1156 East Avenue "S," in Palmdale (ROP/CCTE building).  Come on out for pizza, fun and math.  Stay tuned for further details on the Spring AVMC Symposium scheduled for April 2013.    For more information, contact AVMathCouncil@gmail.com .

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Verizon Innovative App Challenge Entries Due By 1/18/13

Verizon is offering five middle schools and five high schools $10,000 each, as well as a Samsung tablet for each winning team member, for winning entries in its "Innovative App Challenge."  Teams of 5-10 students, working with a faculty advisor, must submit entries between 1 December 2012 and 18 January 2013, which "use their STEM knowledge, their ingenuity, and their creativity to come up with an original mobile app concept that incorporates STEM and addresses a need or problem in their school or community."  For more information about registration and how to enter the challenge, visit http://appchallenge.tsaweb.org/index.html 

40 Important Web Resources for Women in STEM

On-Line Universities has just published a list of "40 Important Online Resources for Women in STEM."  The list includes sites of many associations, as well as those with resources, materials and mentors.  To see the list, visit http://www.onlineuniversities.com/blog/2012/10/40-important-online-resources-women-stem/

Hip-Hop Artist and University Professor Teaming to Teach STEM Concepts

The New York Times reports that hip-hop artist GZA and Columbia professor Dr. Christopher Emdin are collaborating on a project with lyrics site Rap Genius to use hip-hop as a science teaching tool with African-American youth.  The pilot will be used in 10 NYC public schools, with the hope of changing the way teachers relate to students of color.  In other efforts, the Rap Genius site recently received a $15 million venture capital investment, and it hopes to expand into education; GZA consulted with MIT physicists on an album about the cosmos; and Dr. Emdin has written a book on urban science for the hip-hop generation.  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/18/nyregion/columbia-professor-and-gza-aim-to-help-teach-science-through-hip-hop.html?_r=0

National Research Council Publicizes Indicators for STEM Education Monitoring

The National Research Council recently released a report outlining a set of 14 key indicators for monitoring success of STEM education initiatives.  The report is intended to act as a framework for legislators and federal agencies to craft "national-level monitoring and reporting system."  Indicators include:  the amount of time devoted by elementary teachers to science instruction; the availability of district-adopted Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards aligned instructional materials; teacher STEM content knowledge; enrollment in available STEM-focused schools and programs; teacher participation in STEM-focused professional development; inclusion of science in state accountability systems; state and district support for science instruction; and federal funding for STEM-focused research.  http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2012/11/nrc_issues_report_on_tracking_.html  The full report can be accessed at http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13509

Grants to Foster STEM Learning

The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future has received a $95,000 grant from the Boeing Corporation to implement its "STEM Learning Studios" initiative in targeted Maryland school districts.  The STEM Learning Studios partner local scientists and engineers with inter-disciplinary teams of teachers on a campus who work together on a year-long investigative project involving a real-world problem with an aim to reach a solution.  A summit was held on 15 November with Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and education officials to engage more industry representatives in the initiative.  http://nctaf.org/featured-home/nctaf-receives-grant-from-boeing-to-implement-innovative-stem-teaching-initiative/

The US Department of Education recently announced the finalists in the 2012 Investing in Innovation (I3) grant competition.  Included among the top contenders are two STEM initiatives, both involving Project Lead the Way.  One is proposed by LEED Sacramento, and the other by Clark County Schools.  http://www2.ed.gov/programs/innovation/2012/applications.html  The final awards are expected to be announced by 31 December 2012.

SMART Competition Registration Open Until 1/18/13

The SMART Competition for high school student teams is open for registration now through 18 January 2013.  The competition involves the intelligent re-design of an existing school gym using efficient localized energy management principles using mentors.  Five deliverable components are required as part of the multi-disciplinary project judging, including:  1) a scale model;   2) a computer-generated animation of a fly-around; 3) a written Design, Innovation and Impact Report; 4) a team presentation; and 5)  a written proposal to education officials.  There is a $100 cost for teams to register for the competition (scholarships may be available).  Regional and national awards are provided to winners.  For more details and to register a team, visit the SMART Competition site  at http://www.smartcompetition.org/registration?tab=teams.

STEM/CTE Diploma Proposals Arising

Senator Charles Schumer has proposed two new CTE/STEM-focused high school diplomas to be issued within the State of New York in an effort to promote STEM-qualified students for high-tech manufacturing and other middle skill jobs within the state.  http://www.pressconnects.com/article/20121114/NEWS10/311140059/Schumer-pushes-new-diplomas-promote-high-tech-industries?odyssey=tab%7Ctopnews%7Ctext%7CFRONTPAGE&nclick_check=1

In a similar effort, the Spokane Valley schools are offering an alternative CTE diploma, requiring two fewer credits to be earned than the traditional high school diploma, as a means to reach students otherwise at-risk of dropping out.  http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2012/nov/03/education-option/ 

This appears to continues a trend from Arizona's Chandler Unified School District offering STEM diplomas, on which information was included in this blog approximately a year ago.  http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2011/12/arizona_high_school_to_offer_n.html

Monday, November 19, 2012

STEM Presentations at CALCP/CAROCP Fall Conference

Mimi Lufkin, Executive Director of the National Association for Partnerships in Equity, presented on 15 November 2012 at the CALCP/CAROCP [California Association of Leaders in Career Preparation and California Association of Regional Occupational Centers and Programs] Fall Conference in Rancho Mirage.  Her presentation explained the initiatives of the STEM Equity Pipeline toward increasing the numbers of under-represented populations within the STEM community. To view her presentation, visit http://www.napequity.org/nape-content/uploads/Lufkin.CAROP_.2012.pdf.

Joel Beckmann, Coordinator of the AV region National Defense Education Partnership grant, and Diane Walker of the AVUHSD also presented "Creating and Expanding Vibrant STEM Pathways" at the conference .  Please enjoy their presentation by following this link:

Creating and Expanding Vibrant STEM Pathways Presentation

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Arizona Science of Baseball Pilot Program

The University of Arizona is partnering with industry as well as local middle and high school students to begin a pilot program using baseball to engage students in physics and mathematics.  According to engineering professor Ricardo Valerdi, "The goal is to develop future scientists and engineers by establishing a connection among baseball and statistics, geometry, human performance, nutrition and other technical aspects of the game."  http://www.kvoa.com/news/new-ua-program-teaching-kids-stem-subjects-through-baseball/

SJSU Offers "Philosophy of Science" Course

Prof. Janet Stemwedel , a former physical chemist, is teaching a course in "Philosophy of Science" at San Jose State.  The course, which meets the upper-division general education requirement for science, focuses on the scientific method, the differences between science and pseudo-science, and the impact of scientific activities on humans, using specific scientific principles as examples for student exercises.  Professor Stemwedel hopes that the course may engage and reduce the science-anxiety of students who might otherwise be afraid of taking a "real" science course as part of their college curriculum.  http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/doing-good-science/2012/11/06/science-education-am-i-part-of-the-solution-or-part-of-the-problem/

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Engineering Pathway Orientation Meeting at AVC 11/19/12

Antelope Valley College and CSULB/AV - AV Engineering Program will present an orientation to the engineering pathway degree completion program on 19 November 2012, from 5:30 to 7:00pm at the AVC Boardroom (SSV151).  Sharon Delmage from the Palmdale Center will make a special presentation on the PATHEVO program.  http://www.avc.edu/stem/documents/EngPathwayFlyerNovPROOF2.pdf 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tehachapi Robotics Super Science Saturday 11/10/12

The second annual Tehachapi High School Robotics Club "Super Science Saturday" will be held on 10 November 2012 from noon to 6:00pm at the THS Cafeteria.  It will include hands-on displays, demonstrations and guest speakers; while the event is primarily geared towards elementary aged children, all are welcome.  Activities involve explosive chemistry, robotics, astronomy, quadrotors, engineering, gemology, and more.  Food is available for purchase.  For more information, contact Danielle Evansic at (661) 822-2130 or devansic@teh.k12.ca.us .

NASA "DEVELOP" Applications Due

NASA's DEVELOP internship program is accepting applications for high school, college, and graduate students to serve as interns at a variety of locations nation-wide and in Mexico, including NASA Ames in Northern California and JPL in Pasadena.  The program seeks "interns [to] lead research projects that focus on utilizing NASA Earth observations to address community concerns and public policy issues."  Applications for the upcoming spring term (28 Jan. - 5 April) are due by 15 November, and for summer 2013 (3 June - 9 August) are due by 4 February.  For more information, visit http://develop.larc.nasa.gov/about.html .

"Exploring Your Universe" at UCLA 11/10/12

UCLA and Astronomy Live! are hosting "Exploring Your Universe" at the UCLA campus, Court of Sciences and Kinsey Pavilion, on Saturday, 10 November 2012, from noon to 8:00pm.  The event (free admission, $11 parking on campus) will feature lectures, debates, displays, demonstrations, and telescope viewings, among other activities.  For more information, visit www.astro.ucla.edu/~outreach/eyu.html

"Tech Trekkers Explain Tech Trek" Event 11/10/12 at AVC

The AV branch of AAUW will be sponsoring a meeting featuring presentations by over a dozen recent "Tech Trekkers" about their summer camp experience on Saturday, 10 November 2012, from 9:30 to 11:00am in the Antelope Valley College Boardroom (SSV151).  The public is welcome to attend and hear more about Tech Trek, which is a one-week residential summer math/science camp for 7th grade public school young ladies; the girls are nominated by their teachers (current nominations due by 4 December 2012).  For more information, contact Connie Harney at connie.harney@verizon.net or 661.943.4231.