Dr. Yajaira Sierra-Sastre, an applicant for a new astronaut position, is working on several projects for NASA, including a four-month stint in a planetary module to simulate life on Mars, developing better astronaut cuisine, and working with the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) program. Dr. Sierra-Sastre, who is currently a lecturer at Cornell University and an outreach specialist to Puerto Rican school districts, was a panelist at the Latino Leadership's Latino Family Conference in Florida, with an aim at increasing the number of Latino and Hispanic students entering STEM fields. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2006 Hispanics received only 6 percent of STEM degrees, and 3.5 percent of master's degrees. http://nbclatino.com/2012/08/02/aspiring-puerto-rican-woman-astronaut-on-a-mission-to-inspire/
According to a recent "Excelencia in Education!" report, the majority of STEM degrees granted to Latinos come in six states, including Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada and Texas. Excelencia in Education "Finding Your Workforce" Report .
According to a recent "Excelencia in Education!" report, the majority of STEM degrees granted to Latinos come in six states, including Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada and Texas. Excelencia in Education "Finding Your Workforce" Report .
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