Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog

This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Connect a Million Minds Tagline

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Central Valley Construction Careers Event Set for 4/13/12

The Central Valley Construction Career Awareness Day is set to take place at the Fresno Fairgrounds on 13 April 2012.  Approximately 1,400 Fresno area high school students, CTE teachers, ROP coordinators, apprenticeship programs, and colleges will participate in hands-on activities showcasing construction and trades-related careers available in California.  The event is hosted by the Associated General Contractors of California, San Joaquin District, among many others.  http://www.thebusinessjournal.com/news/construction/1287-fresno-event-to-promote-construction-jobs

NASCAR Fuels STEM Skills

Approximately 600 Inland Empire middle school students attended an event at the NASCAR Auto Club Speedway event in Fontana on Friday, 26 March.  The San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, Alliance for Excellence, and other sponsors hosted activities where students used math to solve problems related to auto racing, including calculations of speed and distance.  Several exercises had students determine tire and car performance based upon surface conditions and gradient.  Professor David Brown from the automotive technology program at Citrus College in Glendora explained the types of math and science concepts necessary for auto technicians to perform successfully in modern shops.  http://www.pe.com/local-news/topics/topics-education-headlines/20120323-education-students-apply-math-science-to-racing.ece

Lucia Mar District Will Require Graduates to Choose Career Pathway

The Lucia Mar Unified School District (in the Santa Maria, CA area) will require graduates of Arroyo Grande and Nipomo high schools to take a freshman level career class and choose one of four career pathways in order to graduate beginning in 2016.  The four pathways will include:  college/university focus for those students planning on attending a four-year university out of high school; a college/career focus for those planning on attending a community college or taking ROP courses; a specialized program focus for those attending the local New Tech High School or pre-engineering IDEA Academy; or an individual program focus for those who choose a program focus and later change it.  While there is some remaining debate and discussion over the new programs (modeled after Santa Rosa), ROP Superintendent Jim Souza explains that the school board will consider pathways and curricular changes, as well as related changes at the middle school level over the next several months.  http://santamariatimes.com/news/local/education/district-to-require-career-pathways/article_3d58286e-73eb-11e1-8390-0019bb2963f4.html

TI Foundation Provides Grant to Create "STEM District"

The TI (Texas Instruments) Foundation and Educate Texas have provided up to $4.8 million in grant funding to the Lancaster Independent School District in North Texas to scale-up their STEM education efforts district-wide.  The goal is to provide comprehensive STEM education throughout all of the schools, which could then be replicated in other districts state-wide.  The efforts will focus on "Awareness at the elementary level, Exposure and Engagement at the middle school level and will lead to Experience and Articulation at the high school level."  It will also provide professional development for teachers, as well as for the design and implementation of high-quality, rigorous curricula using innovative strategies, partnering with higher education, resulting in choices for students and workforce development for local employers.  http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/texas-instruments-foundation-educate-texas-and-lancaster-isd-partner-to-create-a-stem-district-143649966.html

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

TweetUp on Women in STEM on 3/22/12

Join the US Department of Energy (@ENERGY) on Thursday, 22 March 2012, beginning at 11:30am PDT, for a TweetUp on the role of women in STEM.  Use the hashtag "#STEM" to ask experts how to advance the education and empowerment of women in STEM careers.  Among the panelists are Assistant Secretary Patricia Hoffman, Technology Transfer Coordinator Dr. Katrina Edmonds, and Congresswoman Eddie B. Johnson.  Questions may be submitted before or during the event to @Energy or via e-mail to diversity@hq.doe.gov .

For more information on the Twitter session, visit http://energy.gov/articles/got-questions-about-women-science-tech-engineering-or-math-stem-tweet-us

Monday, March 19, 2012

Local Robotics Awards

Congratulations to Lancaster High School Eagle Robotics Team 399 for earning the Quality Award by Motorola and the Website Award at the Utah Regional FIRST Robotics Competition held 15-17 March in Salt Lake City.  Team 399 also finished first in the standings with a record of 10-1-0.  http://www2.usfirst.org/2012comp/Events/UT/rankings.html

Eagle Robotics also won the Quality Award by Motorola at the San Diego Regional FIRST Competition 2-4 March, as well as being Regional Finalist #2 (5-4-0); Antelope Valley High's Robolopes Team 2339 were the Regional Finalist #3 at the San Diego Regional competition (4-6-0).  http://www2.usfirst.org/2012comp/events/SDC/rankings.html

The Cyberpenguins of Tehachapi High School will be competing at upcoming regionals.

SoCal Youth Places in Intel Science Talent Search

According to a report from Voice of America, Jack Li from El Segundo placed in the recent Intel Science Talent Search awarded in Washington, DC; Li developed an encapsulated enzyme delivery system for phenylketonuria with the assistance of mentors from UCLA.  A drug company has expressed interest in moving towards a commercial application of the system.

Nithin Tumma from Ft. Gratiot, Michigan won the annual competition with research on targeted, less debilitating breast cancer treatments.  He garnered a $100,000 prize after defending his entry to a panel of judges.  Another finalist, Marian Bechtel from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, engineered a seismo-acoustic detection system for buried landmines.  The finalists were also honored with a special visit to the White House and meeting with the President.  http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/Science-Competition-Honors-Young-Innovators-142920515.html

Members Sought for Math Curriculum Framework and and Evaluation Criteria Committee

The California Department of Education is recruiting members for the Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee to assist in revising the math framework to incorporate the Common Core State Standards for grades K-12.  Nine to twenty members will be appointed, seeking balanced representation in regions, math content, and grade-level experience.  Committee meetings will be scheduled between September of 2012 and June of 2013.

Applications are due by no later than 18 April 2012.  For more information, visit http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ma/cf/.

NASA Student Flight Mission Challenge NOI Letters Due by 4/16/12

NASA DFRC and JPL are providing an opportunity to educators of grades 7-9 to submit a proposal for student teams regarding improved earthquake monitoring through airborne science research platforms.  "Through this challenge, students will have the opportunity to investigate, evaluate, design and present a solution to a real-world problem that will expand our understanding of earthquakes at the global level. Students will form small mission teams to create multimedia presentations that suggest a site for a new earthquake science investigation."  Proposals will be reviewed by NASA teams, and winners will be invited to participate in the AREES 2012 Summer Academy.

Notice of Intent letters are due by 16 April 2012 and student team proposals are due by no later than 21 May 2012.

For more information, visit http://aeroi.org/node/58.

Lunar and Meteorite Disk Certification Workshop 3/28/12

NASA ERC is offering a free workshop for accredited teachers of grades K-12 on Lunar and Meteorite Disk Certification on 28 March 2012 from 4:30 to 6:30pm at The AERO Institute in Palmdale.  The session will cover subjects such as Earth in space and time, Earth structures, and Earth system patterns.

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.  For more information and to register, visit http://www.aeroi.org/ or contact Cheryl Craft at cheryl.a.craft@nasa.gov .

Bohn-Meyer Math Science Odyssey/Science Olympiad for Antelope Valley Beta Test - Respond by 3/30/12

NASA's Antelope Valley Education Team is proposing a beta test of Science Olympiad for Antelope Valley middle schools, with a ten-event competition to be held on Saturday, 12 May 2012, at Antelope Valley College.  A coach's orientation/training meeting is tentatively scheduled for 9 April 2012, either at AVC or the AERO Institute.  A minimum of twelve teams must commit to participate in order to hold the event.

For further information regarding registration and funding, please contact Russ Billings at russell.l.billings@nasa.gov .  Responses to participate must be received by no later than 4:00pm on 30 March 2012.

"Solar 101" Teacher Workshops Now Open for Registration

MEEC, through a generous grant from Boeing, will offer two free teacher workshops on "Solar 101" on 18 April in Victorville, and 16 May in Palmdale, both from 4:00 to 7:00pm PDT.  The workshops are designed to "present hands-on training sessions which provide you with the tools to enable your students to conduct scientific research on Solar energy sources, draw conclusions, and develop critical thinking skills while learning how to reach logical conclusions and solutions about our future energy usage."  Participants will receive free curriculum resources valued at over $100.

Registration is limited to 25 teachers at each workshop site, first-come, first-served.  To register, please call: Christie Robinson, MEEC Program Specialist at (760) 245-1661 x6101.

Clean Air Poster Contest Entries Due by 5/18/12

The 16th Annual Mojave Desert AQMD Clean Air Poster Contest is seeking entries from students aged 4 through 18.  The theme is "Clean Cars Drive Down Air Pollution."  Twelve winning posters (ages 4-7, 8-11, 12-18 categories) will be selected, with prizes ranging from a $100 savings bond for first place, $75 savings bond for second place, and $50 savings bond for third and fourth places.  Each entry will also be eligible for a drawing to win one of two bicycles.  Submissions must be received by 18 May 2012 at the MDAQMD in Victorville.

For more information, visit http://www.mdaqmd.ca.gov/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=3203 or call (760) 245-1661 ext 6104.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pizza, Pi, and Pucks Day

OK - if you know me at all, you know this is a story after my own heart . . .

In commemoration of "Pi Day" this week, the LA Kings Hockey Club teamed up with the Kings Alumni Association, Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems engineers, Toyota, and Pizza Hut to visit Madrona Middle School and provide students with the opportunity to combine math and hockey.  Students learned about "the perimeter of an NHL ice rink, radius of a puck, diameter of a faceoff circle and more.  The purpose of the program is to teach students how to apply math skills in a unique, fun setting."  Raytheon adopted the school in December as part of its STEM initiatives, as well as providing grants and computers.  http://kings.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=622228&cmpid=rss-News

The NHL, Anaheim Ducks, USAHockey, and the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana have also worked together on the interactive Science of Hockey exhibit, which had its one millionth visitor in October of 2011.  http://www.discoverycube.org/currentexhibits/scienceofhockey/.  NBC has also posted videos on the Science of Hockey (although some seem to be math content) at http://www.nbclearn.com/portal/site/learn/science-of-nhl-hockey; see also http://science360.gov/series/Science+of+NHL+Hockey/41c74cc3-2d9a-40f6-95c1-76c04834afce

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Wouldn't It Be Cool If . . . " Contest Submissions Due by 3/28/12

Aimed at youngsters between the ages of 10 and 15, TimeWarner's Connect a Million Minds and i.am FIRST are sponsoring a contest for young inventors/innovators called "Wouldn't It Be Cool If . . .."  Kids in age categories of 10-12 and 13-15 (individually or in teams of 2-3) can submit an idea of how a cool invention would better their community/world, and how math and science would make it work.  Expert panelists will select two finalists from each age group, who will then be invited to "pitch" their idea to Dean Kamen, will.i.am, and other guest judges at the FIRST championships in St. Louis, Missouri.  Voters can support a particular idea by clicking on the "awesome" button on its page (votes are one of four judging criteria).

Submissions are due by no later than 28 March 2012.

For more details, visit http://www.wouldntitbecoolif.com/about

SMaRT Education Group in SB and Riverside Counties Promotes Robotics

Liberty Naud, an Army veteran, mom, FIRST Lego League Director, FIRST Robotics mentor, Neighborhood Watch captain, and STEM advocate, founded SMaRT (Science Math and Robotic Technology) Education in the Coachella Valley and extending to other areas of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.  The non-profit group is dedicated to bringing hands-on technology to youngsters in the desert communities.  She was inspired by the reaction of kids who were empowered and filled with awe at their accomplishments in programming robots.  A wide variety of careers become available to students who learn the STEM skills:  "My favorite is the inventor/innovator/entrepreneur career route. For those not college-bound, welding is an excellent example of a very lucrative skill set learned on the robotics team. Then there are college engineering pathways like aerospace, mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering to name a few. Kids can be programmers, software, gaming, graphic arts/CAD (computer-aided design) designer, etc. There are business, marketing and accounting jobs for those team members who embraced running their robotics team like a small tech company. With more than $15 million in FIRST Robotics scholarship opportunities the career possibilities are endless!"

Naud invited everyone to attend the upcoming Long Beach regional FIRST Robotics competition beginning 15 March and continuing this weekend as a means to gain the same inspiration.  http://www.mydesert.com/article/20120312/OPINION01/203120331/Motivating-children-learn-through-robotics?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext%7CFrontpage%7Cp

Providing Tech Tools to Girls Helps STEM Choices

Weili Dai, co-founder of Marvell Technology Group, in a CNN op-ed piece, states that providing young girls access to tech devices, games, and toys will promote their choice of STEM careers.  Women, although still highly under-represented in technology majors and fields (less than 20% in the US STEM majors and similar numbers in the "decision-making" management level in Silicon Valley tech companies), are well-suited to "untangling complex problems, multitasking, seeing the possibilities in new solutions and winning team support for collaborative action" required in STEM fields.  Dai participated in the September 2011 San Francisco APEC Women in the Economy Summit with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Ambassador-at-Large for Women's Issues Melanne Verveer, and a panel of women leaders in education and research, government and public policy, social entrepreneurs, and business and technology.  http://www.edition.cnn.com/2012/03/07/business/weili-dai-women-geeks/index.html

Cloud Computing Generating Jobs

In a widely-reported study recently released by Microsoft and IDC, it is estimated that US jobs related to cloud computing will increase by approximately 66% by 2015 (14 million worldwide, with even greater growth in emerging economies).  Revenues related to cloud computing could also reach over $1 trillion by the same year.  The job increases are expected not only in IT companies building out cloud technologies, but also due to simplifying IT maintenance, allowing companies to expend resources on strategic projects.  Most of the jobs are expected in the fields of media and communications, manufacturing and banking.  http://www.informationweek.com/news/windows/microsoft_news/232601993

Monday, March 5, 2012

Informational Meetings on Academies of the Antelope Valley Set for 3/7 and 3/14

Two remaining informational meetings will be held regarding the new Academies of the Antelope Valley charter school of the AVUHSD.  On Wednesday, 7 March, at Highland High School in Palmdale, and on Wednesday, 14 March, at Eastside High School in Lancaster, both beginning at 6:00pm, AVUHSD will offer details to parents and students regarding the SOAR Prep Academy for 7th and 8th graders and the Virtual Academy for high school students beginning for fall semester 2012.  SOAR Prep Academy will provide the Project Lead the Way (c) Gateway to Technology pre-engineering courses as part of its curriculum.  For more information, visit http://avdistrict.org/academies , www.facebook.com/AAVCA , or e-mail at aav@avhsd.org .

Proposed Federal Budget Increases for STEM Education

John Holdren, of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, testified before the House Science, Space and Technology Committee on 17 February; he outlined the President's budget plan to increase overall federal STEM education funding by 2.6% above the current level, to $3 billion.  However, there are also plans to consolidate or eliminate 26 (unspecified) programs within 13 federal agencies which relate to STEM education.  http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2012/02/president_obamas_top_science_a.html?cmp=ENL-EU-NEWS2

In a related story, the General Accounting Office released a report regarding duplication of efforts in STEM education, and finds that a robust, five-year strategic plan is needed to better manage the overlapping programs.  Better assessment and review of outcomes was deemed necessary to determine the most effective programs, which can then be coordinated and guided.  http://gao.gov/products/GAO-12-108

"Mining Rocks" Student Essay Contest Entries Due by 3/29/12

Mitsubishi Cement and MEEC are sponsoring a student essay contest on the theme "Mining Rocks!"  The essay can involve research from books, the Internet and/or mine employees, addressing how mining affects modern society while being sensitive to environmental issues, through such questions as:  how do mines reclaim habitat after mining is completed; identify a local mine and how the "rocks" can determine its location; what mining techniques, processes, and equipment are used to turn "rocks" into products; and others.

Prizes are available at a variety of categories from Kindergarten, grades 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.  Essays may not exceed 250 words, and submissions are due to MEEC, 14306 Park Avenue, Victorville, CA 92302, by no later than 5:00pm on 29 March 2012.  There will be an award ceremony on 19 April 2012.  For more information on requirements and prizes, visit http://www.meeconline.com/essay-contest-mining-rocks/ .