On Monday, 9/26/11, the US Department of Labor awarded nearly $20 million in grant funding to 10 community colleges in Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, Tennessee, and Washington state, as part of a National STEM Consortium, to develop and implement one-year certificate programs in cybersecurity and other STEM fields. The certificate programs are to be replicable at other community colleges nation-wide. This is part of a $500 million grant package for training and workforce development along with the American Jobs Act. http://www.hometownannapolis.com/news/sch/2011/09/28-11/AACC-to-lead-20M-tech-jobs-project.html
Information about STEM activities in the Antelope Valley and links to STEM resources.
Welcome to the AV STEM Center Blog
This blog will provide information about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics efforts within the Antelope Valley, as well as links to helpful STEM sites and info from beyond. Check back periodically for updates.
Connect a Million Minds Tagline
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Teacher/Counselor Tour at Rio Tinto Mining 10/19/11
Antelope Valley teachers, counselors, administrators, and board members are invited to attend a tour of Rio Tinto Mining in Boron sponsored by the AVCPC/MSET and EKERN on Wednesday, 19 October 2011, to garner career preparation information for their industry; the three-hour tour will begin promptly at 9:00am from the Rio Tinto Visitor Center (approximately 45 minute drive from Lancaster). Participants should wear pants and sturdy walking shoes (steel-toed, if possible). Hard hats, eye protection, water, and lunch will be provided.
Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis, with a deadline of no later than 10 October 2011. Please provide your first and last name and school affiliation to Bob Johnstone at either bjohnstone@cityoflancasterca.org or 661.723.6103.
Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis, with a deadline of no later than 10 October 2011. Please provide your first and last name and school affiliation to Bob Johnstone at either bjohnstone@cityoflancasterca.org or 661.723.6103.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Free Wind Energy Science & Engineering Workshop 10/13/11
The State Center Consortium is hosting a free Wind Energy Science & Engineering workshop for science and CTE teachers of 6th to 12th grade students in Clovis on Thursday, 13 October 2011. Participants will learn the basic principles of wind energy and how to teach it in the classroom, plus receive free wind turbine kits. Registration is open until 10 October 2011 at http://goo.gl/fNe4m.
New Policy to Promote Career-Life Balance for Scientists
On 26 September 2011, the White House Council on Women and Girls Executive Director Tina Tchen, joined by Office of Science and Technology Policy Director John P. Holdren and NSF Director Subra Suresh, announced the NSF ten-year "NSF Career-Life Balance" initiative to support research scientists and their families. Included among the policy proposal for targeted flexibility is to allow grant funding to be delayed for up to a year for a new child or other family obligations. First Lady Michelle Obama supports the initiative as a way to clear hurdles for women to enter and stay in STEM careers. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/helping-women-reach-their-economic-potential/2011/09/25/gIQA1dODxK_story.html
*CANCELED* - NASA/AERO Institute Offers Earth Science Workshop 10/3/11
DUE TO LOW RESPONSE - THIS WORKSHOP WAS CANCELED ON 9/29. PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THE HYDROPONICS WORKSHOP ON 11/8. The Educator Resource Center at the Palmdale NASA/AERO Institute is hosting a workshop on earth science for teachers of grades 2-8 on Monday, 3 October 2011, from 4:30 to 6:00pm. Participants will receive a free earth science educator's kit, along with a variety of techniques to use in classrooms. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis; to register, go to http://www.aeroinstitute.org/ under the "enroll" tab. For more information, contact Sara Cutts at sara.cutts@nasa.gov .
YELC Application Deadline 11/30/11
The Antelope Valley region Youth Environmental Leadership Conference (YELC), hosted by the Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC), for AV student teams in grades 3 through 12, will be held on Saturday, 21 January 2012 at Mariposa Elementary in Lancaster (Victor Valley region event on 4 February 2012), from 9:00am to 3:00pm. The keynote presenter will be Joel Greene, host of the national television program, "Curiosity Quest." Applications and additional information about the event are available at http://www.meeconline.com/students/yelc/. Applications are due to Cindi Wray by no later than 30 November 2011.
Tech Trek Nominations Due 12/2/11
Science and math teachers of 7th grade young women in Antelope Valley public schools have the opportunity to nominate them to attend Tech Trek camps during the summer of 2012. At camp, the girls attend STEM classes, go on field trips, meet professional female role models, and more, all on a college campus. The American Association of University Women's AV Chapter selects students from nominees based upon the nomination, an application essay, and an interview. Each school may nominate up to three students. Nominations are due by 2 December 2011 to avtechtrek@gmail.com. For more information, contact AV Tech Trek Coordinator Connie Harney at the above e-mail or at 661-943-4231 or 661-400-1787.
"Understanding Gender Equity in STEM Education" On-line Course Available Beginning 10/5/11
The New Hampshire e-Learning for Educators Project and the STEM Equity Pipeline are partnering to offer a graduate-level on-line course entitled "Understanding Gender Equity in STEM Education" beginning 5 October 2011 and continuing through 22 November 2011. The course costs $130, with graduate credit available for an additional $520 fee. To obtain further information and to register, go to http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=996020 (Course BP-16; other offerings are available).
Free Webinar on Retaining Underrepresented Genders/Ethnicities in Undergraduate Engineering Programs on 10/6/11
STEM Equity Pipeline is sponsoring a free webinar to publish the results of a PACE study on recruiting and retaining more female and minority undergraduate engineering students on Thursday, 6 October 2011, from 9:00 to 10:00am PST, with Dr. Elizabeth Litzler from the University of Washington. "Join the webinar to learn about student experiences in engineering, understand how experiences could impact educational outcomes, and hear about some targeted interventions that can help retain underrepresented women. " To register for the webinar, go to https://www106.livemeeting.com/lrs/8001043798/Registration.aspx?pageName=gbh1bw8wd25sqgwv
STEM Service Learning Workshop on 10/11 or 10/25/11
The Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC), with generous sponsorship from Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, is hosting its first-ever, free STEM Service Learning Workshop for teachers in grades 3-12 from 4:30 to 7:30pm on 11 October 2011 (RSVP by 5 October) at Mariposa Elementary in Lancaster and 25 October 2011 (RSVP by 17 October) at the MDAQMD in Victorville. Attendees will be provided with tips and tools to organizing service learning projects to engage and extend the learning of their students, as well as environmental education curriculum, the opportunity to obtain a grant for their project, and free dinner! Participants will also be prepared to attend the Youth Environmental Leadership Conference in spring, with keynote Joel Greene of Curiosity Quest. A refundable $10 deposit is required to attend, along with the application. http://www.meeconline.com/science-technology-engineering-mathematics/. For additional info, contact Cindi Wray at MEEC (760) 245-1661.
As an example of such a project, consider the 2011California K-12 Schools Recycling Challenge running between 17 October and 12 November 2011, sponsored by "Keep California Beautiful." For more information on this project, contact Christine Flowers at 916-368-9301. Register at http://greencaschools.org/ .
As an example of such a project, consider the 2011
Science Fair Expo Hosted by RCOE on 10/29/11
The Riverside County Office of Education will host a Science Fair Expo for Riverside and San Bernardino County teachers and students on Saturday, 29 October 2011, from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the RCOE Conference Center, 3958 Twelfth St., Riverside. There will be several breakout sessions related to such topics as how to run a science fair, judging, good science projects, and preparing for the interview. Consultations with scientists will be available during the entire session. Parking space will be limited. For more information, contact Yamileth Shimojyo, Coordinator, Riverside County Office of Education, (951) 826-6304 or Rick Hall, Coordinator, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, (909) 386-2611.
NASA Hydroponics Workshop to be Held 11/8/11
NASA/AERO Institute will be holding a teacher workshop on hydroponics - growing plants without soil - covering a variety of disciplines. It will target grades 2-12, and will be held on 8 November 2011 from 4:30 to 6:00pm at the Educator Resource Center in Palmdale. For more information, contact Sara Cutts at sara.cutts@nasa.gov or at 661-276-3992.
Vernier/NSTA Technology Award Applications Due 11/30/11
The Vernier/National Science Teacher Association Technology Awards will provide seven (7) K-college science teachers $3,000 for the innovative use of data-collection technology using a graphing calculator, computer, or other handheld device in the science classroom. The award consists of $1,000 cash, $1,000 in Vernier products, and $1,000 towards expenses to attend the NSTA annual convention. Applications are due by 30 November 2011, and can be found with further details at http://www.vernier.com/grants/nsta/
Applied Technology Center HS Opens in Montebello
Montebello Unified School District opened a new $30 million Applied Technology Center high school for the 2011-2012 academic year; it features five academies: engineering; construction trades; health and human services; law and government; and hospitality and tourism. The principal of the new school is Trish Lockhart, formerly of Antelope Valley High School. http://www.whittierdailynews.com/news/ci_18838197
For a follow-up article on the community partnerships in place at the site, visit http://www.whittierdailynews.com/news/ci_18974538
For a follow-up article on the community partnerships in place at the site, visit http://www.whittierdailynews.com/news/ci_18974538
MEEC Desert Studies Workshop Scholarship Application Due 9/30/11
MEEC, through the generous sponsorship of Boeing, is holding its two-day Desert Studies Workshop in Joshua Tree National Park and Morongo Preserve on 22-23 October 2011. Fifteen (15) teacher scholarships are available to cover meals, lodging, transportation, curriculum, and an autographed book by the presenter, David Lamfrom. Applications are due by 30 September 2011. For more details and to obtain the application, visit http://www.meeconline.com/announcementapplication-for-2011-joshua-tree-desert-studies-scholarship/
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Engaging Students in Engineering Classrooms Webinar Set for 9/14/11
ENGAGE Project, ASEE, and NSF are sponsoring a free webinar on Wednesday, 14 September 2011, from 11:00 to 12:00 noon PDT, entitled "Engaging Students Using Everyday Engineering Examples in the Classroom." The session will be presented by Eann Peterson, Ph.D., among others. Participants will receive a complimentary .pdf with examples. To register, visit https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/581628881.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
NASDCTEc To Host GEF Webinar on Green Building Curriculum Project on 9/27/11
The Green Education Foundation will be holding a free webinar at 11:00 am PDT on 27 September 2011 regarding their new curriculum pilot projects for career-technical education, including a one-semester Green Building Course; the project targets 11th and 12th graders to learn about green building attributes and benefits, providing resources on how to improve the environmental efficiency of their own school buildings. "Topics covered include: sustainable sites, energy sources and conservation, water efficiency and indoor environmental quality as related to building construction, operation and maintenance." There will also be information provided on a new professional development resource for K-12 teachers on "Sustainability Education Concepts and Teaching Methods." http://blog.careertech.org/
To access the webinar, go to http://nasdcte.adobeconnect.com/r37lcw2zvl5/; no advance registration is required.
To access the webinar, go to http://nasdcte.adobeconnect.com/r37lcw2zvl5/; no advance registration is required.
Friday, September 2, 2011
MEEC Student Essay Contest Submissions Due 9/29/11
The first MEEC student essay competition, sponsored by Southern California Gas, deals with the theme “Powered by Natural Gas: Power for our Future?”. Students must, in 250 words or less, tell how they are currently using natural gas in their homes or businesses, and how it might be used in the future to reduce energy costs and pollution. Winners will receive gift cards for first, second, or third place. Kindergarten students may draw a picture with 2-3 sentences for their entry. Submissions are due to MEEC by no later than 5:00pm on 29 September 2011
Each essay MUST contain the author’s grade, school, and phone number to be considered. Submissions may be mailed or delivered to: MEEC, 14306 Park Ave., Victorville , CA 92392. Winners will be notified by phone & invited to attend the So. California Gas Company Essay Contest Presentation October 12, 2011 at the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District Office at 14306 Park Ave., Victorville.
For further information, please call Christie Robinson at: (760) 245-1661 ext 6101. All submissions become the property of MEEC and Southern California Gas Company.
"Science Buddies" Webinar Tour Offered On 9/14/11
The "Science Buddies" website will offer a webinar on Wednesday, 14 September 2011, from 3:30 to 4:30pm PDT. The session will provide a comprehensive guided tour of the resources and show how they and ideas can be used with your students. "We will also introduce a new set of video and computer game design resources, developed with support from the AMD Foundation, for classroom instruction and student exploration at home." All participants who complete a survey at the end of the session will be entered in a drawing to win one of three external hard drives. For more details and to register, visit https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/227047702
"Science Budddies" is listed in this blog's "Helpful STEM Links" section.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
ITEST Webinar on Bioscience Careers 9/20/11
ITEST STEM Learning Exchange is offering a public webinar on 20 September 2011 from noon to 1:00pm Pacific time on bioscience careers designed to provide guidance counselors and educators information to promote STEM career awareness. "The series features STEM professionals speaking about their fields of expertise, how they became interested in this career, and how their work contributes positively to society. The session will include recommendations for transferring these learnings to increase students’ engagement and motivation in STEM learning." For additional information and to register, visit http://learningtimesevents.org/itest/
NSF Studying If Women STEM Professors at Community Colleges Happier
An NSF study is focusing on the hypothesis that women professors in STEM fields are happier than their counterparts at four-year institutions of higher education. Initial findings revealed at the American Sociological Association's annual meeting in Las Vegas support the research question, citing parity in pay and despite heavier teaching loads. http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2011/08/23/study_finds_high_satisfaction_by_women_in_science_at_community_colleges
Different Math for Different Careers
Sol Garfunkel and David Mumford wrote in a recent op-ed for the New York Times that there is no one set of mathematical skills which will prepare all students for 21st Century careers. Rather, an applications-based, practical math curriculum would better serve the needs of all, while still providing valuable knowledge of abstract concepts and quantitative reasoning. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/25/opinion/how-to-fix-our-math-education.html?_r=1
HR378 Seeks Stronger Science Content in NCLB
Congress Members Biggert and Holt have introduced the House Resolution on Science Accountability (HR378 http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.RES.378: ) seeking strong consideration of science achievement in the re-authorization of "No Child Left Behind." The STEM Education Coalition is also asking for letters to members seeking support for the resolution. http://www.congressweb.com/cweb2/index.cfm/siteid/stemedcoalition/action/TakeAction.Contact/lettergroupid/6
LEGO (r) Smart Creativity Contest Period Open Until 10/14/11
LEGO (r) Education is sponsoring a contest to showcase how you use LEGOs to foster creativity, innovation, and hands-on learning. Entries must be 150 seconds or less,and on-line registration must occur by 14 October 2011. The first 8,000 entrants will receive a free Smart Kit and challenge card. For more information, visit http://aux.legoeducation.us/Forms/LEGOSmartContest.aspx.
Environmental Education Mini-Grant Applications Due by 11/15/11
MEEC is now offering teachers in the High Desert area of Southern California environmental education classroom mini-grants of approximately $100 to $500. "Interested teachers should submit a letter describing the proposed project and/or desired materials, the project/materials’ environmental component and how the project will address educational standards in one to two pages maximum. Letter must also contain a timeline for project implementation and a budget or cost breakout based on the applicant’s research of actual material costs, including shipping and handling, if applicable. Labor costs are not eligible for funding. Projects must be implemented/materials must be used in classrooms located in the High Desert portion of San Bernardino County , the Antelope Valley or the Palo Verde Valley of Riverside County. Applicants must also teach within these same jurisdictions.
"The application deadline is 15 November 2011. Proposals may be mailed to MEEC/EE School Mini-Grants, 14306 Park Ave, Victorville , CA 92392 , e-mailed to vroberts@mdaqmd.ca.gov or faxed to (760) 241-6271. For questions, contact MEEC Executive Board Chair Violette Roberts at (760) 245-1661 ext. 6104."
EnviroBus Bucks Grants Now Available Through MEEC
High Desert Teachers - do you have a field trip that you would like to implement for your students, but lack some funding to do so? If it has an environmental education focus, you may be eligible to receive "EnviroBusBucks" from the Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC). Transportation grants are available beginning 29 August 2011, and applications must be received by no later than 31 October 2011. For more information, visit http://www.meeconline.com/teachers/busbuck/.
MEEC Plans Teacher Workshops on Clean Air and Running on Renewables
The Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC) is planning two teacher workshops - one on "Clean Air Classrooms," and the second on "Running on Renewables." Each is limited to 25 teacher participants. "Clean Air Classroom" will be offered 22 September 2011 from 4-7:00pm at the Antelope Valley AQMD on Division Street in Lancaster, and "Running on Renewables" will be held on 13 October 2011, also from 4-7:00pm at the AVAQMD. Dinner will be provided.
A registration fee of $10 (refunded upon participation) must be paid in advance. To Register for a workshop or more information, please contact Christie Robinson , MEEC Program & STEM SL Specialist at (760) 245-1661 x 6101 or by email at: christier@mdaqmd.ca.gov Please mail your check to: MEEC, 14306 Park Ave, Victorville, CA 92392 (your check must be received prior to the workshop date to hold your registration)
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